出版時間:2001-12  出版社:中國礦大出版社  作者:Tsai, Jeffrey J. -P  頁數(shù):234  


The interplay of artificial intelligence and software engineering has been an interesting and an active area in research institution and industry. This book covers the state of the art in the use of knowledge-based approaches for software specification, design, implementation, testing and debugging. Starting with an introduction to various software engineering paradigms and knowledge-based software systems, the book continues with the discussion of using hybrid knowledge representation as a basis to specify software requirements, to facilitate specification analysis and transformation of real-time distributed software systems. A formal requirements specification language using non-monotonic logic, temporal logic, frames and production systems for new software engineering paradigms (such as rapid prototyping, operational specification and transformational implementation) is also discussed in detail. Examples from switching and other applications are used to illustrate the requirements language. Finally, the development, specification and verification of knowledge-based systems are investigated.作者簡介:Jeffrey J-P Tsai is an associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering andComputer Science at the University of Illinois, Chicago, USA. He obtained his Ph.D.degree in Computer Science from North-western University. He has published over 100 papers in the areas of Distributed Real-Time Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering. He received the IEEE Research Award in 1988 and is an IEEE Distinguished Visitor, 1993-1994. He is a guest editor of the IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering on Depen-dability of A.I. Systems, 994, and an editor of the International Journal of Software Eng-ineering and Knowledge ngineering, the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools, and the International Journal of Systems Integration.


1  The Science of Software Development 1.1  Software Engineering as Theory Construction 1.2  Software Engineering Paradigms 1.3  The Path from Problem to Program 1.4  Knowledge-Based Software Development . .2  Knowledge Representation as a Basis of Specifying Requirements 2.1  Demands on a Requirements Specification Language 2.2  Languages to Formulate Requirements Specifications 2.3  The FRORL Requirements Specification Language 2.4  LSSGR Protocol Example 2.5  Developing Requirements Specifications using FRORL3 Nonmonotonic Logic Foundation of the Requirements Specification Language 3.1  The Formal Foundation of FRORL 3.2  Soundness and Completeness of FRORL 3.3  Representing FRORL Constructs4 A Requirements Specification Language for Real-Time Distributed Software Systems 4.1  Characteristics of Real-Time Distributed Software Systems 4.2  Demands on Requirements Specification Languages for Real-Time Dis-tributed Systems 4.3  Languages to Formulate Real-Time Requirements Specifications  4.4  Modeling Mechanisms for Concurrent Distributed Systems 4.5  Modeling Constructs for Real-Time Processes, Timing Constraints,and Temporal Properties5 Temporal Logic Foundation of the Real-Time Distributed Require-ments Specification Language 5.1  The Temporal Fix-Point Calculus 5.2  Model Checking 5.3  Expressing the Temporal Aspects of a FRORL Specification6  Verification of Requirements Specifications 6.1  Analysis through Resolution Refutation 6.2  Model Checking 6.3  Timing Constraints Consistency Analysis 7 Development, Specification, and Verification of Knowledge-Based Systems 7.1  Difficulties in Verifying Knowledge-Based Systems 7.2  Correctness Problems in Knowledge Bases 7.3  Approaches to the Verification of Knowledge-Based Systems 7.4  Dynamic Verification8  Knowledge-Based Implementation 8.1  Automated Program Construction 8.2  Canonicalization 8.3  Data Dependency and Control Flow Analysis 8.4  Determination of Execution Sequence 8.5  Removal of Unnecessary Nondeterminacy 9 Specification Debugging 9.1  Knowledge-Based Debugging 9.2  Debugging of FRORL SpecificationsA Example Specifications A.1 Alternate Bit Protocol A.2 Subscriber-Line Controller of a Telephone ExchangeB Formal Grammar of FRORLC Some Results about Fix-PointsD ReferencesE Index




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