
出版社:Reader's Digest  


There is so much to discover in China that it can seem more like a different world than a different country. In this beautifully illustrated guide, you have the chance to explore the natural unspoiled splendour of more than 50 of the most scenic places in China - from the winter forests of the Little White Mountain to the Tibetan grassland and from the uninterrupted beauty of the Altay Mountains to the terraced fields in southern China. Tucked away in deep forests or situated in remote mountainous areas, reachable by infrequent bus services, horseback riding or trekking on mountain trails, the natural beauty and unique customs of these remote places attract travellers who crave adventure. Marvel at Dragon Cave with its stalactites and stalagmites of spectacular shapes and colours; discover the origins of the Yellow River, the mother river that has nourished Chinese civilization for centuries; explore the Yunshan villages - secluded mountaintop communities set up in the 14th century to protect the borders against 'barbarian invaders'. Illustrated with fantastic photographs and illustrations, the wonderful landscapes and spectacular off-the-beaten-path landmarks featured give an intimate portrait of the world's oldest civilization.



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250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
