Horrid Henry's Christmas Present 淘氣包亨利禮品書(shū)-圣誕節(jié)禮物 ISBN 9781444001419

出版時(shí)間:2010-10  出版社:Orion  作者:\"Horrid Henry Christmas Cracker\""  


  Includes 'Horrid Henry and the Abominable Snowman' and
'Horrid Henry's Christmas Cracker'.


  Francesca Simon spent her childhood on the beach in
California, and then went to Yale and Oxford Universities to study
medieval history and literature. She now lives in London with her
family. She has written over 45 books and won THE CHILDREN'S BOOK
OF THE YEAR in 2008 at the Galaxy British Book Awards for HORRID
HENRY AND THE ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN. Tony Ross is one of the most
popular and successful of all children's illustrators, with many
picture books to his name. He has also produced line drawings for
many fiction titles.



    Horrid Henry's Christmas Present 淘氣包亨利禮品書(shū)-圣誕節(jié)禮物 ISBN 9781444001419 PDF格式下載

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