出版時間:2010-1 出版社:上海交通大學出版社 作者:陳幼平 主編 頁數(shù):288 字數(shù):450000
We humans, like all warm-blooded animals, can keep our core body temperatures pretty much constantregardless of whats going on in the world around us. We do this by altering our metabolic (新陳代新的)rate, shivering or sweating. Keeping warm and staying cool take energy unless we are in the "thermo-neutralzone", which is increasingly where we choose to live and work. There is no denying that ambient temperatures (環(huán)境溫度) have changed in the past few decades.Between 1970 and 2000, the average British home warmed from a chilly 13~C to 18℃. In the US, the chan-ges have been at the other end of the thermometer as the proportion of homes with air conditioning rose from23% to 47% between 1978 and 1997. In the southern states——where obesity rates tend to be highest——thenumber of houses with air conditioning has shot up to 70% from 37% in 1978. Could air conditioning in summer and heating in winter really make a difference to our weight? Sadly,there is some evidence that it does——at least with regard to heating. Studies show that in comfortable temper-atures we use less energy. 3. Less smoking Bad news: smokers really do tend to be thinner than the rest of us, and quitting really does pack on thepounds, though no one is sure why. It probably has something to do with the fact that nicotine(尼古丁) is anappetite sappressant and appears to up your metabolic rate. Katherine Flegal and colleagues at the US National Centre for Health Statistics in Hyattsville, Maryland,have calculated that people kicking the habit have been responsible for a small but significant portion of theUS epidemic of fatness. From data collected around 1991 by the US National Health and Nutrition Examina-tion Survey, they worked out that people who had quit in the previous decade were much more likely to beoverweight than smokers and people who had never smoked. Among men, for example, nearly half of quit-ters were overweight compared with 37% of non-smokers and only 28%of smokers. 4. Genetic effects Your chances of becoming fat may be set, at least in part, before you were even born. Children of obesemothers are much more likely to become obese themselves later in life. Offspring of mice fed a high-fat dietduring pregnancy are much more likely to become fat than the offspring of identical mice fed a normal diet.Intriguingly, the effect persists for two or three generations. Grand-children of mice fed a high-fat diet growup fat even if their own mother is fed normally——so your fate may have been sealed even before you were con-ceived. 5. A little older Some groups of people just happen to be fatter than others. Surveys carried out by the US National Cen-tre for Health Statistics found that adults aged 40 to 79 were around three times as likely to be obese asyounger people. Non-white females also tend to fall at the fatter end of the spectrum: Mexican-Americanwomen are 30% more likely than white women to be obese, and black women have twice the risk. In the US, these groups account for an increasing percentage of the population. Between 1970 and 2000the US population aged 35 to 44 grew by 43%. The proportion of Hispanic-Americans also grew, from under5% to 12.5% of the population, while the proportion of black Americans increased from 11% to 12.3%.These changes may account in part for the increased prevalence of obesity.
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