
出版時間:2009-9  出版社:馬士(March.R.) 對外經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易大學(xué)出版社 (2009-09出版)  作者:馬士  頁數(shù):171  


  International Team Negotiation a graduate course and also for undergraduates proven in China to successfully educate Chinese business students and managers.  Team negotiation is a powerful new concept in the study and application of NEGOTIATION practice. It is far superior to any training focused only on individual skills building.  A powerful negotiation method that fits perfectly with Asian collective society.  First developed by Professor Bob March during his 15 years in Japan as a professor, consultant and advisor.  Perfected from his 4 years teaching & training in China.  Professor March s TEAM NEGOTIATION METHOD is the clever Chinese collective approach for the future.




Section 1 What the Study of International Negotiation Does and Doesn't IncludeTeam Role Play No. 1 How Class Grades in This Course Are to Be DecidedSection 2 Selecting Your Team and LeaderNEGCOM Inventory Score TestSection 3 The Method for Forming the TeamsTeam Role Play No.2 Negotiation PreparationSection 4 Negotiation between Inexperienced or Untrained NegotiatorsTeam Role Play No.3 China Life Insurance CaseSection 5 Anticipating Outcomes in International NegotiationCase 1 Frazier Air Conditioning GlobalCase 2 Protecting GUANXI from GWAILOSection 6 The 8-Step Negotiation Preparation ProcessComprehensive Opening Statement (COS)Section 7 Culture Learning Lessons for the Chinese NegotiatorPreparation for Team Role Play No.4 Idelux Motors vs. PK CitySection 8 Full Session Role Play NegotiationTeam Role Play No.4 Idelux Motors vs. PK CitySection 9 Professional Skills for International NegotiatorsSection 10 More on Professional SkillsSection 11 Reviewing the Course and Understanding What Is Still to ComeSection 12 Team Role Play No.4 Motion Inc. vs. Precedent Computer Co.Section 13 Team Role Play No.5 Crude Oil Sale PricingSection 14 Team Role Play No.6-8 Vessel AcceptanceSection 15 Final Course ActivitiesLearning from Two Model Reports andSubmitting Your Own Final ReportsAppendicesI. Standard Instructions for Team Role Play Process and SkillsⅡ. Key Words and Terms Used in the Oil IndustryⅢ. Supplementary Team Role Play*Ⅳ. The Order of Negotiating Activities —— Expert's RankingBibliography


插圖:businessman with a wholesale stationery business, and strong ambitions to go far in nationalpolitics. When he heard about Miyauchi's story, he telephoned the chief negotiator and head ofthe Idelux overseas department, Mr. Haruyuki Yamano, in Japan. He asked to be allowed tovisit him in Nagoya to finalise the agreement to build the plant. He confidently assured Mr.Yamano that he could make an offer that would please Idelux Motors.He then had a meeting with the PK City councilors, and got their agreement to make animproved offer to Idelux. He decided to visit Nagoya together with EH. Zhu, and would taketo the meeting some people from the PK representative office in Tokyo.INSTRUCTIONS TO BOTH TEAMSBe sure to read the Appendix giving the Standard Instructions for conducting role plays.Prepare for the negotiation in Nagoya by adjourning to a private space or room.The Japanese team should understand its responsibilities —— planning, organizing, etiquette,etc. —— as host for the visit by Wang and Zhu.Wang should understand that he has made a promise to Yamano to make a (new) offer "thatwould please them".Yamano told Wang that his boss, Mr. Kunio Murata, a senior VP of Idelux Motors, may jointhe meeting with Wang and Zhu.PK City should work out quickly what kind of "culture" Idelux has, understand it, and adjusttheir thinking to fit with them.The members of the third team are to be observers of the negotiation, and are allowed to listenin to every discussion by the team members. Eventually they will each be expected tocomment on any aspect of the conduct of the negotiation, and any aspect of the negotiationbehavior of the teams and individual members. However, they are not allowed to talk with anyof the negotiation team members, until the negotiation is finished.





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