
出版時(shí)間:2004-7  出版社:北京大學(xué)  作者:約翰遜  頁數(shù):361  




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  When did civilization begin? We have strong evidence that human--or closely similar--beings have lived on the earth for millions of years, but no one suggests that any civilization approaches that extreme age. To cope with our initial question, we need to address a prior one: What constitutes civilization? Although no simple answer can be given to this question, sufficient consensus exists among archaeologists and historians that we can identify the earliest of the ancient civilizations and the approximate times of their beginnings. Civilization requires a society, or a group of people living together over a period of time in the same place. Accepting these conditions of civilized life, we can conclude that a precondition of the existence of a civilization is the development of agriculture, for people who must hunt for their food cannot lead a settled, communal life. Agriculture, in its turn, leads to the domestication of animals, the tillage of fields, the acquisition of property, trade, and commerce, and, eventually, to the growth of towns and cities.  With all of these we have a fully developed civilization. For our purpose, which is to present a history of civilization, one other requirement need smention--the written word. Although not essential (for some civilizations have existed for long periods with their past preserved in oral traditions),written records furnish the solid foundations on which the story of humankind rests.  Even if we accept these constituents of civilization, we cannot place a definite date on the first civilizations, for archaeologists continue tounearth early remains in widely scattered locations. At the present time,they can point to towns they have excavated in the Near East that flour-ished as early as the eighth millennium B.C. Although we cannot review theentire list of ancient civilizations here, we shall concentrate on those that,because of their importance or their continuity, have made significantcontributions to later history.  ……




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