出版時間:2011-2 出版社:齊魯電子音像出版社 作者:陳幼平 編 頁數(shù):340 字數(shù):675000
為了適應新形勢下我國高等教育的發(fā)展,滿足國家對人才培養(yǎng)的要求,2004年教育部頒布了《大學英語課程教學要求(試行)》(簡稱《教學要求》)?!督虒W要求》重新規(guī)定了大學英語的教學目標,強調大學英語教學主要是培養(yǎng)學生的英語綜合應用能力,特別是聽說能力。大學英語六級考試也隨之進行了配套改革,從考試內容到題型設計均進行了重大調整,難度有所增強。為了使廣大考生能迅速掌握考試方法和訣竅,編者嘔心瀝血,精心編排,幾經(jīng)修改,終于奉上了這本六級過關寶典——“一本全”?! ”緯鞑糠种饕蓛纱笳陆M成:第一章諳熟技巧高分有理;第二章千錘百煉熟能生巧。第一章對歷年真題做了抽絲剝繭、鞭辟入里的分析,力求讓考生對升級命題的金科玉律和應試技巧了然于胸。對于歷年真題中出現(xiàn)頻率較高的考查點或技巧,本書則將其總結成小單元,放到拓展空間一欄里,以便考生對六級考試有更加清晰明了的認識。第二章是練習部分,此部分習題系精選而成,答案解析精確詳細,繁雜處不厭其煩,細微處一語道破。 本書各部分內容如下—— 寫作: 現(xiàn)在六級考試把寫作從原來試卷構成的最后一部分提到了第一部分,這對考生的英語語言表達能力和邏輯思維能力提出了更高的要求。但相對其他部分而言,寫作仍是得分較容易的題目,是通過短期突擊就可見成效的部分。本部分編者精研考綱新動向,廣閱關書籍,總結了寫作經(jīng)典題型與常用句型,旨在讓考生在短期內掌握高分寫作的精要;而在練習部分,本書的每篇范文均含有精講精點,利于考生了解文章的精妙所在?! 】焖匍喿x理解: 快速閱讀理解是一個考查考生英語快速閱讀能力的題目。而提高閱讀速度最直接有效的辦法就是“練”。針對這一特點,本書在這部分采取了簡要理論加大量練習的編排形式,第一章的理論部分只是言簡義賅地介紹了快速閱讀的必備知識和技巧,而第二章的10套練習題則為提高考生此部分的應試能力做了量的積累?! ÷犃Σ糠郑骸 ∶绹偨y(tǒng)羅斯福有句名言:“世界上唯一可懼怕的是懼怕本身(The Only thing to fear is learn it-self.)”。這句話一語道破大多數(shù)考生聽力訓練中存在的核心問題,那就是對聽力普遍存有懼怕心理。但其實只要方法得當,完全可以在較短時間內實現(xiàn)聽力能力的提高,從而從容應對考試。本書聽力部分對六級考試的新老題型進行了深入細致的分析,后面的8套模擬練習則可以使考生在較短時間內實現(xiàn)高分突破。 仔細閱讀理解: 短句問答在原題型基礎上做了一定的改造,針對這個題型,本書不僅在第一章理論部分對其題型難度以及應試技巧進行了全面的闡述,而且在第二章提供了大量的練習,使考生真正做到“理論”與“實踐”相結合。對于傳統(tǒng)題型——仔細閱讀理解,本書根據(jù)每篇閱讀理解文章的難度分別為其設計了閱讀精點、難句分析和答案精解等小欄目,并配有全文翻譯。
考拉進階堅持“執(zhí)著毅力,實用高效”的考拉精神,潛心研發(fā)“效能與快樂”為核心的學習方法,力求為大學英語學習者提供一種 真正切合英語學習本質、實用高效的學習方案。近年來推出了“大學教材全解系列”、“四六級試卷系列”、“詞匯系列”、“考研系列”等多個大學產(chǎn)品系列,上百本圖書,廣受大學生歡迎,在全國各地成為暢銷經(jīng)典。
2010年6月大學英語六級考試真題(新)2009年12月大學英語六級考試真題(新)710分新題型大學英語六級考試命題追蹤與預測試卷Model Test One710分新題型大學英語六級考試命題追蹤與預測試卷Model Test Two710分新題型大學英語六級考試命題追蹤與預測試卷Model Test Three710分新題型大學英語六級考試命題追蹤與預測試卷Model Test Four710分新題型大學英語六級考試命題追蹤與預測試卷Model Test Five710分新題型大學英語六級考試命題追蹤與預測試卷Model Test Six710分新題型大學英語六級考試命題追蹤與預測試卷Model Test Seven710分新題型大學英語六級考試命題追蹤與預測試卷Model Test Eight710分新題型大學英語六級考試命題追蹤與預測試卷Model Test Nine710分新題型大學英語六級考試命題追蹤與預測試卷Model Test Ten
What is theatre?Actors tell a story in words and act on a stage. Why has theatre been so intriguing topeople all over the world and throughout history?Theatre in the West began in Greece in 534 B.C.in thecelebration of the cult of Dionysius. The relationship between religion and theatre is neither accidental norincidental: they both include ceremony, ritual, and spectacle that create drama which engages our emotionsand intellect because they tell stories that are universal. In prehistoric times, ceremonies and rituals helped people explain such awe-inspiring, dramatic eventsas birth, death, and powerful natural forces. Man needs a way to cope with his deepest fears and concernsso he creates dramatic situations that express and mimic these feelings. The costumed participants in theceremony (with a script),like the actors on stage, pretend they are driving out demons or pleasing theirgod, or resolving their fears and concerns. This is what Aristotle called catharsis(感情宣泄);thepurgation(清除)of powerful emotions such as fear and pity that offers the release from tension that weexperience as we empathize with the actors facing their conflicts(and our own)and work toward resolvingthem. Theatre and religion touch us not only emotionally and intellectually, but spiritually. Shakespearewas right when he said that all the world is a stage and we but actors playing our parts. There are three basic periods in the history of theatre: Classical period-Greek and Roman theatre; theRomantic period which includes the Renaissance in Europe and the Modern period which began in the late19th century. The Greeks laid the foundation of theatre in the West. They developed the five-act play whichShakespeare and most others followed. At first, there was only one actor who recited a story about thegods. Then Aeschylus added a second actor who made dialogue possible that changed theatre forever, andlater Sophocles added a third actor who brought new elements of conflict that are the essence drama,especially tragedy. The early Christian banned theatre, but offered elaborate ceremonies to attract peopleand to educate them in the Christian doctrine and its dramatic mythology. In the Renaissance, the arts wereflourishing first in Italy and then n ther parts of Europe. Shakespeare wrote in the 16th and early 17thcenturies. Modern theatre began in the 19th century with the plays of Ibsen, Strindberg and Chekhov. Theyoffered reality rather han fantasy or simplistic popular melodramas. The 20th century brought boldinnovations in America and Europe, including new structures: two and three-act plays or a series of scenesreplaced the five-act structure; new stage designs and staging; new issues especially after hentheatre of the Absurd appeared. Off-Broadway and Off-Off-Broadway productions challenged the old ways y presenting experimental works that shocked and perplexed many audiences.
風靡全國,暢銷十年,8000萬讀者的選擇?! 「咝W習方案,輕松過六級,我的學習我做主! 剖析最新真題,舉一反三,把握真題脈絡 設計仿真練習,專項訓練,逐一攻克難關 獨創(chuàng)拓展空間,查漏補缺,提高得分能力 特設綜合測試,實戰(zhàn)演練,鞏固備考效果 過六級,就用一本全,一本就全!