
出版時間:2009-10  出版社:大連理工大學出版社  作者:大連理工大學出版社 編  頁數(shù):192  


本書介紹Leonardo玻璃盒子,玻璃的終極設計構想,旅途中的夢之邸,Terry McGinnity——來自澳大利亞的酒店設計師,臺北“故宮”晶華餐飲中心,細節(jié)成就的精致、倫敦BERNERS酒店等等。


刊首語專題  酒店的空間體驗  酒店,不僅僅是“頂尖”  英式奢華 英倫公館酒店  帶Gucci風格的酒店Polto Palacio酒店  茶韻悠長杭州雷迪森龍井莊園酒店  華麗的盛宴 成都聯(lián)森酒店  被沉淀的歷史感 芭東會所  夢江南 江蘇美加東部假日酒店接待處  戴勇訪談錄設計師博客  瞎侃設計師的未來設計快遞  BMW博物館 震動博物館界的動感建筑  Leonardo玻璃盒子 玻璃的終極設計構想  浪漫滿室 杭州浪漫一身  繭俱樂部 用設計裝點夜的精彩  麥迪遜大街私人房產(chǎn)辦事處 辦公環(huán)境以人為本  沈陽“金地長青灣”售樓處 鉆石光芒,設計的璀璨之光樣板間  關于樣板房的一些思考  淺談中式樣板房  貴族精神的新革命 Cheste r square公寓  設計與思維同在 La Maiorl  簡約是亙古不變的主流 Zoepp ritz公寓  給家一張精致的臉 健康樂活居家  德克薩斯熱浪 恒元英倫水岸雙拼別墅A戶型設計名家  Terry McGinnity  很想做中國的酒店設計 關于Terry McGinnity的訪談  中國藍 東京CONRAD酒店  寧靜小島 東京ANA sTRINGs酒店  光影迷離 THREADNEEDLES酒店  細節(jié)成就的精致 倫敦BERNERS酒店設計筆記  姚仁喜 大元建筑師事務所主持建筑師  交通大學第三招待所(木淑館)  臺北“故宮”晶華餐飲中心新技術新材料設計快訊圖書推薦


  These historic images and film footages are embedded in a sound collage, which runs through the entire house. Engine- inspired sounds are interwoven with other music that penetrates from the lower floors upwards because all floors of the house are connected spatially; music can be heard on all levels of the house The "House of Motor Sport" outlines the entire racing sport history of BMW. The uniform design element is a "passing landscape", which expresses the speed of the vehicles - whether it concerns the BMW 328, specialized Formula One cars, motorcycles, or touring cars A perforated hole pattern made of anodized aluminums, integrated with backlit film strips and text, clothe the exhibition rooms of all three floors. Appearing Screens play suitable film sequences as the viewer approaches the films show the exhibits - statically staged in the exhibition - in real surroundings in the context of their time. Dynamism and mobility are the focus. They are alive  Below the "Champions" space is the location of "Motorcycle racing Success on two wheels and three " It shows how BMW, since the end of the 1930s, through world records and racing successes is the most successful sports brand in Europe This curved, graphical band is marked in the ground Ernst Jacob Henna, however, reached his 1929 world record of 279 5 kilometers per hour on a straightLine consequently, a straight band on the ground is assigned to him.  The space "Touring cars in the fast lane” is the stenographic climax of the "House of Motor Sport" exhibition. Five exhibits are composed using media display performances. The use of documentarytoot age, sound, and dynamic lighting effects generate a tension-loaded racing atmosphere Within the darkened room, pulsating lights come from backlit filmstrips On the opposite side of the room, an emotional documentary plays, pulling the visitor and objects into the happenings. The surround sound comes from a rock band, expressing the drama of the events and the feelings of success and passion.  One can receive direct access from this room in the "House of Technology “to the adjacent exhibition space “Aerodynamics. Shaped by the Wind "Therefore. spatial light relationships were synchronized to create a subtle connection between the two rooms.   House of the Series   As the path of the visitor continues, one approaches the "House of the Series" that presents the successful policies of them model lines This house is flanked by installations that were previously out of sight, which traverse the entire height of the building A transparent and delicate-looking structure of platforms and wire ropes forms the class tower, where them 520, BMW 323i, BMW 734i, and them 633 CSU seemingly float in position On the opposite side the "Rear Views" of the BMW cars appear in their colourfuldiversity. The nameplates arrange into an expansive, artistic installation and convey the diversity of the series.  ……



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