
出版時間:2009-8  出版社:對外經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易大學出版社  作者:李玉萍 主編  頁數(shù):131  


  當今世界國際經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展相互影響、相互依賴、相互融合已成為不可否認的事實,任何國家想在經(jīng)濟方面快速、高效地取得進展,都必須走出國門,面向世界,將內(nèi)需和外需有機結(jié)合。因此,社會對能夠從事國際商務活動的職業(yè)人員的需求日益增加。在此背景下,英語學習已從單純的社會、文化方面的語言交流走向多元化,既熟悉國際商務又熟練掌握英語的高級復合型人才必將越來越受歡迎。熟練掌握商務英語,并且在商務活動中能夠靈活地運用商務英語處理問題是涉外商務人員必須具備的職業(yè)能力。而在商務英語教學所包含的聽、說、讀、寫、譯五項基本技能中,聽說是最基本、最實用的能力。隨著企事業(yè)單位和商貿(mào)公司以及個人面對面地與外商進行商務交際活動的機會越來越多,對商務英語聽說能力的培養(yǎng)已顯得日趨重要。商務英語聽說課程將商務理論實踐與英語語言技能有機結(jié)合,教學以學生自主學習為主導,強調(diào)實踐和解決問題的職業(yè)能力培養(yǎng),保證學生在校學習期間完成就業(yè)前的語言技能培訓,為就業(yè)做好充分的準備,打下堅實的語言和商務知識基礎。因此,該課程符合國務院關于高等職業(yè)教育注重培養(yǎng)學生職業(yè)能力和可持續(xù)發(fā)展能力的要求,是高等院校和職業(yè)院校涉外專業(yè)不可或缺的一門主干課程?;诖诵枨?,我們編寫了《商務英語聽說》這套教材?!  渡虅沼⒄Z聽說》是為培養(yǎng)高等院校和職業(yè)院校學生將英語與專業(yè)融合的能力而專門開設的復合型課程,旨在培養(yǎng)學生在各種商務環(huán)境下熟練運用英語語言的能力。本著“在英語中學習商務知識,在商務中運用英語語言”的宗旨,本套教材以中美兩家公司進行國際商務活動的全過程為線索貫串始終,真實地展示了國際商務活動的工作環(huán)節(jié),語言簡潔生動,商務知識全面、準確。我們在教材中為學生提供了在商務活動各環(huán)節(jié)中常見的典型的工作情景,讓學生有充分的機會將商務知識與技能以及語言知識與技巧融會貫通,為將來從事國際商務工作奠定堅實的基礎。




Programme 1  Meeting Foreign Business PartnersProgramme 2  Entertaining Business PartnersProgramme 3  Enquiry, Offer and Counter-offerProgramme 4  Acceptance and OrderProgramme 5  Payment and DeliveryProgramme 6  Packing and ShippingProgramme 7  Inspection and InsuranceProgramme 8  Signing a ContractTest 1Test 2Appendix Ⅰ  International Trade Terms(FOB, CFR, CIF)Appendix Ⅱ  International Economic OrganizationsAppendix Ⅲ  Related Websites參考書目


  all costs and charges relating to-the goods whilst in transit until their arrival at the portof destination, unless such costs and charges were for the sellers account under the contractof carriage; and unloading costs including lighterage and wharfage charges, unless such costs andcharges were for the sellers account under the contract of carriage; and all additional costs incurred if he fails to give notice in accordance with B7, for thegoods from the agreed date or the expiry date of the period fLxed for shipment, provided;however, that the goods have been duly appropriated to the contract, that is to say, clearlyset aside or otherwise identified as the contract goods; and where applicable, all duties, taxes and other charges as well as the costs of carryingout customs formalities payable upon import of the goods and, where necessary, for theirtransit through any country unless included within the cost of the contract of carriage.  A7 Notice the buyer  The seller must give the buyer sufficient notice that the goods have been delivered inaccordance with A4 as well as any other notice required in order to allow the buyer to takemeasures which are normally necessary to enable him t6 take the goods.  B7 Notice to the seller  The buyer must, whenever he is entitled to determine the time for shipping the goodsand/or the port of destination, give the seller sufficient notice thereof.  A8 Proof of delivery, transport document or equivalent electronic message  The seller must at his own expense provide the buyer without delay with the usualtransport document for the agreed port of destination. This document (for example anegotiable bill of lading, a non-negotiable sea waybill or an inland waterway document) mustcover the contract goods, be dated within the period agreed for shipment, enable the buyer toclaim the goods from the carder at the port of destination and, unless otherwise agreed,enable the buyer to sell the goods in transit by the transfer of the document to a subsequentbuyer (the negotiable bill of lading) or by notification to the carrier. When such a transportdocument is issued in several originals, a full set of originals must be presented to the buyer.  Where the seller and the buyer have agreed to communicate electronically, the documentreferred to in the preceding paragraphs may be replaced by an equivalent electronic datainterchange (EDI) message.



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