出版時(shí)間:1994-12 出版社:中國礦大出版社 作者:Doelle, Horst W. 頁數(shù):308
PREFACEINTRODUCTION:SCOPE AND APPLICATIONchapter 1:MICROBIAL TYPES AND TECHNILOGY 1 Microbial Types 1.1 Prokaryotes 1.2 Eukaryotes 1.2.1 Algae 1.2.2 Yeast 1.2.3 Fungi 2. Microbial Technology 2.1 Microbial Biochemistry Concept 2.2 Chemical Engineering Conceptchapter 2:PROCESS DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES 1. Introduction 2. Isolation, identification and initial selection of microbial strains 3. Determination of optimal nutrition temperature and oxygen supply 4. Modification of the genetic structure to increase product formation 5. Cell Cultivation systems 6. Present state and future developmentChapter 3 : ISOLATION, CHARACTERIZATION, AND IDENTIFIGATION OF MICROORGANISMS 1. Introduction 2. Isolation 2.1 Chemical methods 2.2 Physical methods 2.3 Biologlcal methods 2.4 Toxic aEents and pretreatments 3. Systematics 4. Characterization 4.1 Phenotypic characterization 4.2 Numerical analysis 4.3 Chemotaxonomy 4.4 Molecular taxonomy 5. Nomenclature 6. IdentifimationChapter 4:MAINTENAN AND PRESERVATION OF MICROBIAL CULTURES 1.Introduction 2.Stock culture maintenance 3.Preservation methods 3.1 Choice of method 3.2 Stages in preservation methods 3.3 Preservation suspendinE media 3.4 Freezing methods 3.5 DryinE methods 3.6 Freeze-drying 4. Culture collection management 4.1 Culture accession 4.2 Preservation programme 4.3 Quality control 4.4 Shipment of cultures 5. Culture collection resources and servicesChapter 5:BACTERIAL GENETICS 1. Introduction 2. Bacterial genome 3. Mutation 3.1 Consequence and expression of mutation 3.2 DNA repair mechanisms 3.2.1 Excision repair 3.2.2 Photoreactivation 3.2.3 Recombination repair 4. Gene transfer mechanisms 4.1 Bacterial transformation 4.1.1 Natural transformation in gram positive cells 4.1.2 Natural transformation Kram negative cells 4.2 Sacterial conjugation 4.3 Bacterial transduction 4.3.1 Generalized or non-speeiallzed transduction 4.3.2 Specialized or restricted transduction 5. Genetical engineering 5.1 Gene cloning 5.1.1 Production of DNA fragments Mechanical methods Restriction endonucleases DNA-modifwinK enzFmes ……Chapter 6:CELL THERMODYNAMICSChapter 7: GROWTH AND CULTIVATIONChapter 8: CELL METABOLISM AND METABOLIC REGULATIONChapter 9: PRODUCT FORMATIONChapter 10: DOWNSTREAM PROCESSING AND WASTE UTILIXATIONChapter 11: MICROBIAL PROCESS STRATEGIES FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Chapter 12: ADDITIONAL READING LIST INDEX