大魚吃小魚Big Fish Eat Small Fish

出版時間:2003-5  作者:Low Guat Tin,Ng Pak Tee,Janice Baruch 著  頁數(shù):98  


Systems thinking is a method of viewing organisations, relationships and the world in general from a macro perspective that includes structures, patterns and events, rather than just the events themselves. This broad view helps one identify the root clauses of issues and target solutions for them.     Big Fish Eat Small Fish is a simple parable which brings systems thinking to the lay person in a concrete way. Caesar, Burger and their friends help illustrate many of the concepts, making them accessible to everyone.     This book introduces several common problems including:     - shifting responsibilities     - lack of focus on the goal     - assumptions of perceived threat     - resting on your laurels     Discover how to tackle these problems at the root and avoid vicious cycles, so that you can be more effective and efficient at your workplace and in life.


ForewordPrefaceThe StoryLet's Get Serious!About the Authors



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