出版時間:2003-12  出版社:Pengiun Group (USA)  作者:Jean, Y. C.; Mallon, P. E.; Schrader, D. M.  頁數(shù):406  


This book provides a comprehensive description of the principles and applications of positron and positronium chemistry. Pedagogical and tutorial in nature, it will be ideal for graduate students and researchers in the area of positron annihilation spectroscopy. The contributing authors are authoritative scientists prominent in the frontiers of research, actively pursuing positron annihilation research on chemical and applied systems.


PrefaceAcknowledgments1. Introduction to Positron and Positronium Chemistry 1.1 A new chemistry: positronium chemistry 1.2 Existing books and articles on positron and positronium chemistry and annihilation Problems References Answers to problems2. Compounds of Positrons and Positronium 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Quantum mechanical considerations  2.2.1 Basic physics of mixed electron-positron systems  2.2.2 The calculation of annihilation rates  2.2.3 Quantum mechanical methods 2.3 Current knowledge of bound states  2.3.1 Polyleptons  2.3.2 One-electron atom  2.3.3 Two-electron atoms (excluding He)  2.3.4 The nonmetals  2.3.5 The noble gases  2.3.6 Molecules Acknowledgment References3. Experimental Techniques in Positron Spectroscopy 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Positron sources  3.2.1 Introduction  3.2.2 Radioactive sources for laboratory experiments  3.2.3 Positron sources for facility-based beams  3.2.4 Accelerator-based positron sources for the laboratory 3.3 Particle and radiation detectors  3.3.1 Radiation detectors  3.3.2 Particle detectors 3.4 Notes on pulse electronics  3.4.1 Transmission of pulses  3.4.2 Elements of circuits used in positron spectroscopy 3.5 Lifetime spectrometry 3.6 Doppler broadening spectroscopy  3.6.1 Introduction  3.6.2 Experimental set-up  3.6.3 Data analysis  3.6.4 Two-detector technique 3.7 Age-momentum correlation (AMOC) 3.8 Angular correlation of annihilation radiation (ACAR)  3.8.1 One-dimensional ACAR  3.8.2 Two-dimensional ACAR 3.9 Positron beams  3.9.1 Positron moderators  3.9.2 Laboratory-based beams  3.9.3 Facility-based beams  3.9.4 Beam bunching  3.9.5 Polarized positron beams  3.9.6 MeV positron beams  3.9.7 Time-of-flight spectrometry  3.9.8 Positron microscopy  3.9.9 Plasma-generated positron beams Problems References Answers to Problems4 Organic and Inorganic Chemistry of the Positron and Positronium5 Physical and Radiation Chemistry of the Postrion and Positronium 6 Postrons and Positronium in the Gals Phase 7 Positron Porosimetry8 Positron Annihilation Studies on Superconducting Materials 9 Positronium in Si and SiO2 Thin Films 10 Application to Polymers11 Applications of Slow Positrons to Polymeric Surfaces and Coatings 12 Positron Annihilation Indeced Auger Spectroscopy13 Characterization of Nanoparticle and Nanopore Materials 14 AMOC in Positron and Positronium ChemistryAppendix:Free-volume Data in Polymeric Materials Index



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