
出版時(shí)間:2002-12  出版社:第1版 (2002年12月1日)  作者:侯艷  頁數(shù):501  字?jǐn)?shù):414000  


本教程共有話題訓(xùn)練30例,分屬于5個(gè)大的話題范圍,從Topic Area A到Topic Area E。例如:第一個(gè)話題范圍為Topic Area A:Academic Study,在這個(gè)話題范圍內(nèi)共有6例話題訓(xùn)練,細(xì)分為Topic 1至Topic 6。每一例話題訓(xùn)練均按口語考試大綱中樣題的體例設(shè)計(jì),30例話題為30個(gè)獨(dú)立的考試卷的形式(Paper)。每份試卷的右上角標(biāo)有話題范圍及具體話題,例如:第一份試卷上標(biāo)的Topic A-1表明這屬于話題范圍A部分的第一例話題。每一例話題均由三部分組成,即:Pant 1,Pant 2和Pant 3。緊接其后的是供考生作為個(gè)人陳述用的圖畫或卡片提示,圖畫與卡片提示一般按三人組設(shè)計(jì),也有供四人組用的提示。哪位考生用哪一幅圖或卡片均已標(biāo)明,考生設(shè)計(jì)為Candidate 1,Candidate 2,Candidate3(縮寫為C1,C2,C3),每一例話題訓(xùn)練后提供參考答案的考生與此處的考生是對(duì)應(yīng)的。
每例話題訓(xùn)練試卷后是Useful Words and Phrases,這些詞與詞組對(duì)本話題的練習(xí)很有用,也是參考答案中用到的詞和詞組。每例話題訓(xùn)練試卷中所有的問題、個(gè)人陳述、小組討論都提供了參考答案,即Reference Answers。


I.Topic Area A:Academic Study Topic 1:Study in the University          Reference Answers Topic 2:Study and Relaxation          Reference Answers Topic 3:A Qualified Teacher          Reference Answers Topic 4:A Qualified University Student          Reference Answers Topic 5:Learning English in China          Reference Answers Topic 6:Taking the Spoken English Test          Reference Answers II.Topic Area B:Campus Life Topic 7:Making Friends          Reference Answers Topic 8:Communicating with Friends          Reference Answers Topic 9:Part-Time Jobs          Reference Answers Topic 10:Hobbies and Interests          Reference Answers Topic 11:My Future Job          Reference Answers Topic 12:Students' High Expenses          Reference Answers Topic 13:Living on or off Campus          Reference Answers III.Topic Area C:Education Topic 14:How to Lighten Student's Load         Reference Answers Topic 15:Different Ways of Life         Reference Answers Topic 16:Sending Children to University         Reference Answers Topic 17:University Tuition         Reference Answers Topic 18:Studying Abroad         Reference Answers Topic 19:Education for All-Round Development         Reference Answers IV.Topic Area D:Human Beings and Naure V.Topic Area E:Changes in People's Life 附一:話題文章賞析 Topic-Based Reading Materials 附錄二:大學(xué)英語口語考試大綱及樣題簡(jiǎn)介


  Part 2(10 min utes)  Individual presentation:Describe the pictures and compare them.  C1:My pictures show that friends communicate with each other by talking and telephoning.Talking is the most common way of commumcation between iriends. When friends are in the same city or in the same place,they usually meet each other on weekends and have a heart—to—heart talk.  In the first picture,we see two girls talking to each other hap—pily. In this way they can pily. I guess they are intimate friendS this way they can express themselves directly and there can be a very warm atmo—sphere in face—to—face talk.When they talk to each other,they may use gestures and our partner can understand us well.  Friends telephone each other more frequently than before because lt is convenlent and cheap. You can phone your Irlends everywhere in the world.People are busier than before,and most of US choose telephoning when we have something to sayto our friends.In my opnilon,telephoning will save our tlme and talking will our friends directly will save money.Telephoning is an indirect way compared wi th talking.  C2:There are two picture on my card.The first picture describesl common way ot COmmunlcatlon:writing letters. I here is a girl friendstudent sitting at the table wrmng a letter her boy lriend away.We see her boy friend in the picture,too.He is reading the letter eagerly.He reads every word carefully,trying to know everything about the girl.  The second pmture Shows US that the tw0 students are taking a walk on campus Both of them have some books in their hand.  Maybe they are talking about their studies or examinations.  There are many trees on the campus and it is very quiet,so it’s a good place to have a face—to—face talk without being interrupt-ed.Face—to—face talk may bring US much happiness.When we are not happy,we need to have a hearty talk with our friends,then we’U be comforted by friends and will get rid of sadness.If  our friends are not in the same place,when we miss them,we can phone them and have a short conversation on the phone.  Whatever way we may use,communication among friends are qui te necessary.  C3:The first picture describes a student sending E—mail.We see a boy si。tti。ng at a computer table,typing a letter.  i here is a happy expression on his face.On the computer screen,we see the word:E.mail.W ith the development of computer technolo—gy and the Internet,more and more students communicate with  others by E—mails.The greatest advantage of sending E—mail is that you’II save your time.Your friend will get your E—mail several seconds after you send it.  The second picture shows that a student is writing a letter to a friend.He has a picture in his mind that his friend is reading his letter.We see a girl in the picture,holding the letter in her hand,reading attentively.W riting letter is a traditional way.  Nowadays people seldom write letters but in some undeveloped areas,where there are no computers,people may still communi—cate with others by writing letters.  I think writing letters is more emotional than sending E—mail.  Discussion:Discuss the topic further and see if you agree on the most popular ways of communication used by college students.  C3:I think the most popular way of communication among the col—lege students is telephoning.There are two advantages to it.  Plrst,you can hear your triend.svoice and SO it is.more or less,a direct way.Second,you can say whatever you want to say,just like having a face—to—face talk.You can also be emo—tional or show your own feelings.  The only disadvantage is that you seem to be very close but can’t see and touch each other.  C2:Yes,telephoning is a common way but I think sending E—mail is most common among students.Almost one hundred percent of students can have access to computers and have the experi—ence of surfing the Internet and sending E—mail. It’s so popular because we can get to our lnends lmmediately.  C4:But not one hundred percent of students can send E—mail even if they want to.  There are limited computers in many universities and some students won’t take the trouble to go to internet cates.  ……


