一個關於絲路的故事A Story about the Silk Road

出版社:白象文化  作者:俠隱 著  


  西犁王儲石膽父喪之後,為了拿回被篡奪的王位並中興王朝家業(yè),去國流亡,歷經(jīng)了國事、戰(zhàn)事、家事和情事多番震盪,終能剷除禍患,恢復國內(nèi)和和樂樂、興興旺旺的榮景。這是一個愛情故事,一個發(fā)生在虛構(gòu)的封建中國邊陲之古絲路世界的愛情故事。  After the death of his usurped and assassinated royal father, Crown Prince Shi Dan was determined to reclaim the throne and bring back the glory of the Shi dynasty. He went into exile to achieve his goal and succeeded despite the tumults of political and emotional upheaval. This is a love story, one that is set in the world of the Silk Road beyond the borderland of a fictitious ancient feudal China.



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250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
