
出版時間:2010-7  出版社:我識出版社有限公司  作者:Brian Foden  


  我們敢大聲說《史上最強(qiáng)的英語會話8,000》 絕對是「前無古人、後無來者」的史上超強(qiáng)、超猛、超威的英語會話書! 「保證史上最強(qiáng),歡迎參觀比較」! 坊間最超值+坊間最實(shí)用+坊間最道地 =史上最強(qiáng)的英語會話8,000! 坊間最實(shí)用: 中英文會話8,000句+關(guān)鍵字+輕重


Brian Foden


使用說明 User’s Guide
作者序 Preface
Unit 1 人 People
感官Five Senses
2耳朵 Hearing
3嘴巴 Taste
4鼻子 Smell
5手 Touch
6身體 The Body
7動作 Movement
9表情 Facial Expressions
10個性 Personality
外表 Appearance
11吸引力 Attractiveness
12臉和皮膚 Face and Skin
13髮型 Hair
14體型 Body Type
15種族 Racial Characteristics
16詢問特徵 Questions about Appearance
17身心障礙 Physical Problems
18人生階段 Life Stages
健康 Health
19疾病 Illness and Conditions
20醫(yī)院診所 At the Hospital/Clinic
Unit 2 情緒表達(dá) Emotional Expression
1抱怨 Complaining
2挫折、煩惱、壓力 Frustration, Annoyance, and Pressure
3面對生氣、壓力過大的人 Things to Say to Someone Who is Stressed Out or Angry
4快樂 Happiness
5悲傷 Sadness
6同情 Sympathy
7肯定、懷疑 Certainty and Doubt
8驚訝 Surprise
Unit 3 功能表達(dá) Functional Expression
1問候 Greetings
2回應(yīng)打招呼 Replies to Greetings
3道別 Saying Goodbye
4介紹 Introductions
5介紹應(yīng)答 Responses When Meeting Someone
6邀請 Invitations
7接收邀請 Accepting an Invitation
8拒絕邀請 Refusing an Invitation
9道歉 Apology
10接受道歉 Things to Say to People Who Apologize to You
11鼓勵 Encouragement
12稱讚 Complimenting
13道謝 Saying Thanks
14接受道謝 Expressions to Say to People Who Thank You
15給意見 Giving Opinions
16詢問意見 Asking for Other People’s Opinions
17請求 Requesting
18接受請求 Agreeing to Requests
19拒絕請求 Disagreeing to Requests
20確認(rèn) Confirming
Unit 4 食 Eating
1餐具 Cultery
2廚具設(shè)備 Cooking Utensils and Appliances
3飲料 Drink
4食物種類 Meat and Seafood
5肉類 Meat
6海鮮 Seafood
7甜點(diǎn) Desserts
8蔬菜 |Vegetables
9水果 Fruit
10其他食物食材 Other Food
11份量、容器 Portions
12決定餐廳 Deciding on a Restaurant
13預(yù)約 Making Reservations
14點(diǎn)餐 Ordering Food
用餐中 Things to Say during a Meal
15問答 General Comments and Questions about a Meal
16讚美餐點(diǎn)/餐廳 Complimenting
17抱怨批評餐點(diǎn)/餐廳 Complaining and Criticizing a Meal/restaurant
18問題和不滿 Problems
19飲食習(xí)慣 Eating Habits
Unit 5 住 Living
1房屋種類 Types of Housing
2屋內(nèi)各處 Rooms, Areas and Other Parts in a House
3傢俱 Household furniture
4電器設(shè)備 Household Appliances and Other Electrical Appliances
5水電 Electrical and Plumbing Terms
6家事 Housework
7盥洗 In the Morning
8問候 Greeting in the Morning
9睡眠 In the Evening
10租屋 Renting and Leasing
Unit 6 行 Transportation
1方向 The Various Directions
2問路 Asking for Directions
3報路 Giving Directions
4臺灣的交通狀態(tài) Traffic Conditions
5常用地標(biāo)及單位 Using Common Landmarks and Types of Roads
交通工具The Various Transportations
6步行 Walking
7汽車 Driving
8飛機(jī) Airplane
9計程車 Taking a Taxi
10捷運(yùn)、火車 Taking the Subway or Train
11公車 Taking the Bus
