
出版時間:2011-8  出版社:齊魯電子音像出版社  作者:崔健 編  頁數(shù):300  




Model Test One Model Test TwoModel Test ThreeModel Test FourModel Test FiveModel Test SixModel Test SevenModel Test EinghtModel Test NineModel Test Ten


  One of the patients was a woman in her Iate 30s, a mother of three. Known for her cheery disposition-shereminded the doctors and nurses of a black Cathy Rigby-she had a kind of skin'cancer .that had spread through herbody despite efforts to halt its growth. By the time I met her, she was already the veteran of two clinical trials at the center. Her tumor had responded slightly during one of those studies, but slowing the pace of its growth had come ata significant price. She had endured countless hospitalizations, serious bLoating (腫脹), a punctured lung,overwhelming fatigue and two nearly intractable infections.  Nonetheless, when her cancer began growing again, she eagerly applied for a third study. This time she would participate in one of the earliest studies of a brand-new drug, a phase I clinical tr181, and would have to undergo majorsurgery before taking the experimental drug.  On the evening before her operation. she joked with the surgical team and shook her head when we asked if she hadany more questions. "Haven't we talked about this enough?" she said smiling and nodding gamely as the head surgeonexplained once more that because this was an early-phase trial, it would benefit research but was not likely to be of any therapeutic help to her. Like other such trials, it would test only for toxicity and the maximum safe doses of the experimental drug; generally fewer than 5 percent of patients ever benefit from such early trials.   ......





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