出版時間:2010-1 出版社:世圖音像電子出版社 作者:潘曉燕 編 頁數(shù):290
屢次命中:上海交通大學既是CET考試中心的所在地,又是CET考試的閱卷中心。本卷編者都是上海交通大學外語教育第一線的精英教師,具有多年閱卷經驗,掌握第一手的信息。 華研外語10次命中CET-4真題作文、8次命中CET-6真題作文,以及4級聽力長對話、短對話等!網(wǎng)上點擊率超過千萬的“4、6級作文錦囊16篇”就是本卷的經典之作。 聽記時代:機考的腳步聲預示著英語學習方法又將發(fā)生革命性的變革——聽記時代來臨了,不會聽等于不懂英語?! ÷犛洉r代,記單詞,會認不算懂,聽懂才是真的懂;聽得出,寫得出,才算出色! 如今,紙考命題理念正悄悄地向機考靠攏,華研又率先將聽記學習理念應用于試卷編寫,既抓準要害,又能提高學習效率,一舉兩得。
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Ricky Gervaiss new film, The Invention of Lying, is about a world where lying doesnt exist, which means that everybody tells the truth, and everybody believes everything everybody else says. "Ive always hated you," a man tells a work colleague. "He seems nice, if a bit fat," a woman says about her date. Its all truth, all the time, at whatever the cost. Until one day, when Mark, a down-on-his-luck loser played by Gervais, discovers a thing called "lying" and what it can get him. Within days, Mark is rich, famous, and courting the girl of his dreams. And be- cause nobody knows what "lying" is, he goes on, happily living what has become a complete and utter farce. Its meant to be funny, but its also a more serious commentary on us all. As Americans, we like to think we value the truth. Time and time again, public-opinion polls show that honesty is among the top five characteristics we want in a leader, friend, or lover; the world is full of woe- ful stories about the tragic consequences of betrayal. At the same time, deception is all around us. We are lied to by government officials and public figures to a disturbing degree; many of our social relationships are based on little white lies we tell each other. We deceive our children, only to be deceived by them in return. And the average person, says psychologist Robert Feld- man, the author of a new book on lying, tells at least three lies in the first 10 minutes of a conversation. "
華研外語是國內第一家采用科學實驗的手段來提高學習效率的文化開發(fā)科研機構,多年來致力于大學英語教學法和測試學的研究?! 胺椒ǖ谝弧?,即TOPWAY,是他的做事原則,方法得當就會事半功倍,讓您花最少的時間取得最好的學習效果;“沙里淘金”是他的思維方式,通過電腦分頻等諸多科學手段,讓您抓住問題的關鍵,用20%的精力取得80%的成績,體現(xiàn)“2/8”原則;封面上那個可愛的青蛙興杠鈴的Logo,寓意華研的方法可起到真正的“四兩撥千斤”的奇效?! ∵x擇華研,選擇Smart! 牛!10次命中四級作文 8次命中六級作文 MP3版 作文錦囊 作文16篇全錄音,走路、睡覺都能邊聽邊記。核心詞匯精講 單詞的讀音、釋義和例句的英文、譯文全錄音,隨光盤贈送?! ∪A聯(lián)外語,方法第一 上海交通大學 題要從最重要的做起!