12腳踏車、機(jī)車 Riding a Bicycle or Scooter
Unit 7 育 Education
1學(xué)校 School
2科目和主修 School Subjects and Majors
3詢問科目和主修 Questions about School Subject and Majors
4學(xué)校物品 Things in School/ School Supplies
5成績 Grades and Scores
6詢問成績 Questions about Grades and Scores
7考試 Test and Examinations
8考試相關(guān)字彙 Test-Related Vocabulary
Unit 8 樂 Relaxing and Leisure Time
1唱歌 Singing
2逛街 Shopping
3詢問店員 Questions to Ask a Sales Clerk
4詢問顧客 Questions a Sales Clerk Might Ask a Customer
5旅遊 Traveling
6在飯店、旅館 At the Hotel
7飯店詢問和客訴 Things You Might Say in a Hotel
8派對 Partying
9音樂 Music
10書 Books
11書籍詢問及評論 Questions and Comments about Books
12博物館 Museums
13溫泉 Hot Springs
14詢問溫泉 Questions about Hot Springs
15運(yùn)動 Sports
16球類運(yùn)動 Sports Related to Ball
遊戲、賭博 Games and Gambles
17遊戲、賭博 Games and Gambles
18撲克牌 Card Games
19電影 Movies
20電影類型 Movie Genres
21詢問電影 Questions about Movies
22夜市 Night Markets
Unit 9 衣 Clothing
春夏秋冬時尚 Fashions in Different Season
1春夏 Spring and Summer
2秋冬 Fall and Winter
3配件種類 Accessories
4價錢、殺價、結(jié)帳 Price of Clothing, Negotiating and Paying
5流行 Popular Styles
6退換貨 Getting a Refund or Exchange
7退換貨應(yīng)答 Things a Clerk Might Say to You When You Return an Item
8服飾種類 Common Type of Clothing
9服飾相關(guān)動詞 Common Verbs and Phrases Used with Clothing
10挑選、建議、試穿 Choosing Clothing, Making Recommendations and Trying on
Unit 10 數(shù)字 Numbers
1序數(shù) Ordinal Numbers
2年月日Dates, Months and Year
3詢問年月日 Questions Related to Date
4錢 Price
5電話 Telephone
6溫度 Temperature
7單位、測量 Units, Measurements and Dimensions
8材質(zhì) Materials and Textures
9形狀 Shapes
10尺寸、大小 Sizes
Unit 11 職場 Working
1薪水、福利 Pay and Benefits
2雇用、解雇、罷工 Hiring, Firing and Strikes
3銀行業(yè)務(wù) Money, Banking and Budgets
4行銷廣告 Marketing and Advertising
5股市 Business Trends
6一般商業(yè) General Business
7生產(chǎn)製造 Manufacturing and Production
8職稱 Job Titles
9職責(zé) Job Duties
10信件 Letters & Emails
11電腦 Computers
12網(wǎng)路 The Internet
Unit 12 風(fēng)俗文化 Culture and Tradition
1臺灣小吃 Taiwanese Food
2節(jié)慶 Festivals and Holidays
Unit 13 天災(zāi) Disasters
1地震 Earthquakes
2颱風(fēng) Typhoons and Other Extreme Weather
3其他緊急事件 Other Emergency Situations
Unit 14 犯罪 Crime
1犯罪 Crime
2審判體制 The Justice System
Unit 15 環(huán)境、社會 The Society and the Environment
環(huán)境 The Environment
1環(huán)境 Land
2水 Water
3環(huán)境議題 Environmental Issues and Problems
4太空 Air and Space
社會 Society
5媒體 The Media
6社會議題 Social Issues
7政府政治 Government and Politics
8軍隊(duì) Military
9因果 Cause and Effect
10比較 Comparison and Contrast
附錄 Index
1常見片語 Common Phrasal Verbs
2常見俚語 Common Idioms
3常見縮寫 Common Abbreviations




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