出版時間:1996-12  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  作者:Hoyle, Fred/ Narlikar, Jayant V.  頁數(shù):139  


This book describes the subject of electrodynamics at classical as well as quantum level, developed as an interaction at a distance. Thus it has electric charges interacting with one another directly and not through the medium of a field. In general such an interaction travels forward and backward in time symmetrically, thus apparently violating the principle of causality. It turns out, however, that in such a description the cosmological boundary conditions become very important. The theory therefore works only in a cosmology with the right boundary conditions; but when it does work it is free from the divergences that plague a quantum field theory. 作者簡介:Fred Hoyle was born inYorkshire, England. He studied mathematics at the University of Cambridge, where he eventually became Plumian Professor of Astronomy, and where he founded and was the first director of the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy.    His work in research, starting in 1936, was essentially coincidental with the emergence of the problems of quantum electrodynamics as a major topic in theoretical physics.Since that time he has always maintained a strong interest in QED, as the term is now abbreviated to. The present volume covers work in this subject which he began, together with Jayant Narlikar, in the mid-1960's.


Part Ⅰ: Classical Electrodynamics Lecture Ⅰ: Historical Background Lecture Ⅱ: The Problems of Classical Field Theory Lecture Ⅲ: The Wheeler-Feynman Absorber Theory of Radiation Lecture Ⅳ: Action at a Distance in Curved Spacetime Lecture Ⅴ: Cosmological Models Lecture Ⅵ: Response of the Expanding UniversePart Ⅱ: Quantum Electrodynamics Non-Relativistic Processes Lecture Ⅶ: The Path-Integral Approach to Quantum Mechanics Lecture Ⅷ: Perturbation Theory and the Influence Functional Lecture Ⅸ: Absorption and Stimulated Emission Lecture Ⅹ: Spontaneous Emission Lecture Ⅺ: The Complete Influence Functional and the Level Shift FormulaPart Ⅲ Relativistic Quantum Electrodynamics Lecture Ⅻ: Path Integrals for Relativistic Particles Lecture ⅩⅢ: Many Particle Interactions and the Quantum Response of the Universe Lecture ⅩⅣ: Self Action Lecture ⅩⅤ: Cosmological Cut-offs to Radiative Corrections Lecture ⅩⅥ: Concluding RemarksReferences




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