Gives beginning students a sampling of contemporary bio,,ISBN:9789810243982,World Scientific Publishing Company" />


出版時間:2001-05-04  出版社:World Scientific Publishing Company  作者:Fung, Y. C. 編  頁數(shù):291  


Bioengineering is attracting many high quality students. This invaluable book has been written for beginning students of bioengineering, and is aimed at instilling a sense of engineering in them.   Engineering is invention and designing things that do not exist in nature for the benefit of humanity. Invention can be taught by making inventive thinking a conscious part of our daily life. This is the approach taken by the authors of this book. Each author discusses an ongoing project, and gives a sample of a professional publication. Students are asked to work through a sequence of assignments and write a report. Almost everybody soon realizes that more scientific knowledge is needed, and a strong motivation for the study of science is generated. The teaching of inventive thinking is a new trend in engineering education. Bioengineering is a good field with which to begin this revolution in engineering education, because it is a youthful, developing interdisciplinary field. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. 作者簡介:    Y. C. Fung works on solid mechanics, and has helped to establish the fields of aeroelasticity and biomechanics.He received his BS and MS from the National Central University in China and PhD from the California Institute of Technology. He received the United States Presidential National Medal of Science in the year 2000, and the Founders Award of the US National Academy of Engineering in 1998. He was elected a member of the US National Academy of Science in 1992, the US Institute of Medicine in 1991, the US National Academy of Engineering in 1979, the Academy of Science of China in 1994, and the Academia Sinica in 1966. He is Distinguished Alumnus of Caltech, Honorary Member of ASME, and winner of the von Karman Medal (ASCE),Timoshenko Medal (ASME), Poiseuille Medal (ISB), Borelli Medal (ASB), Landis Award (AMS), and Alza Award (BMES).


PrefaceTable of ContentsTo the InstructorTo the StudentsSample Assignments1. Roles of Flow Mechanics in Vascular Cell Biology in Health and Disease  Shu Chien  Paper: Chiu, J. J., D. L. Wang, S. Chien, R. Skalak and S. Usami. Effects of  disturbed flows on endothelial cells. J. Biomech. Eng. 120: 2-8, 1998, by  permission.2. Perspectives of Biomechanics  Yuan Cheng Fung  Paper: Fung, Y. C. Pressure, flow, stress, and remodeling in the pulmonary  vasculature. In: The Pulmonary Circulation and Gas Exchange, edited by  W. W. Wagner and E. K. Weir. Futura Pub. Co., pp. 343-364, 1994, by  permission.3. The Implantable Glucose Sensor: An Example of Bioengineering Design  David A. Gough  Paper: Gough, D. A., J. Y. Lucisano and P. H. S. Tse. Two-dimensional  enzyme electrode sensor for glucose. Analytical Chemistry, 57: 2351-2357,  1985, by permission.4. Design and Development of Artificial Blood  Marcos Intalietta  Paper: Tsai, A. G., B. Friesenecker, M. C. Mazzoni, H. Kerger, D. G. Buerk,  P. C. Johnson and M. Intaglietta. Microvascular and tissue oxygen gradients  in the rat mesentery. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 95: 6590-6595, 1998, by  permission.5. Analysis of Coronary Circulation: A Bioengineering Approach  Ghassan S. Kassab  Paper: Kassab, G. S., J. Berkley and Y. C. Fung. Analysis of pig's coronary  arterial blood flow with detailed anatomical data. Ann. Biomed. Eng. 25:  204-217, 1997, by permission.6. What Lies Beyond Bioinformatics?  Bernhard Palsson  Paper: Schilling, C. H., J. S. Edwards and B. O. Palsson. Toward metabolic  phenomics: Analysis of genomic data using flux balances. Biotechnol. Prog.  15: 288-295, 1999, by permission.   Paper: Edwards, J. S. and B. O. Palsson. The Escherichia coli MG1655 in   silico metabolic genotype: Its definition, characteristics, and capabilities.   PNAS 97: 5528-5533, 2000, by permission. 7. Tissue Engineering of Articular Cartilage   Robert L. Sah   Paper: Reindel, E. S., A. M. Ayroso, A. C. Chen, D. M. Chun, R. M. Schinagl   and R. L. Sah. Integrative repair of articular in vitro: Adhesive strength of   the interface region. J. Orth. Res. 13: 751-760, 1995, by permission. 8. Cell Activation in the Circulation   Geert W. Schmid-Schonbein   Paper: Mazonic, M. C. and C. W. Schmid-SchSnbein. Mechanisms and  consequences of cell activation in the microcirculation. Cardiovas. Res. 32:  709-719, 1996, by permission.  Paper: Mitsuoka, H., E. B. Kistler and G. W. Schmid-SchSnbein. Generation  of in vivo activating factors in the ischemic intestine by pancreatic enzymes.  PNAS 97: 1772-1777, 2000, by permission.9. Molecular Basis of Cell Membrane Mechanics  Lanping Amy Sung  Paper: Sung, L. A., S. Chien, L. S. Chang, K. Lambert, S. A. Bliss,  E. E. Bonhassion, R. L. Nagel, R. S. Schwartz and A. C. Rybicki. Molecular  cloning of human protein 4.2: A major component of the erythrocyte  membrane. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 87: 955-959, 1990, by permission.10. Biomechanics of Injury and Healing  Pin Tong and Yuan Cheng Fung  Paper: An Editorial Article by Savio L.-Y. Woo: The importance of  biomechanics for the new millennium. J. Orth. Sc. 5: 89-91, 2000, by  permission.  Paper: Yen, R. T., Y. C. Fung, H. H. Ho and G. Butterman. Speed of stress  wave propagation in Lung. J. Appl. Physiol. 61: 701-705, 1986, by  permission.  Paper: Fung, Y. C., R. T. Yen, Z. L. Tao and S. Q. Liu. A hypothesis on the  mechanism of trauma of lung tissue subjected to impact load. J. Biomech.  Eng. 110: 50-56, 1988, by permission.11. Pulsatile Blood Flow in the Lung Studied as an Engineering System  Michael R. T. Yen and Wei Huang  Paper: Huang, W., Y. Tian, J. Gao and R. To Yen. Comparison of theory  and experiment in pulsatile flow in cat lung. Ann. Biomed. Eng. 26:  812-820, 1998, by permission.Appendixes  A. About the Authors  B. About the Department of Bioengineering at the University of California, San DiegoFarewell to Students




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