
出版時間:2009-12  出版社:Page One Publishing  作者:Koos Eissen  頁數(shù):254  


Are designers still making drawings by hand? Isn't it more advanced to use a computer in this computer era?  Some may think sketching is a disappearing skill, but if you ever enter a design studio, you will find out differently. Studios still make sketches and drawings by hand - and in most cases, quite a lot of'them. They are an integral part ofthe decision-making process, used in the early stages of design, in brainstorming sessions, in the phase of research and concept exploration, and in presentation. Drawing has proved to be, next to verbal explanation, a powerful tool For communicating not only with Fellow designers, engineers or model makers but also with clients, contractors and public offices. lThis book can be regarded as a standard book on design sketching, useful For students in product design.  Koos Eissen and Roselien Steur both teach design drawing techniques. He is an associate professor at the Delft University oFTechnology and esponsible For the Freehand drawing classes at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, while she teaches at the Faculty of Visual Art and Design, Utrecht School of the Arts.


PrefaceIntroductionChapter 1 Side view sketches Introduction Getting started  Adidas AG Light and shading  npk industrial design bv Details  Ford Motor Company  SMOOL Designstudio Drop shadows Displays  WeLL DesignChapter 2 Perspective drawing Introduction  Scale Perspective convergence Distortion Foreshortening  Well Design Viewpoint  BMW Group Eye-level perspective Extreme perspective  DAF Trucks NV  FLEX/thel N NOVATION LAB  DAF Trucks NV Aerial perspective  Guerrilla GamesChapter 3 Simplifying shape Introduction Analyzing The drawing approach  WAACSChapter 4 Elementary geometrical shapes  Introduction  Block Shapes Cylinders, spheres and cones  Audi AGChapter 5 Special attention For ellipsesChapter 6  RoundingChpater 7  Cross scetionChapter 8  IdeationChapter 9  Explanatory drawingsChapter 10 Surface and texturesChapter 11 Emitting LightChapter 12 Conterxt




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