
出版時間:2006-1  出版社:海天出版社  作者:金龍魚出版社  頁數(shù):216  




1 A Blessing in Disguise(Han Dynasty—Liu An)塞翁失馬(中國兩漢一劉安)2 Giving the Seedlings a Hand(Pre-Oin Period-Meng Ke)拔苗助長(中國先秦一孟軻)3 The OWl That I ntended to Move House(Han Dynasty—Liu Xiang)貓頭鷹搬家(中國兩漢一劉向)4 The Drunken Oranq—utans(Sui—Tang andTheFiveDynasties—PeiYan)猩猩好酒(中國隋唐五代一裴炎)5 The Frog in the ShallOWWell(Pre-Qin Period-Zhuang Zhou)井底之蛙(中國先泰一莊周)6 The Sca recrow(Han Dynasty—Liu An)稻草人(中國兩漢一劉安)7 Monkeys in Rebellion(Ming Dynasty—Liu Ji)群猴暴動(中國明朝一劉基)8 The Rabbit—hunter and His Wild Duck(Song Dynasty—Su Shi)野鴨子獵兔(中國宋朝一蘇軾)9 The Two Monks(Qing Dynasty—Peng Duanshu)兩個和尚(中國清朝一彭端淑)10 The Plague—stricken Zhao Family(Ming Dynasty—Liu Ji)趙人患鼠(中國明朝一劉基)11 The Mynah and the Cicada(Ming Dynasly-Zhuang Yuanchen)八哥與蟬(中國明朝一莊元臣)12 The Dilemma of a Snake-catcherfSui—Tang and The Five Dynasties—Liu Zongyuan)捕蛇人的苦衷(中國隋唐五代一柳宗元)13 The Magpie’S Nest(Han Dynasty—Liu An)失算的喜鵲(中國兩漢一劉安)14 The Hunter and His Bamboo Pipe(Sui—Tang and The Five Dynasties—Liu Zongyuan)吹竹管的獵人(中國隋唐五代一柳宗元)15 The Cat That Feared the Mice(Ming Dynasty—Song Lian)害十白老鼠的貓(中國明朝一宋濂)16 The Bachelor and the Rats(Ming Dynasty—Song Lian)焚鼠(中國明朝一宋濂)17 The Missing Axe(Pre—QinPeriod.LieZi)疑鄰?fù)蹈?中國先秦一《列子》)18 The Yu Player(Pre—Qin Period-Han Fei)濫竽充數(shù)(中國先秦一韓非)19 The Old Man and His Donkey(Qing Dynasty—Le Jun)老漢疼驢(中國清朝一樂鈞)20 The Hypocrite(Ming Dynasty—Zhao Nanxing)和尚放生(中國明朝一趙南星)21 The Fire(Han Dynasty—Ban Gu)火災(zāi)(中國兩漢一班固)22 The Cat’s Duel with the Rat(Qing Dynasty—Pu Songling)獅貓斗鼠(中國清朝一蒲松齡)23 Ostrich Logic(Pre—Qin Period—Lu Shi Chunqiu)掩耳盜鐘(中國先秦—《呂氏春秋》)24 Com passion for a Fawn(Han Dynasty—Liu Xiang)秦西巴釋鹿(中國兩漢一劉向)25 Buying Shoes(Pre—QinPeriod—HanFei)鄭人買履(中國先秦-韓非)26 The Mantis and the Cicada(Pre—Qin Period—Zhuang Zhou)螳螂捕蟬(中國先秦-莊周)27 The Guardian Swan Goose(Song Dynasty—Song Qi)雁奴(中國宋朝一宋祁)28 The Butcher and the Wolves(Qing Dynasty—Pu Songling)屠夫和狼(中國清朝一蒲松齡)29 The Man and the Beast(Ming Dynasty—Song Lian)人不如獸(中國明朝一宋濂)30 The Seagull and the Domestic Swallow(Qing Dynasty—Liu Xizai)海鷗與家燕(中國清朝一劉熙載)31 The Monk Wha Ate the Steamed BunsfSui—Tang and The Five Dynasties—Hou Bai)和尚吃蒸餅(中國隋唐五代-侯白)32 The Man and the Turtle (Song Dynasty—Yue Ke)再渡一次(中國宋朝一岳珂)33 More Threatening Than a Tiger(Han Dynasty—Dai Sheng)苛政猛于虎(中國兩漢一戴圣)34 The Magpies and the Mynahs(Ming Dynasty—Liu Ji)喜鵲與八哥(中國明朝一劉基)35 The Snipe and the Clam(Pre—Qin Period—Strategies of the Warring States)鷸蚌相爭(中國先秦-《戰(zhàn)國策》)36 The Spear and the Shield(Pre—Qin Period—Han Fei)自相矛盾(中國先秦一韓非)37 Waiting for a Windfall(Pre—Qin Period—Han Fei)守株待兔(中國先秦一韓非)38 Zeng Shen,the Murderer(Pre—Qin Period—Strategies of the Warring States)曾參殺人(中國先秦-《戰(zhàn)國策》)39 Burying the Douhle-headed Snake(Han Dynasty—Liu Xiang)埋兩頭蛇(中國兩漢一劉向)40 The King Who Loved Birds(Pre-Qin Period-Zhuang Zhou)魯王養(yǎng)烏(中國先秦-莊周)41 The Prime Minister Who Loved Eating Fish(Pre—QinPeriod—HanFei)愛吃魚的宰相(中國先泰一韓非)42 The Old Oil—pedlar(Song Dynasty-Ouyang Xiu)賣油翁(中國宋朝一歐陽修)43 Zi Han and the Jade(Pre—Qin Period—Chunqiu Zuo Shi Zhuan)一塊玉兩人得寶(中國先秦-《春秋左氏傳》)44 It Pays to Wait(Pre—Qin Period—Strategies of the Warring States)坐山觀虎斗(中國先秦-《戰(zhàn)國策》)45 The Rats of YlOna(Sui—Tang and The Five Dynasties—Liu Zongyuan)永州的老鼠(中國隋唐五代-柳宗元)46 Sharing the Carp(Fa Yuan Zhu Lin.Chapters on the Fools)分鯉(中國一《法苑珠林-愚戇篇》)47 The Natural Instincts of the Monkeys(Ming Dynasty—Liu Ji)猴子的本性(中國明朝-劉基)48 The Szechuan Chicken and the Crow(Ming Dynasty—Song Lian)蜀雞與烏鴉(中國明朝一宋濂)49 The Fastest Dog and the Most Cunning Rabbit(Pre—Qin Period-Strategies of the Warring States)疾犬與狡兔(中國先秦一《戰(zhàn)國策》)50 The Death Of the Male Pigeon(Qing Dynasty·Guan Tong)雄鴿之死(中國清朝一管同)51 Three at Dawn and Fourat Dusk(Pre—QinPeriod-LieZi)朝三暮四(中國先秦-《列子》)52 Learning a Style of Walking(Pre-Qin Period-Zhuang Zhou)邯鄲學步(中國先秦-莊周)53 In Awe of the FoxfPre—Qin Period—Strategies of the Warring States)狐假虎威(中國先秦-《戰(zhàn)國策》)54 Ginger Growing on Trees(Ming Dynasty—Jiang Yingke)樹上結(jié)姜(中國明朝-江盈科)55 The Cuttlefish’S Own Death Sentence(Song Dynasty—Su Shi)烏賊自誤(中國宋朝-蘇軾)56 A Tiger’S Show Of Gratitude(Wang Dang—Tang Yu Lin)老虎報恩(中國王讜-《唐語林》)


