3D Studio VIZ基礎(chǔ)課件與高級(jí)課件完全教程(影印版附光盤(pán))/Autodesk官方培訓(xùn)教程系列 (平裝)

出版時(shí)間:2003-03-01  出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社  作者:Autodesk公司編  頁(yè)數(shù):463  




Part One 3D Studio VIZ Fundamentals Courseware Chapter1 The User Interface The 3D Studio VIZ User InterfaceModel Viewports&The Viewport MenuMenu BarTab PanelThe Main ToolbarsCommand PanelsMAXScript Listener,Frame Slider,Track Bar,Status Bar,Prompt Area,and TogglesTime ControlsViewport NavigationTaking the Next StepChanging the Viewport displayThe Pulldown MenusUsing the File Menu to Reset 3D Studio VIZSaving and Restoring from the Temporary BufferLooking at the View MenuAdding a Viewport ImageThe Insert MenuTools in the Tools MenuThe Draw MenuThe Modify MenuThe Modify MenuThe Draw MenuThe Modify MenuGreating a LayerThe Material MenuThe Rendering MenuAnimation MenuHelpThe Tab PanelThe 3D Studio VIZ Main ToolbarsOther ToolbarsCommand PanelsThe Hierarchical Nature of the Command PanelsThe Material EditorOptionsTaking the Big Step Chapter2 Basic Modeling Concepts IntroductionBuilding the Toaster BodyThe Toaster SlotsCreating the Feet and Toast LeverCreating the MaterialsAssigning Material ID's to the Toaster BodyAdding an environment Chapter 3 Basic Scene Creation IntroductionCreating the Basic EnvironmentThe CeilingFurnishing the KitchenLights,Camera,Action Chapter4 AutoCAD/3D Studio VIZ Integration IntroductionImportingLinkingImporting an AutoCAD 2D DrawingBuilding a Model Using 2D AutoCAD GeometryCreating the CeilingCreate a Boolean ObjectCreate a FloorInsert the Reception DeskPlacing CamerasPlacing LightsUnderstanding Face NormalsAssigning a 2-Sided MaterialRendering the Scene with MaterialsFile LinkingSimulating SunlightAdd Terrain to the SceneDynamic File LinkingAdding a Foliage Object3D Studio VIZ and AutoCAD XREF FilesFile Link an AutoCAD File with an XREFConclusion Chapter5 Creating Objects in 3D Studio VIZ IntroductionBuilding the Conference RoomSetting Up Your Model's WorkspaceBuilding the Fourth Floor Conference RoomUsing Array to Create Multiple ColumnsCreating Wall ObjectsAdding a Door and a Window to Your WallCreating the WindowCreating a Spiral Staircase with A RailingAdding a Railing Object to thd StairsConclusion Chapter6 Creating and Manipulating Splines in 3DS VIZ IntroductionA Design ChangeChanges to the Conference Room WallsBuilding a Conference TableCreating the Conference Table BaseCreating the Table TopCreating the Conference Room ChairsMerging the Conference Table into the Conference RoomConclusion Chapter7 Material Creation:Mapped and Procedural Materials IntroductionBitmapsProcedural MapsUsing the Material EditorAdding Materials to the Conference RoomModifying the Material MappingCreating a Marble Tile FloorCreating A Suspended CeilingCreating the Wall MaterialsDragging a Material onto an ObjectConclusion Chapter8 Lighting IntroductionLighting the Conference RoomAmbient LightFirst Things First:The Main Light SourceFill Lights:An Important StepLighting the Conference Room WallsDarkening the Table BaseBrightening the FloorConclusion Chapter9 High Resolution Renderings and Backgrounds IntroductionThe Render Scene DialogOutput SizeImage ResolutionImage Rewolution for PrintingUsing the Asset BrowserUsing a Background Image to Enhance a SceneCamera Match UtilityMerge a 3D Studio VIZ Model into the SceneCreating a Matte/Shadow MaterialConclusion Chapter10 Modeling a Coil-Over Shock