出版時間:2003-3 出版社:上海外教 作者:李觀儀 編 頁數(shù):169 字數(shù):268000
Unit One TEXTⅠ Hit the Nail on the Head TEXTⅡ The Maker'Eye:Revising Your Own ManuscriptsUnit Two TEXTⅠ Beware the Dirty Seas TEXTⅡ An Ugly New Footprint in the SandUnit Three TEXTⅠ My Friend,Slbert Einstein TEXTⅡ The MonsterUnit Four TEXTⅠ The Invisible Poor TEXTⅡ …Meanwhile,Humans Eat Pet FoodUnit Five TEXTⅠ The Plug—in Drug:TV and the American Family,PartⅠ TEXTⅡ The Plug—in Drug:TV and the American Family,PartⅡUnit Six TEXTⅠ Preparing for College TEXTⅡ Letter to a B StudentUnit Seven TEXTⅠ Grouping the Gifted:Pro TEXTⅡ Grouping the Gifted:ConUnit Eight TEXTⅠ Why Nothing Works TEXTⅡ The Plot Against PeopleUnit Nine TEXTⅠ Where Is the News Leading Us? TEXTⅡ Should the Press Be Human?Unit Ten TEXTⅠ Things:The Throw—Away Society TEXTⅡ The Do—It—YourselfersUnit ELeven TEXTⅠ Cultivating s Hobby TEXTⅡ A Debt to DickensUnit Twelve TEXTⅠ The Science of Custom TEXTⅡ CustomsUnit Thirheen TEXTⅠ What Life Means to Me,PartⅠ TEXTⅡ Graduation,PartⅠUnit Fourteen TEXTⅠ What Life Means to Me,PartⅡ TEXTⅡ Graduation,PartⅡUnit Fifteen TEXTⅠ I Have a Dream… TEXTⅡ The Ethics of Living Jim CrowKey to the Workbook