  前言  全國大學(xué)英語四、六級(jí)考試委員會(huì)在對(duì)口語考試進(jìn)行了歷時(shí)四年的探討研究之后,于1999年5月在部分重點(diǎn)院校試行大學(xué)英語口語考試CET SET(College English Test—Spok n nglish Test)。2001年5月,口語考試開始在全國范圍內(nèi)推廣?! 】谠囋囆兄畷r(shí),筆者有幸成為第一批口語考試考官,參加每年兩次的考試。在考場(chǎng)上看到很多學(xué)生口語流暢、應(yīng)答自如時(shí),我甚感欣喜;同時(shí),面對(duì)考場(chǎng)上那些面紅耳赤、吞吞吐吐、自我介紹背得滾瓜爛熟、切人正題時(shí)言語蒼白、交流時(shí)難以應(yīng)付的考生,我又有一種強(qiáng)烈的欲望想編寫能幫助他們進(jìn)行系統(tǒng)的口語訓(xùn)練的教程,于是,《大學(xué)英語口語考試話題訓(xùn)練30例》一、二兩本相繼出版?! ”緯抢^《大學(xué)英語H語考試話題訓(xùn)練30例(一)》后的第二本教程。本教程以教學(xué)大綱為指導(dǎo),以大學(xué)英語口語考試大綱為藍(lán)本,從生活、學(xué)習(xí)等方面篩選出30個(gè)學(xué)生們熟悉的話題,并按大綱樣題編寫、設(shè)計(jì)問題、卡片及圖畫提示。全書共有問題305道,卡片提示76張,圖畫提示48幅?! ≡掝}內(nèi)容從學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)到休閑娛樂,從電腦到克隆,從網(wǎng)吧到城市犯罪,從買彩票到購私家車,從反腐敗到個(gè)人成就、幸福,從家庭、婚姻到中、西方傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日,從生命教育到婦女問題,從網(wǎng)絡(luò)經(jīng)濟(jì)到全球化,從反恐到世界杯,等等,包羅萬象,貼近生活,緊跟時(shí)代。  本教程的目的是讓學(xué)生在通過這30個(gè)話題訓(xùn)練之后,對(duì)口語考試的形式和內(nèi)容諳熟于心,在考試時(shí)能說、會(huì)說,做到輕車熟路,游刃有余?! 兴械膯栴}、卡片與圖畫提示的個(gè)人發(fā)言以及小組討論都有參考答案,其目的在于給學(xué)生一定的參照,使之從參照中獲得提示與啟迪,以開闊思路,使他們能借鑒觀點(diǎn)和看法來豐富自己的答案。為檢測(cè)教程所設(shè)計(jì)的問題、討論、圖畫、卡片的客觀性、可答性和可操作性,筆者組織了學(xué)生對(duì)所有話題的問題、討論、圖畫、卡片按要求進(jìn)行了訓(xùn)練,學(xué)生反映很好,教程也得到不斷的修正。  話題訓(xùn)練共分6個(gè)大的話題范圍(Topic Areas),在每個(gè)話題范圍中從不同的角度設(shè)計(jì)了話題訓(xùn)練的內(nèi)容。每一例話題訓(xùn)練的形式均按大綱樣題及歷次口語考試的形式設(shè)計(jì),書中的問題、卡片和圖畫提示都經(jīng)過精心的構(gòu)思和設(shè)計(jì)。每例話題參考答案前列有一詞群,它們是答案中出現(xiàn)過的、并有一定難度的、對(duì)談話有用的詞與詞組。答案中的人物用C1(Candidatel),艷,C3,即:考生1,考生2,考生3表示。參考答案提供了有參考價(jià)值的思路、常識(shí)、知識(shí)等內(nèi)容?! ”緯休^強(qiáng)的針對(duì)性和較高的實(shí)用價(jià)值,使用對(duì)象雖為大學(xué)英語的四、六級(jí)考生,但對(duì)其他參加各種口語考試的考生,甚至是研究生、出國口語培訓(xùn)人員以及自學(xué)的有志之士都有幫助?! ≡诰帉懕緯倪^程中得到王春閣、孟筱康編輯的不斷鼓勵(lì)和熱情支持,在此表示衷心感謝?! ∪珪牟鍒D由青年美術(shù)教師侯滔繪制,在此一并表示感謝。  由于筆者水平有限,書中的疏漏與不當(dāng)之處懇請(qǐng)讀者、專家、同行指正。




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  •   瘋狂,速成的字眼太多。讓我們忘記了很樸素的學(xué)習(xí)方法,很多人在口語課堂都做個(gè)話題訓(xùn)練,可是卻不夠系統(tǒng)。而很多口語測(cè)試都是以話題為中心的考核。通過本書的學(xué)習(xí),就象是個(gè)模擬的口語賽場(chǎng),如果能好好吸收,確實(shí)很不錯(cuò)。

250萬本中文圖書簡(jiǎn)介、評(píng)論、評(píng)分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
