
出版時間:2008-3  出版社:原子能出版社  作者:鐘平,王艦 主編  頁數:390  字數:400000  


耗時頗久,本書終成,實屬不易。每年都有很多參加文都考研精彩課堂的同學問我,除了真題之外,該如何選擇最貼近考研的英語復習資料?考研英語,閱讀為重,而閱讀之難,是大家普遍感受到的。為什么大多數同學都做不完考研英語的試卷?因為這些閱讀的文章都不是我們平時所能見到的文章。其難度、觀點的展開方式、用詞和表達等等,都具有十分特別的特征??v觀最近幾年的考研英語真題,不難發(fā)現以下一個事實:歷年考研英語閱讀理解文章的來源選擇是非常有規(guī)律的,每年的考研文章絕大多數來自英美國家的報刊雜志。根據這個規(guī)律,那么廣大考生在平時復習考研英語的時候j在選擇閱讀的材料上就有了很強的目的性,這樣對我們廣大考生來說也會起到事半功倍的效果。國外常見的報刊雜志按照類型進行歸類總結:1、經濟類文章主要來源:The Economist(經濟學家),Business Week(商業(yè)周刊),Wall Street Journal(華爾街雜志);2、科學技術類文章主要來源:Nature(自然),Discovery(探索),Science(科學),National Geographic(國家地理),Scienlic American(科學美國人),New Scientists(新科學家);3、社會生活以及文化類文章主要來源:Newsweek(新聞周刊),Time(時代周刊),U Is.News and World Report(美國新聞與世界報道),The Washington Post(華盛頓郵報),USA Today(今日美國),The Times(泰晤士報),The Guardian(衛(wèi)報),The World Report(世界報道),New York Post(紐約郵報);4、其他來源:Independent(獨立日報),International Herald Tribune(國際先驅論壇),Telegraph(英國電信日報)。在此,我們再次對歷年考研英語閱讀文章來源進行總結,發(fā)現規(guī)律:1、以5年內的國外報刊雜志文章為主:在絕大多數情況下,歷年考研真題的文章來源一般控制在過去的5年之內,即倘若要參加2011年考研的話,2011年的文章一般來自于2004年到2009年之間的報刊雜志上,當然歷史上也有少部分文章不受年份的限制。這時我們閱讀的范圍就小了很多。2、文章字數在450-600左右:我們在整理以上統(tǒng)計數據過程中,很容易發(fā)現歷年考研英語真題文章字數一般在350-500字之間,段落上一般控制在3到6個段落。由于考研命題組一般會對國外文章進行修改,所以說,符合以下條件的國外報刊雜志是我們選擇的目標:文章字數在450-650字,段落在3-7個,年份在近5年之內。這樣一來我們就把復習的范圍大大減小了。




上篇:考研英語歷年真題來源報刊閱讀霧戰(zhàn)模擬篇 Unit 1  1. A fuzzy picture    2. A matter of life and death  3. A meaty question  4. Aircraft emissions : The dirty sky  5. Behind the bleeding edge Unit 2  6. Behold, the bus of the future  7. Biometrics gets down to business  8. Bluetooth ' s quiet success  9. Buildings with minds of their own  10. Can coal be clean? Unit 3  11. Car retailing  12. Chain reaction  13. Declining populations:Incredible shrinking countries  14. Don' t shoot the messenger  15. Doughnut adjust your set Unit 4  16. On the move at last?  17. Every little fish  18. Evolutionary psychology : anger management  19. Fashion victim   20. Greedy guts?   Unit 5  21. When a visa becomes a headache  22. A vitamin a day may do more harm than good  23. Can stress actually be good for you?  24. Microsofi's slick new vista  25. Stop pandering on education Unit 6  26. All the world' s a stage  27. Finalists are in demand  28. Male jab to reduce cervical cancer  29. So what' s it all worth?  30. Stress and the City Unit 7  31. Time to stand up and blow your own trumpet  32. Study shows cost of birth defects  33. Don' t pay too much attention to pay  34.Health-care reform is in the air, but.  35. Hiring companies should show the love Unit 8  36. How to keep your team talking  37. IBM shrinks its Lenovo stake  38. In-car technology sharply accelerates  39. lnternct TV is finally a reality show  40. Meeting all the world' s tech needs下篇:考研英語歷年真題來源報刊閱讀能力拓展篇 Unit 9  41. The apples come together  42. The flavor of memories  43. The mystery of consciousness  44. Time travel in the brain  45. Venture capital's growing aspirations Unit 10  46. Who made your T-shirt  47. Air pollution .raises risk of heart disease in women  48. Best behaviour ……附錄 實戰(zhàn)模擬篇答案及解析


ALL, big ideas start life on the fringes of debate Very often it takes a shocking eventto move them into the mainstream. Until last year interest in climate change was es-poused mainly by scientists and green lobbyists——and the few politicians they had badg-ered into paying attention.  But since Hurricane Katrina, something seems to havechanged, particularly in America.There are plenty of anecdotal signs of change: Britain' s pro-business Tories haveturned green; A1 Gore is back in fashion in America. Companies are beginning to take ac-tion and encouraging governments to do the same. Europe already has an emissions trading system (ETS) for its five dirtiest industries. In America, although the Bush ad-ministration still resists federal legislation, more and more states do not. So far the political about global warming have centred on two polluters, smoggy factories and dirty cars. Next month the European Parliament will vote on whether to ex-tend its emissions-trading system to airlines. If it decides in favour, the whole industrywill feel the impact, for it will affect not just European airlines but all those that fly intoand out of the EU. Talk about this prospect soured the International Air Transport Asso-ciation' s annual meeting this week in Paris. But whatever happens in the EU, the air-lines look set to face vociferous demands that they should pay for their emissions. In some ways, the airlines are an odd target for greens. They produce only around3% of the world' s man-made carbon emissions. Surface transport, by contrast, pro-duces 22%. Europe' s merchant ships spew out around a third more carbon than aircraftdo, and nobody is going after them. And unlike cars——potent symbols of individualism——airlines are public transport, jamming in as many people as they can into each plane. What's more, many air travellers cannot easily switch. Car drivers can hop on thetrain or the bus, but transatlantic travellers can' t row from London to New York. Norcan aircraft fuel be swapped for a green alternative. Car drivers can buy electro-petrolhybrids but aircraft are, for now, stuck with kerosene, because its.energy-density makesit the only practical fuel to carry around in the air.






    2013考研英語歷年真題來源報刊閱讀100篇 PDF格式下載

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  •   拿到手覺得不錯,看了評價說與真題的思路差不多可以當練習練練!
  •   書還可以,只有一點點破,就是太慢了,差不多1個星期~
  •   我才發(fā)現這個上面帶題的閱讀只有40片
  •   書的質量比較差,側面看竟然還有毛邊,我看過領航考研的贈送的那本書,印刷質量比較好,但是要交100員報名費才免費贈送,單獨買要30元,或者根本不賣書的內容還可以
  •   雖然標識的是2011考研,可是沒有一篇文章是在2006年以后的。也就是說上面的閱讀基本上都是老的,out的。不是很建議大家買。
  •   我是沖著價格優(yōu)惠買的這本書,拿來一看有點失望,總體感覺只是一本很普通的閱讀書,沒什么吸引人的地方,不過用來練習還是可以的
  •   書中居然有20頁的缺頁,簡直不可理喻。
  •   從這本書對文都很失望,所選文章比較簡單,所列出來的單詞更是簡單,,,,真不明白這本書出出來是干嘛的。。紙張也不好~~~~~看了80多篇,實在不想看了,~~

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