工廠建筑設計Spectacular Industrial Architecture & Headquarters

出版時間:2007-10  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Pageone  頁數(shù):239  


This book documents the changes going on in the field of industrial architcture,due in part to the large-scale proliferation of industrial compleses that seem to spring up without much card of planning entrepreneurs,architects and public institutions are increasingly sturctures for the ways of conceiving office buildings and industrial strucctures for the immediate future ,with an increased consciousness of the imprint these buildings make on the landscape ,together with the growing demand for sustainable environments,architects are increasingly creating spaces that are progressively worker-friendly and respectful towards their surroundings.


Alvaro siza  Vitra Production Buildingslan Ritchie  Stockley Park Building B8Log ld   As PrintNick Derbyshire  Willesden Freight DepotSergio Maria Calatroni  N.O.Z office buildingNicholas Grimshaw  RAC Regional Control CenterNeutelings riedijk architecten  Veenman PrintersSimon Conder Associates  Georgina von Etzdorf workshopBarkow leibingre Architekten  Additianto Haas laser factoryCarlos ferrater &joan guibernau  Nueva sede de J.C DecauxCorrea+EsteveZ Arquitectos  Sede poligono de GranadillaFlorian Nagler architekten  Factory hallHenn architektenHEN ArchitektenJacques ferrier architectJose gigante /joao alvaro rochakrueck sexton architectsNl architectsRoto architectsTectoniquesBothe ,richter teheraniFoster and partnersRichard hywel evans architecture design ltdHerzog De meuron




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