PRINT IN FASHION 時裝印花設(shè)計

出版時間:1997-1  作者:Unknown  


The relationship between print and high fashion has never been more potent.Fashion is fuelled by the desire for change and developments in print,texture and finishes are lending themselves to a radical shift in fashion in the 21 st century.Marnie Fogg explores cutting-edge print design for fashionthrough the eyes of the designer by investigating the design process,looking at sources of inspiration and the effects of innovative developments in print technology.With interviewsand exclusive archive material from renowned fashion and textile designers such as Eley Kishimoto,Jonathan Saunders,Paul Smith and Consuelo Castiglioni for 0talian fashion 0abel Marni,this book explores the synergy between garment and print.From the perennial influence of nature on print design, through folkloric and fantasy inspired print to graphic and abstract designs and finally the power of vintage,this is an essential guide to UnderStanding print in fashion today.


Marnie Fogg is a media consultant on all aspects of thefashion industry.She iS currently lecturing in Visua0 Studiesand the Culture of Fashion at the University of Nottinghamand has a Master.S Degree in Art and Design Advanced Practice and Theory.She i


1 Print into fashion2 and ,next to nature art 3 abstract4 folklore fantasy and fable5 graphics and graffiti 6 vintagefootnotes bibliographyindexacknowledgementspicture credits




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