
出版時(shí)間:2010-3  出版社:齊魯電子音像出版社  作者:黃任 編  頁數(shù):206  


  《星火英語:2011英語專業(yè)8級(jí)考試易考范文背誦50篇》摒棄傳統(tǒng)的系統(tǒng)學(xué)習(xí)英語寫作的方法,提倡將遣詞造句、謀篇布局等融入到范文背誦中,通過感知語言的魅力及規(guī)律,自然而然地達(dá)到提高英語寫作的目的。更加難能可貴的是,《星火英語:2011英語專業(yè)8級(jí)考試易考范文背誦50篇》還創(chuàng)造性地邀請(qǐng)英語語音專家為所有范文配上優(yōu)美的、充滿激情的錄音,不僅能極大地提高范史背誦的效率,還能使考生在背誦學(xué)習(xí)的過程中獲得樂趣。  命題規(guī)范,選材貼切  在仔細(xì)研究歷年專八寫作真題命題規(guī)律的基礎(chǔ)上,通過精心篩選和修改,《星火英語:2011英語專業(yè)8級(jí)考試易考范文背誦50篇》命題極力做到與真題命題形式保持高度一致,選材極具模擬性和預(yù)測性。許多話題都與當(dāng)前的一些社會(huì)熱點(diǎn)息息相關(guān),極大地開闊了考生的眼界?! 》段膬?yōu)美,結(jié)構(gòu)恰當(dāng)  《星火英語:2011英語專業(yè)8級(jí)考試易考范文背誦50篇》范文都經(jīng)過名師的精雕細(xì)琢和反復(fù)修改才最終敲定。文章結(jié)構(gòu)合理、清晰,語言表達(dá)地道、精確。而且許多作文話題均是最新的社會(huì)熱點(diǎn),考生可以真切地感受到名師睿智的觀點(diǎn)以及優(yōu)美的語言魅力。  概念新穎,有聲背誦


  黃任,上海外國語大學(xué)教授,一直從事英語教學(xué),并曾任上海外國語大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào)《外國語》副主編兼編輯部主任,聯(lián)合國譯審、上海市先知進(jìn)修學(xué)院院長,退休后受聘為上海外語教育出版社特邀編審、上海外國語大學(xué)中國外語教材教法研究中心顧問和外教社教育培訓(xùn)中心顧問,上海覺先文化傳播有限公司顧問董事長等。 出版物有《分析英語語法》、《英語修辭與寫作》、《英語修辭學(xué)概論》、《英語語法教程——形式、意義與使用》等,參與編寫《新編英語教程》、《新編英語語法》、《當(dāng)代英國文學(xué)詞典》等教材和專著,并發(fā)表40余篇學(xué)術(shù)論文及大量對(duì)外書稿與詩詞譯作。


第一章 專八寫作全解全析一、大綱基本要求二、評(píng)分原則與評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)三、歷年真題回顧四、寫作命題分析五、寫作獻(xiàn)計(jì)獻(xiàn)策第二章 專八寫作易考范文第一節(jié) 繽紛校園類Topic 1 Should Traditional Chinese Etiquette Be Taught in Class?Topic 2 Are Nowadays College Graduates Not as Competent as Before?Topic 3 Is It Meaningful to Receive College Education?Topic 4 Can College Village Heads Plan Really Help?Topic 5 Should College Education Be Vocation-Oriented?Topic 6 On Following SuitTopic 7 Should Chinese Language Course Be Adopted in College Curricula?Topic 8 College Students Image ReconsideredTopic 9 Should Public Announcement of Disciplinary Measures Be Abolished?Topic 10 The Reasons for Unharmonious Teacher-student RelationshipTopic 11 Should the Four Books Be Set in the Universit Curricula?Topic 12 Is the Donors List Acceptable?Topic 13 Should Senior Professors Emphasize More o Research ?Topic 14 Should College Students Own Private Cars?Topic 15 Is Publication of Student Default on Student Loans Acceptable?Topic 16 Do More Certificates Stand for Better Ability?Topic 17 Should Network Games Be Banned in College?Topic 18 Should Universities Charge High Tuition Fees?Topic 19 The Disadvantages of Big Class LearningTopic 20 Should We Celebrate Western Festivals?第二節(jié) 絢麗社會(huì)類Tapie 21 Should We Return to Complex Chinese Characters?Topic 22 My Opinion on Human-powered SearchTopic 23 Is Internet Sensationalizing Acceptable?Topic 24 My View on Shanzhai PhenomenonTopic 25 Should Companies Only Focus on Experience?Topic 26 Can We Trust Specialists?Topic 27 The Validity of College RankingsTopic 28 Does Personal Information Inquiry Intrude Personal Privacy?Topic 29 My View on Popular Stars Migrating to Foreig CountriesTopic 30 Long or Short Vacations?Topic 31 Shodld Laozihao Be Preserved in Marketoriented Economy?Topic 32 why Do People Like to Try Their Luck on Lottery?Topic 33 Technology and Traditional CultureTopic 34 Should Universities Lower Admission Requirements for Celebrities?Topic 35 Can Intellectual Integrity Course Help Prevent Plagiarism?Topic 36 Should We Ban Internet Slang in News and Formal Documents?Topic 37 Orignal Novels or Adapted Version in Films?Topic 38 Who Should Take the Blame-ford.food contamination?第三節(jié) 生活哲理類Topic 39 On the Importance of Self-disciplineTopic 40 The Importance of Hope in Ones LifeTopic 41 The Relationship between Historical Grandet and the Future GreatnessTopic 42 Delivery Ability Matters or the Contents?Topic 43 Will Your Confidence Be Affected by Extern Factors?Topic 44 Money First or Knowledge First?Topic 46 Do Modern People Become Lonelier?Topic 46 Tight Purse Strings or Spend More?Topic 47 On Team SpiritTopic 48 How to Handle Stress in Our Life?Topic 49 Is Seeking Psychiatric Help a Sign of Weakness?Topic 50 On Illusion附錄Ⅰ 專八寫作常用諺語附錄Ⅱ 專八寫作高頻詞組書摘與插圖


  《星火英語:2011英語專業(yè)8級(jí)考試易考范文背誦50篇》風(fēng)靡全國,暢銷十年,8000萬讀者的選。命題時(shí)新,囊括熱點(diǎn)話題;我教你寫,點(diǎn)撥寫作秘訣;精美范文,凸顯高分架構(gòu);全文翻譯,英漢對(duì)照學(xué)習(xí);有聲背誦,全文MP3錄音?! ?0篇精彩范文,涵蓋考試作文各類題型;MP3同步朗讀,換種方式輕松背誦范文?! ∑渌姹菊?qǐng)見:《星火·2012英語專業(yè)8級(jí)考試易考范文背誦50篇(附光盤1張)》




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