出版時(shí)間:2010-12 出版社:澳門故事協(xié)會 / ASM 譯者:客遠(yuǎn)文,宋子江,譚曉汶,蘇慧瓊,陳佩茵,梁余晶
A bilingual (Chinese/English parallel text) anthology of Han Dynasty Poetry. Contains about to hundred poems, many of which have never been translated into English before.
大風(fēng)歌 / song of the wind 劉邦 / Liu Bang
鴻鵠歌 / song of the swan 劉邦 / Liu Bang
垓下歌 / song in Gaixia 項(xiàng)羽 / Xiang Yu
和項(xiàng)王歌 美人虞 / Yu
/ in reply to the song of Xiang Yu
采芝操 / picking herbs 商山四皓 / four ancients in Shangshan
歌 / song 商山四皓 / four ancients in Shangshan
舂歌 / song of punishment 戚夫人 / Lady Qi
歌 / song 劉胥 / Liu Xu
耕田歌 / farmer’s song 劉章 / Liu Zhang
秋風(fēng)辭 / of autumn wind 劉徹 / Liu Che
歌/ song 枚乘 / Mei Cheng
歌/ song 李延年 / Li Yannian
歌/ song 司馬相如 / Sima Xiangru
琴歌二首 / two songs 司馬相如 / Sima Xiangru
歌 / song 東方朔 / Dongfang Shuo
黃鵠歌 / song of a swan 劉弗陵 / Liu Fuling
歌 / song 劉旦 / Liu Dan
華容夫人歌 劉旦 / Liu Dan
/ Madam Hua Rong’s Song
歌 / song 李陵 / Li Ling
悲愁歌 / a sad song 劉細(xì)君 / Liu Xijun
歌 / song 楊惲 / Yang Yun
詠史 / ode to a woman in history 班固 / Ban Gu
五噫歌 / song of five alases 梁鴻 / Liang Hong
七言詩 / poem 崔駰 / Cui Yin
同聲歌 / song of the same voice 張衡 / Zhang Heng
四愁詩 / lovesick four times 張衡 / Zhang Heng
定情賦 / our vow 張衡 / Zhang Heng
歌 / song 張衡 / Zhang Heng
歌 / song 張衡 / Zhang Heng
怨詩 / resentment 張衡 / Zhang Heng
與劉伯宗絕交詩 朱穆 / Zhu Mu
/ cut the acquaintance with Liu Bozong
招商歌 / a song of Zhao Shang 劉宏 / Liu Hong
詩二首 / two poems 酈炎 / Yi Yan
贈徐淑 / to Xu Shu 秦嘉 / Qin Jia
答秦嘉詩 / to Qin Jia 徐淑 / Xu Shu
疾邪詩二首 / two critical poems 趙壹 / Zhao Yi
翠鳥 / a pair of green birds 蔡邕 / Cai Yong
離合群姓名字詩 孔融 / Kong Rong
/ a poem about my name
臨終詩 / about to die 孔融 / Kong Rong
羽林郎 / an imperial guard 辛延年 / Xin Yannian
董嬌嬈 / Dong Jiaorao 宋子侯 / Song Zihou
見志詩二首 / two poems 仲長統(tǒng) / Zhongchang Tong
詩/ poem 仲長統(tǒng) / Zhongchang Tong
絕命辭 / a poem before death 息夫躬 / Xifu Gong
怨詩 / Lament 班婕妤 / Ban Jieyu
武溪深 / Wu River is deep 馬援 / Ma Yuan
平城歌 / a song in Ping City
民為淮南厲王歌 / people’s song for the Huainai King
鄭白渠歌 / a song of Zhengbai Canal
元帝時(shí)童謠 / a children’s ballad from the reign of Emperor Yuan
匈奴歌 / a song about the Huns
長安謠 / a ballad of Chang’an City
成帝時(shí)童謠 / a children’s ballad in the reign of Emperor Cheng
成帝時(shí)歌謠 / a ballad in the time of Emperor Cheng
汝南鴻隙陂童謠 / a children’s ballad at the Hongxi Reservoir, Ru Nan
王莽末天水童謠 / a children’s ballad in Tianshui about Wang Mang’s coup
日出入 / the sun rises and sets
思悲翁 / the sad man
艾如張 / mowing the weeds to set a net
戰(zhàn)城南 / they battled from the south
巫山高 / Wu Mountains are high
有所思 / the man I yearn for
上邪 / by heaven
上陵 / Shanglin park
君馬黃 / the emperor has a yellow horse
芳樹 / a fragrant tree
雉子班 / the nestlings
臨高臺 / up high
漁陽民為張堪歌 / a poem by one of Yu Yang for Zhang Kan
巴郡人為吳資歌 / a poem by one of Ba for Wu Zi
桓帝初城上烏童謠 / Emperor Huang, the crow in the palace
桓帝末京都童謠 / a song of Emperor Huang
獻(xiàn)帝初京都童謠 / a song of Emperor Xian
初平中長安謠 / a song from Chang’an
漢末洛中童謠 / at the end of Han
漢末江淮間童謠 / a song from Jiang Huai about the end of Han
桓帝初天下童謠 / a children’s ballad in the early time of Emperor Huan
江南 / the river’s south
東光 / Dong Guang
薤露 / a dirge
蒿裏 / in southernwood
雞鳴 / roosters crow
烏生 / the crow who has eight or nine sons
平陵東 / east of Ping Ling
陌上桑 / mulberries on the road
長歌行 (青青園中葵) / a long song (sunflowers in a green garden)