  A long time ago, a man in the state of Wei did not take a fancy to anything in the world, except keeping cats as pets. The man kept over a hundred cats which kept his house clear of mice. Even the rodents in his neighbourhood were not spared.  Soon due to a shortage of their favourite food supply, the cats ran all over the place, disturbing the country folks. The owner had no choice but to feed them with meat, day in and day out. The cats were happy with the meat supplied by their master, so they behaved themselves.  From then onwards, one generation after another of the cats were ignorant about mice. Whenever they felt hungry, sumptuous meat was just a meow away.After their meals, they just whiled away the time.  A scholars home in the Southern city was plagued by a pack of mice. The little creatures ran around nib-bling at things and making noise all day long, much to the annoyance of the scholar.  Once, a mouse fell into a vat. The scholar hurried to borrow a cat from the cat-loving man. Unfortunately,the cat he borrowed had never seen a mouse before.When the mouse in the vat pricked its ears up, stared with its protruding black eyes, flickered its crimson whiskers, and made those squeaking sounds, it looked like a monster to the cat. The cat wandered around the vat without any sign of wanting to catch the mouse. The scholar was so angry that he pushed the cat into the vat.The cat was very frightened and he could only shout at the mouse.  After some time, the mouse took the daring step of biting the cats leg which made the cat leap out of the vat.  古時候,衛(wèi)國有一個人,對世上所有的東西,都不怎么喜歡,卻只愛養(yǎng)貓?! ∝埵且圆妒忱鲜鬄樯膭游铩KB(yǎng)了一百多只貓,不但把家里的老鼠捕光了,連左鄰右合的老鼠也差不多捕盡了。  養(yǎng)的貓多了,家里和附近一帶的老鼠都被吃得一千二凈,貓便沒什么好吃的,就到處亂竄亂叫,鬧得家里一時一刻都難以安寧?! ∝埖闹魅酥缓觅I些肉給它們吃,每天都是如此。貓有肉吃,就不再鬧了,乖乖地和主人生活在一起?! ∵@樣一來,這些貓生下的子子孫孫,因為都是用肉喂養(yǎng)大的,竟然不知道世上還有老鼠這種動物,只要餓了就叫,一叫就能得到主人給的肉吃,吃飽了就悠閑自在,嬉戲玩耍?! ∧铣峭庥袀€讀書人很討厭老鼠,家里的老鼠成群結(jié)隊地東跳西竄,到處亂咬東西,又吱吱喳喳地吵個不停,鬧得這個讀書人厭煩不已?! ∮幸淮危恢焕鲜蟮暨M一個大缸里,讀書人趕緊到這戶養(yǎng)貓人家借了一只貓回來。那只貓從來就沒見過老鼠這種動物。當貓看見缸里的老鼠豎著兩只小耳朵,黑溜溜的眼珠向外突出,嘴邊上長著赤紅的硬胡子,并吱吱地叫個不停時,心想真是遇見了怪物。貓沿著缸沿兒走來走去,卻不敢跳下去捕捉。讀書人生氣了,把它推進缸中。貓害怕極了,對著老鼠大聲叫喚起來?! ∵^了好一會兒,老鼠也猜想它沒什么別的本事,就放肆地去咬它的腳。那貓用盡全身力氣,連蹦帶跳,從缸里跳了出來?! 56-59






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