出版時間:2001-11  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  作者:Smilga, Andrei  頁數(shù):322  


Quantum chromodynamics is the fundamental theory of strong interactions. It is nphysical theory describing Nature. Lectures on Quantum Chromodynamics concentrates,however, not on the phenomenological aspect of QCD; books with comprehensivecoverage of phenomenological issues have been written. What the reader will findin this book is a profound discussion on the theoretical found, liQns of QCD withemphasis on the nonperturbative formulation of the theory: What is gouget symmerry    on the classical and on the quantum level. What ~s the path integral m fleld theoryHow to define the path integral on the lattice, keeping intact as many symmetriesof the continuum theory as possible? What is the QCD vacuum state? What is theeffective low energy dynamics of QCD? How do the ITEP sum rules work?Whathappens if we heat and/or squeeze hadronic matter?Perturbative issues are alSodiscussed: How to calculate Feynman graphs? What is the BRST symmetry? Whatis the meaning of the renormalization procedure? How to resum infrared andcollinear singularities? And so on.The book Js an outgrowth of the course of lectures given by the author for graduatestudents at ITEP in Moscow. Much extra material has been added.


PrefaceNotation and ConventionsIntroduction: Some HistoryPART 1:  FOUNDATIONS  Lecture 1  Yang-Mills Field  1.1  Path Ordered Exponentials. Invariant Actions  1.2  Classical Solutions Lecture 2  Instantons  2.1  Topological Charge  2.2  Explicit Solutions Lecture 3  Path Integral  3.1  Conventional Approach Quantum  3.2  Euclidean Path Integral  3.3  Holomorphic Representation  3.4  Grassmann Dynamic VariablesMechanics Lecture 4  Quantization of Gauge Theories  4.1  Dirac Quantization Procedure  4.2  Path Integral on the Lattice Lecture 5  0-Vacuum  5.1  Quantum Pendulum  5.2  Large Gauge Transformations in Non-Abelian TheoryPART 2:  PERTURBATION THEORY Lecture 6  Diagram Technique in Simple and ComplicatedTheories  6.1  Feynman Rules from Path Integral  6.2  Fixing the Gauge Lecture 7  When the Gauge is Fixed   7.1  Gribov Copies  7.2  Ward Identities  7.3  Ghosts and Unitarity  7.4  BRST Quantization Lecture 8  Regularization and Renormalization  8.1  Different Regularization Schemes  8.2  Renormalized Theory as an Effective Theory. Slavnov-TaylorIdentities Lecture 9  Running Coupling Constant  9.1  One-loop Calculations  9.2  Renormalization Group. Asymptotic Freedom and Infrared Slav-ery  9.3  Observables. Ambiguities. Anomalous Dimensions   Lecture 10  Weathering Infrared Storms                         10.1  Bloch Nordsieck Cancellation     10.2  Non-Abelian Complications. Coherent States   Lecture 11   Collinear Singularities: Theory and Phenomenol- ogy      11.1  Double Logarithmic Asymptotics    11.2  Jet Cross Sections   11.3  DIS and KLNPART 3:  NONPERTURBATIVE QCDAPPENDIX UNITARY GROUPSBIBLIOGRAPHYINDEX





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