長歌行 (仙人騎白鹿) / a long song (an immortal riding a white deer)
君子行 / a gentleman takes preventive measures
豫章行 / Yuzhang Mountain
董逃行 / Dong Tao, the immortal
相逢行 / the encounter
長安有狹斜行 / a narrow alleyway in Chang’an
猛虎行 / tiger
隴西行 / to Long Xi
折楊柳行 / snapping willow twigs
西門行 / to the west gate
東門行 / to the east gate
飲馬長城窟行 / in the style of Water My Horse Beside Great Wall
婦病行 / the ailing women
孤兒行 / an orphan
白鵠行 / a song of flying swans
艷歌行 / a Chu song
白頭吟 / grey hair lyrics
蜨蝶行 / a song of a butterfly
悲歌 / a sad song
前緩聲歌 / a slow song
離歌 / a song of parting
箜篌謠 / a ballad of a Konghou harp
上留田行 / at Shang Liu Tian
古八變歌 / ba bian song
傷歌行 / song of sorrow
枯魚過河泣 / a dried fish is carried across the river
古歌 (上金殿) / an old song (we go into the palace)
古歌 (秋風(fēng)蕭蕭愁殺人) / an old song (the sad autumn wind)
艷歌 (今日樂上樂 ) / a Chu song (today exceptional happiness)
古咄唶歌 / a sad song
視刀鐶歌 / a song of being back home
雞鳴歌 / a song of cock crowing
古艷歌 (孔雀東飛) / the peacock will soon fly east
古艷歌 (行行隨道) / walk along the path
古艷歌 (煢煢白兔) / a lonely rabbit runs
古艷歌 (蘭草自生香) / orchids fragrant
古艷歌 (秋霜白露下) / under autumn frost and white dew
古艷歌 (居窮衣單薄) / thinly clad in a poor dwelling
古樂府 / a Yuefu poem
古歌(田中菟絲) / silk-like dodders in the field
古歌(高田種小麥) / in the high fields wheat grows
孔雀東南飛 / the peacock flies southeast
劉蘭芝 / Liu Lanzhi
將歸操 / about to return
陬操 / song of Zou
猗蘭操 / the orchid
履霜操 / treading on the morning frost
雉朝飛操 / pheasants fly in the morning
別鶴操 / parting with the crane
貞女引 / a song of virgin
辟歷 / thunderbolt
思親操 / homesick
歸耕操 / back to farm
怨曠思惟歌 / a song of homesickness
刺巴郡郡守詩 / under the reign of the magistrate of Ba City
思治詩 / missing the emperors of the past
風(fēng)雨詩 / poem of wind and rain
古詩十九首之一 (行行重行行) / far far away you’ve travelled
古詩十九首之二 (青青河畔草) / green meadows along the river
古詩十九首之三 (青青陵上柏) / green pines grow in the cemetery
古詩十九首之四 (今日良宴會) / nice banquet today
古詩十九首之五 (西北有高樓) / a tall tower northwest
古詩十九首之六 (涉江采芙蓉) / go to the river to pick a lotus
古詩十九首之七 (明月皎夜光) / bright full moon in a dark sky
古詩十九首之八 (冉冉孤生竹) / like a lonely bamboo growing slowly
古詩十九首之九 (庭中有奇樹) / a mysterious tree in the courtyard
古詩十九首之十 (迢迢牽牛星) / far far away the cowherd boy
古詩十九首之十一 (回車駕言邁) / heading back in a cart
古詩十九首之十二 (東城高且長) / the eastern city has walls tall and long
古詩十九首之十三 (驅(qū)車上東門) / driving to the eastern gate
古詩十九首之十四 (去者日以疏) / the dead by stages vague and far
古詩十九首之十五 (生年不滿百) / not yet a hundred
古詩十九首之十六 (凜凜歲雲(yún)暮) / years sped by
古詩十九首之十七 (孟冬寒氣至) / early winter already cold
古詩十九首之十八 (客從遠(yuǎn)方來) / a guest from afar
古詩十九首之十九 (明月何皎皎) / the full moon bright and clear
古詩五首之一 (上山采蘼蕪) / up the hill to pick miwu
古詩五首之二 (四坐且莫喧) / all seated be quiet
古詩五首之三 (悲與親友別) / sad to leave friends and family
古詩五首之四 (穆穆清風(fēng)至) / a light breeze
古詩五首之五 (蘭若生春陽) / orchids as if born with spring’s sun
古詩三首之一 (橘柚垂華實(shí)) / oranges on the tree
古詩三首之二 (十五從軍征) / enlisted at the age of fifteen
古詩三首之三 (新樹蘭蕙葩) / orchids under new trees
古詩 (步出城東門) / away from east of city
古絕句四首 / four short poems
古兩頭纖纖詩 / the two pointed hook
古五雜俎詩 / five notes
古詩 (青青陵中草) / a poem (green grass in the graveyard)
古詩二首 / two poems
漢朝詩選:孔雀東南飛 / The Peacock Flies Southeast: An Anthology of the Han Dynasty Poetry PDF格式下載