出版時間:2010-1 出版社:世圖音像電子 作者:潘曉燕 編 頁數(shù):344 字?jǐn)?shù):880000
聽記時代:機考的腳步聲預(yù)示著英語學(xué)習(xí)方法又將發(fā)生革命性的變革……一聽記時代來臨了,不會昕等于不懂英語聽記時代,記單詞,會認(rèn)不算懂,聽懂才是真的懂;聽得出,寫得出,才算出色! 如今,紙考命題理念正悄悄地向機考靠攏,華研又率先將聽記學(xué)習(xí)理念應(yīng)用千試卷編寫,既抓準(zhǔn)要害,叉能提高學(xué)習(xí)效率,一舉兩得! 屢次命中: 上海交通大學(xué)既是CET考試中心的所在地,又是CET考試的閱卷中心。本卷編者都是上海交通大學(xué)外語教育第一線的精英教師,具有多年閱卷經(jīng)驗,掌握第一手的信息。 華研外語10次命中CET一4真題作文、8次命中CET一6真題作文,以及4級聽力長對話、短對話等!網(wǎng)上點擊率超過千萬的“4、6級作文錦囊16篇”就是本卷的經(jīng)典之作。(詳見封二)
Understanding what your PRIORITIES are each and every day is one of the biggest keys tocollege success. It is also one of the easiest concepts to lose track of. It is a fast-paced world,where it is easy to become sidetracked with social activities, TV shows, video games, etc. Somepeople carry a card in their wallet, or even a card on their PC, where they list the top 1-5priorities in their life. Everyone has exactly 24 hours each day. People who achieve more in life simply makebetter use of their 24 hours each day than everyone else. What you do with each of your 24hours has as much to do with your success during college as any other factor. There is an oldsaying that "if its important enough to you, you make time for it." Be sure that nobody isin charge of your time except for you. It is one of the most valuable assets you have.4. Dont Wait Until the End of Your College Career to Stop Procrastinating Whether it is an event or a semester project that is two months away, ask yourself each day"What can be done now instead of later?" Write down when you are going to do something, notsimply when something is due. Set deadlines for yourself, and put them in writing. Then stick toit. Most people procrastinate because the activity they are supposed to do is not as desirable aswhat they would rather be doing. However, if you complete tasks early, you can enjoy yourleisure time worry-free. This is one of the biggest ways to alleviate stress. If it is the 3rd day of the month, and there is a project due on the 28th of the month,most students hardly have that project on the radar screen yet. Then, they see the project creepup on their calendar on the 24th or 25th, and they say "Uh-oh! " Further, they realize there isan event planned on the 26th, and they have to work at their part-time job on the 27tht This lackof planning is what leads to either missed deadlines, or turning a project in on time, but withpoor quality. In addition to poor quality, it also led to undue stress for 4 days. One easy way totackle projects ahead of time is to break the project down into several smaller ones. For example,instead of writing a 10-page paper jn one night, write 1-page per day for 10 days, or 1-pageevery other day. This will save time, increase quality, and decrease stress.
華研外語是國內(nèi)第一家采用科學(xué)實驗的手段來提高學(xué)習(xí)效率的文化開發(fā)科研機構(gòu),多年來致力于大學(xué)英語教學(xué)法和測試學(xué)的研究?!胺椒ǖ谝弧?,即TOPWAY,是他的做事原則,方法得當(dāng)就會事半功倍,讓您花最少的時間取得最好的學(xué)習(xí)效果;“沙里淘金”是他的思維方式,通過電腦分頻等諸多科學(xué)手段,讓您抓住問題的關(guān)鍵,用20%的精力取得80%的成績,體現(xiàn)“2/8”原則;封面上那個可愛的青蛙興杠鈴的Logo,寓意華研的方法可起到真正的“四兩撥千斤”的奇效。 選擇華研,選擇Smart! 贈No-Book 作文錦囊 作文16篇全錄音,走路、睡覺都能邊聽邊記?! ≡~匯錦囊 單詞的讀音、拼寫和釋義全錄音,隨光盤贈送。 解題技巧 最新真題3套 牛!10次命中四級作文 8次命中六級作文 10套真題+2套預(yù)測