Asborber3 IntroductionSetting UpCreate Lower Mounting BossCreating the Mounting HoleCreating the Lower Spring HoleCreating the Cylinder on the Top Side of the ConeCreating the SpringsLofting the SpringsLofting the SpringCreating a Copy of the SpringCreating the Ground flat EndsPut the Parts TogetherCreating the Piston RodThe Damper BodyThe Adjuster RingCreating the RibsPosition the PartsCreating the Upper Mounting Boss Chapter11 Modeling a Composite Mountain Bike FrameSetupCreating the BodyAdjusting the Body ShapeRefining the FrameCreating the Shock OpeningCreate Fillet Surfaces Chapter12 Animating a Mechanical Assembly IntroductionSetting UpAnimating the SuspensionAnimating the SwingarmAnimating the Rear WheelAnimating the ShockAnimating the SpringPart Two 3D Studio VIZ Advanced Courseware Module 1:GeneralChapter 1 Advanced ModelingIntroductionSetting up your workspaceUsing XREFs to Import Your WorkspaceBuilding the FuselageBuilding the WingsTesting MeshSmoothCreating the Elevators and the RudderEmbellishing with MeshSmoothConclusion Chapter2 Advanced MaterialsIntroductionThe Tabletop and the AshtrayThe Cigar BoxThe CigarsThe Burning CigarThe Liquor BottleThe GlassConclusion Chapter3 Special Effects IntroductionWhy Add Render EffectsWhat You Will Learn in This ChapterThe Tower BeaconAnimating the Lens EffectThe Navigation LightsThe Runway LightsMapping The Runway Lights EffectThe Landing LightsConclusion Module 2:Architectural Chapter1 Enhanced DWG LinkingIntroductionPreparing an ADT file for linking to 3D Studio VIZLinking an ADT file to 3D Studio VIZApplying Materials to Linked ObjectsSelecting an Objects Different ComponentsCreating A Multi Sub-Object MaterialModifying a Linked Object in 3D Studio VIZModify a Linked Object in ADTUpdating the VIZ FileSummary Chapter2 Lighting using Lightscape Lights IntroductionCreating a Wall FixtureUsing the Asset Browser to import ERCO FixturesExporting to LightscapeUsing LightscapeImporting a Lightscape Solution into VIZSummary Chapter3 Animating the Architectural Model IntroductionAnimating the lobby artwork displayUnderstanding the Multi/Sub-Object material and UVW map channelsAssigning the Map ChannelsAnimating the ArtworkEditing the keys in Track ViewAnimating the Display MonitorsUsing Visibility to fade in/out the title slidesCreating and assigning the Animated MaterialAnimating the pool waterAnimating the cameraSummary Module 3:Mechanical Chapter1 Advenced NURBS Modeling IntroductionLoading a Reference ImageCreating the SeatCreating the Cowling PodBlending the Cowling Pod and SeatCreating the CowlingCreating the DeckBlending the Cowling and Deck SurfaceLofting the HullBuilding the Transom SurfaceAdding the Sear SupportCreating the HandlebarsCreating the Hand GripsAdding the Handlebar to the PWC BodySummary Chapter2 Linking Mechanical Desktop Files IntroductionTerminologyThe File Link Settings DialogHandling Mechanical Desktop SubassembilesOther MDT ConsiderationsPart NamingUpdating Linked MDT FilesSummary Chapter3 Mechanical Animation IntroductionDefining the Tool PathLinking Machine ComponentsMerging the ToolpathSetting Up for Inverse KinematicsSetting up the Part Transfer RobotAdding the Part Transfer BobotAdding the Part Transfer RobotApplying IK to the RobotApplying a Link Controller to the PartsSummary



    3D Studio VIZ基礎(chǔ)課件與高級(jí)課件完全教程(影印版附光盤(pán))/Autodesk官方培訓(xùn)教程系列 (平裝) PDF格式下載

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