
出版時間:2001-12  出版社:Aspen Publishers  作者:Fisher, Douglas  頁數(shù):564  


This book covers the typical material of an intermediate macroeconomics course at the undergraduate level.The approach is both theoretical and statistical, with the theory being limited to algebraic expressions and the statistics to simple and multiple regression and correlation.The coverage is traditional for the course (being IS-LM in its focus), and the tests are of the consumption function, investment function, demand for money, Phillips curve, etc. Every effort is made to explain the statistics, with some explicit statistical material embedded in the text and several "how to" sections in the Appendix geared to the popular programs Eviews and Excel.There is also a set of Internet links that instructors can readily access in order to supplement and update the data and to use to provide the data for the students to work the exercises.    The book is intended as a text for an intermediate economics course and has been used as such at North Carolina State University. There are full sets of review questions, discussion questions, problems, and computer exercises attached to each chapter, all of which have been classroom-tested. In addition to undergraduates (especially advanced undergraduates),graduate instructors will benefit from the book; and both the professional and the graduate student will find the explanations and applications useful in their work.


IntroductionPart I. Macroeconomic Tools  Chapter 1 Introduction: Macroeconomic Problems    1.1 Introduction    1.2 What Macroeconomics Covers    1.3 The Performance of the U.S. Economy      Growth and Cycles: The Behavior of Real Gross Domestic Product      Unemployment      Inflation      The Federal Deficit/Surplus      The Trade Deficit    1.4 Chapter Summary    1.5 Key Terms    1.6 Study Questions  Chapter 2 National Product and Prices: A Description of the Economy    2.1 Introduction    2.2 The Structure of the Model    2.3 National Income Accounting    2.4 National Income Accounts, Real Figures    2.5 The Calculation of the Price Level: Chained Price Indices    2.6 National Income in the GDP Accounts    2.7 Disposable Personal Income and Personal Savings    2.8 Chapter Summary    2.9 Key Terms    2.10 Study QuestionsPart II. Real Spending  Chapter 3 Consumer Spending and Saving    3.1 Introduction    3.2 The Basic Consumption Function    3.3 The Basic Statistical Model    3.4 An Estimate of the Basic Consumption Model    3.5 The Supply of Capital to the U.S. Capital Markets    3.6 International Dimensions to Savings Behavior    3.7 Chapter Summary    3.8 Key Terms    3.9 Study Questions  Chapter 4 Consumption Smoothing    4.1 Introduction: Consumption Smoothing Defined    4.2 Interest Rates    4.3 The Real.Rate of Interest    4.4 Nominal and Real Rates in the United States    4.5 Forecasting Inflation    4.6 An Extension of the Consumption Model to Include Smoothing Behavior    4.7 Some Examples of Consumption Smoothing    4.8 A Test of Consumption Smoothing    4.9 Consumption Smoothing in Three Other Countries    4.10 Chapter Summary    4.11 Key Terms    4.12 Study Questions  Chapter 5 Investment Spending    5.1 Introduction    ……AppendicesIndex



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