
出版時間:2006-1  出版社:海天出版社  作者:金龍魚出版社  頁數(shù):266  


  本書為“世界寓言精選”(英漢讀本)中的一本。寓言是當(dāng)今文學(xué)作品中最不可思議的一種體裁。它往往是利用一個饒有趣味的故事,來說明深刻的道理:它在激情中閃爍著理性的智慧光芒,在諷喻中又不乏幽默和情趣。通過這些寓意深長的故事,它能讓你多側(cè)面、多視角地去認識世界,認識社會,認識人生……本書,異彩繽紛的寓言故事,就會像流云一樣,把你帶到那精彩而又生動的故事世界里去。書中的每一個故事都附有插圖,逼真生動,可謂圖文并茂。對青少年而言具有啟迪思維,體會人生哲理與豐富學(xué)識的積極作用?!    妒澜缭⒀越?jīng)典叢書》概括了世界各國著名的寓言故事,其中有些寓言甚至可追溯到2500年前。  叢書中的寓言故事蘊涵著豐富的人生哲理與深刻的生活經(jīng)驗。這些故事都閃爍著璀璨的智慧光芒。它們有助于啟迪思維、激發(fā)創(chuàng)造潛能,同時對認識人生世相、明辨是非及體認人性的尊嚴與生命的真諦,也能發(fā)揮啟發(fā)性的積極作用。  本叢書共l0本,總共收錄了來自50多個國家及地區(qū)的逾500個精彩的寓言故事。每個故事都寄寓著不朽的道德價值與生活理念。


1 The Faithful Eagle忠誠的老鷹2 The War-horses Turning the Mill戰(zhàn)馬推磨3 A Silly Village Headman笨村長4 The Three Fish三條魚5 The Monkey That Could Not be Taught不聽勸導(dǎo)的猴子6 The Wolf,the Fox and the Tiger狼、狐貍和老虎7 A Pairof Shoes一雙鞋8 The Hung ry Wolf That Waited餓我狼的一夜9 The Unfriendly Swans不友善的天鵝]0 The Cave That Spoke會說話的洞穴11 The Jackal at the Ram Fight豺狗舔羊血12 The Lion and the Woodcutter獅子和樵夫13 Stopping Grief節(jié)哀14 The Three-yearold Man三歲的老人15 The Jackals Death豺狗之死16 The Three Robbers三個強盜17 The Lion and the Ram獅子和綿羊18 The Owls Children貓頭鷹的孩子19 It Tastes Delicious味道好極了20 The Donkey in the Tiger Skin披上虎皮的驢21 The Bold Hen Sparrow苦口婆心的母雀22 The Wedge—pulling Monkey猴子拔楔子23 The Judge and the Thief法官和小偷24 Whose Son is Better?誰的兒子好?25 The Singing Donkey驢要唱歌26 The Fisherman and the Sea漁民和大海27 False Advice錯誤的忠告28 The Jackal and the Camel豺和駱駝29 Dogs and Goats狗和羊30 The Donkey Thief偷驢賊31 Dreams of a Poor Man一個窮人的夢32 The Quarrelsome Quails愛吵架的鵪鶉33 The Wooden PilIar木樁子的故事34 Creep and Leap虱子和跳蚤35 TwO Ghosts and Three Treasures兩個鬼爭三樣寶物36 The Camels Trust Betrayed駱駝被出賣37 The Fou rth Fool第四個傻瓜38 The Lion and the Jackals急中生智39 Tiger Body with a Mouse Heart虎身鼠心40 How Supersmart Ate the Elephant豺狗吃大象41 The Contented Craftsmon手藝人的自滿42 The Maid Who Broke the Jar婢女破缸43 The Mice That Set the Elephants Free老鼠救大象44 Spot Gets Captured花鹿的遭遇45 Tall and Short高和矮46 The Jackals Power不自量力的豺狗47 The Tortoise and the Swans烏龜和天鵝48 Words of Caution良言值干金49 A Change of Name改名字50 Sowing Seeds from a Sedan Chair坐轎播種


  The War-horses Turning the Mill  Once upon a time, there was a king who trained many strong and powerful war-horses. The ruler of a neighbouring country, which had planned to conquer his land, gave up the idea when he heard that the king had a lot of good horses.  The king knew that his neighbour would not be declaring war on him, so what was the use of keeping the horses any more?  Thus he ordered that the eyes of the horses be covered and he sent the horses to turn the mills to earn more income for the country.  Some years later, the ruler of the neighbouring country had trained his army and horses to try and invade the kings country.  Now the king quickly ordered the war-horses to be sent to the battlefield to defend the country.  The warriors rode on the horses trying to charge at the enemies but the horses now only knew how to turn round and round on the same spot. After so many years of turning the mill, the war-horses had forgotten how to charge at their enemies. Their enemies very easily won the war.   戰(zhàn)馬推磨  從前,有個國王馴養(yǎng)了很多身強體壯的戰(zhàn)馬。鄰國本想侵占他的領(lǐng)土,卻聽說他有許多良好的戰(zhàn)馬,若打起仗來,難以獲勝,就放棄了侵占這個國家的念頭。  國王聽到敵國不戰(zhàn)自退的消息,很是高興。他想:“我馴養(yǎng)戰(zhàn)馬的目的,是為了抵抗敵國的侵略,現(xiàn)在敵國既然不敢侵略我國了,馴養(yǎng)這些戰(zhàn)馬還有什么用呢?  于是,國王便下令,把所有戰(zhàn)馬的眼睛蒙起來,讓它們挑起推磨的工作。這樣一來,戰(zhàn)馬不但可以自食其力,還可增加國家的收入?! 『髞?,戰(zhàn)馬推磨久了,便習(xí)慣于原地轉(zhuǎn)圈了?! ∵^了多年以后,鄰國兵強馬壯了,又來侵略他的領(lǐng)土。這時候,國王想起了戰(zhàn)馬的用處,立即下令,趕快把戰(zhàn)馬披掛上陣。  勇士們騎在戰(zhàn)馬上,列陣揮鞭向敵人沖殺,可惜這些戰(zhàn)馬由于常年來推磨碾米的緣故,到了戰(zhàn)場上只會在原地轉(zhuǎn)圈兒,卻不向前沖鋒。敵人見狀,一起沖殺過來,打敗了國王的軍隊。






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