出版時間:2007-8 出版社:山東電子音像出版社 作者:朱同生 編 頁數(shù):486
本書的編寫具有如下特點: 一、讓考生了解博士英語入學考試的特征和要求??忌鶕?jù)不同報考院校的要求,進行針對性的復習和訓練。本書在對名院??荚噺V泛介紹的基礎(chǔ)上,準確、有效地分析博士英語入學考試的特點?! 《?、為考生提供大量的真題,幫助考生在短期內(nèi)有的放矢地備考。雖然各報考院校的題型不盡相同,但都是的難易程度、層次還是基本相似的。提供國內(nèi)眾多重點院校的歷年考試真題,既可以使考生舉一反三,又給他們提供一個全方位接受訓練的機會,能夠達到考前強化的目的?! ∪?、除大量的真題外,本書提供了非常詳盡的試題解析和答案。和其他市面上的博士英語考試參考書不同 的,本書在解析中附了所有閱讀理解段落的譯文及核心詞匯,旨在幫助考生更好地利用真題、理解真題、吃透真題?! ≈档靡惶岬氖?,本書的編寫者都是長期堅持在研究生英語教學第一線的老師,他們都有著極其豐富的教學經(jīng)驗,熟知考生的薄弱環(huán)節(jié),明了博士英語考試的特點要求。
Some African Americans have had a profound impact on American society, changing many people'sviews on race, history and politics, The following is a sampling of African Americans who have shaped so-ciety and the world with their spirit and their ideals.Muhamrnad All. Cassius Marcellus Clay grew up a devout Baptist in Louisville, Kentucky, learning tofight at age 12 after a police officer suggested him learn to defend himself. Six years later, he was anOlympic boxing champion, going on to win three world heavyweight titles. He became known as much forhis swaggeroutside the ring as his movement in it, converting to Islam in 1965, changing hisname to Muhammad All and refusing to join the U.S. Army on religious grounds. All remained popular afterhis athletic career ended and he developed Parkinson's disease, even lighting the Olympic torch at the 1996Atlanta Olympics and conveying the peaceful virtues of Islam following the September 11 terrorist attacks.W. E. B. Du Bois: William Edward Burghardt Du Bois born in 1868, this Massachusetts native wasone of the most prominent, prolific intellectuals of his time. An academic, activist and historian, Du Boisco-founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People(NAACP), edited "The Cri-sis" magazine and wrote 17 books, four journals and many other scholarly articles. In perhaps his mostfamous work, "The Souls of Black Folk", published in 1903, he predicted "the problem of 20th century[ would be] the problem of the color-line. "Martin Luther King Jr. The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is considered one of the most powerful andpopular leaders of the American civil rights movement. He spearheadeda massive, nonvio-lent initiative of marches, sit-ins, boycotts and demonstrations that profoundly affected Americans' atti-tudes toward race relations. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.Malcolm X. Black leader Malcolm X spoke out about the concepts of race pride and black nationalismin the early 1960s. He denounced the exploitation of black people by whites and developed a large anddedicated following, which continued even after his death in 1965. Interest in the leader surged again afterSpike Lee's 1992 movie "Malcolm X" was released.Jackie Robinson, In 1947 ,Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier by joining the Brooklyn Dodgers,becoming the first black baseball player in the U. S. major leagues. After retirement from baseball in1957 ,he remained active in civil rights and youth activities. In 1962, he became the first African-Americanto be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.
《星火英語·全國重點院校考博英語真題詳解(2010下)》:加送考博英語基礎(chǔ)詞匯3600光盤內(nèi)附贈21套真題及解析風靡全國 暢銷十年 8000萬讀者的選擇最全的考博英語真題集最詳?shù)目疾┯⒄Z答案解析最新的考博英語命題預測《星火英語·全國重點院??疾┯⒄Z真題詳解(2010下)》特色:名師點撥 專家破解命題奧秘應試指南 考點難點逐一突破全文精譯 準確理解快速提高連線直擊 答案要點清晰呈現(xiàn)