
出版時間:2011-2  出版社:中國和平音像出版社  作者:張莉娟,李慧彥 主編  頁數(shù):236  


全書80個作文題目,65個最新預(yù)測,15個典型真題,每個題目,都給出了一篇優(yōu)秀、高分范文?! ?5篇預(yù)測作文中,40篇屬于短文寫作,幾乎全是近年??嫉膱D畫作文,著眼熱點(diǎn),話題豐富。  65篇預(yù)測作文中,25篇屬于應(yīng)用文,涵蓋了十六類常考信函寫作,情景活潑,同時熟悉格式?! ?5篇真題作文中,有9篇圖畫短文、6篇應(yīng)用文,預(yù)測熱點(diǎn)同時,也讓您領(lǐng)略一下典型真題?! ?0個作文題目,80篇高分范文,帶您考前練透熱點(diǎn)、悟透真題,讓您考前熟讀致誦、胸有成竹。


主編寄語你問我答  問答之一  問答之二 問答之三 問答之四 問答之五第一篇 短文寫作 社會熱點(diǎn)  作文1 Craze for Being Civil Servants  作文2 Doing Our Best to Create a World Full of Love  作文3 On Complaint Letters and Visits  作文4 On Fake and Inferior Products  作文5 A Civil Servant’S Eight Hours at the Omce  作文6 The Misplaced Bandage  作文7 On Bribery  作又8 On Star Spokesmen  作文9 Olympic Fever  作文10 My View onTakingFamilytoWorkAbroad 品德修養(yǎng)  作文11 Do Not Underestimate Petty Things in Our Life  作文12 Do Not Pretend to Know What You Don't Know  作文13 Perseverance—the Source ofPower  作文14 No PainsNo Gains  作文15 The Tendency ofJealousy  作文16 On Public Morality  作文17 Moderate Your Pursuit  作文18 On Opportunities 生態(tài)環(huán)境  作文19 Pressing Measures Should be Taken to Protect the Forests  作文20 Economic Development and Environmental Protection  作文21 How to Deal With the Discarded Barteries  作文22 Stop Killing Wild Animals for Food  作文23 How to Deal with Water Scarcity  作文24 Free US From Sand Storms  作文25 Littering in Residential Communities 科技傳媒  作文26 On Junk Messages  作文27 On Celebrities’Privacy  作文28 The Intemet Makes the World Smaller  作文29 Annoying Telephone Ads  作文30 How to Avoid Being Deprived by Computers  作文31 E-books’Effect on namtional Books 教育就業(yè)  作文32 My View on College Students’Cohabitation  作文33 Working Experience Is More Important Than Certificates  作文34 Employment Pressure on University Students  作文35 Unnecessary Supplementary Classes  作文36 On the Separation ofArts and Science  作文37 Unjustifiable Charges Should Be Eliminated  作文38 Education Gap Contributes to Income Gap  作文39 Credit Cards Among College Students  作文40 Education forAll-round Development Should Be Advocated第二篇 應(yīng)用文附:寫作高分裝備


版權(quán)頁:插圖:Unnecessary Supplementary ClassesThe picture shows us that a teacher is [1] publicizing his supplementary class to his students. And he preaches that those who attend his supplementary class can enhance their school performance immediately. Obviously, the purpose of the picture is criticizing that all kinds of [2] supplementary classes seem to become an indispensable ex- tension of normal schools.As for the above prevalent phenomenon, some people [3] are in favor of it. They believe that [4] only by attending such supplementary classes can their children obtain more knowledge than others. But, I don't [5] see eye to eye with them and I insist that supplementary classes do [6]more harm than good. To start with, as attending supplementary schools [7] calls for additional money, it will [8]add to the financial hardships of many families. In addition, attending supplementary classes is burdensome and thus [9] goes ill with the healthy development of thestudents. Thirdly, supplementary schools may encourage some unethical teachers to cut their normal lectures so as to make profits by running supplementary classes.


《長喜英語·2012考研英語考前熱點(diǎn)范文80篇》:范文優(yōu)美 點(diǎn)評詳細(xì) 先練后誦 對比提高行文思路 指導(dǎo)文章如何展開亮點(diǎn)點(diǎn)評 分析用語哪里生彩我來臨摹 好的句式學(xué)會運(yùn)用優(yōu)美錄音 聽讀結(jié)合快樂背誦



    長喜英語·2012考研英語考前熱點(diǎn)范文80篇 PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計14條)


  •   每篇都是三段,firstly,……,這樣的格式寫嗒,用詞都很簡單,準(zhǔn)備買一本星火的易考范文背誦80篇,各網(wǎng)站一直缺貨,買了這個,半天掃掉了半本,流水賬,浪費(fèi)時間。紙還很爛,有的背面字顏色深的,那一頁就辨識不出來,要舉起來背光看,坑爹么~不說了!
  •   感覺卓越很正規(guī),在這買的鋼筆、筆記本包都很好,售后服務(wù)也很好……買的考研作文書一般,小作文里只有書信的范文,六級題資料很全,有預(yù)測題。
  •   明顯就有假貨的嫌疑,書的印刷很粗糙,紙質(zhì)超差 ,這是我在卓越買的最差的一本書?。。。。。。?/li>
  •   考前背背這些范文,總會有合適的機(jī)會用到的
  •   對水平較高的學(xué)生幫助不大~語言流暢度一般~
  •   內(nèi)容一般,不建議英語基礎(chǔ)好的學(xué)生使用
  •   物美價廉,比那所謂的X寶書不知道好多少,至少范文我沒發(fā)現(xiàn)語病
  •   給朋友買的,沒說啥,應(yīng)該還不錯吧,呵呵
  •   很好,我想說很適合。
  •   篇數(shù)適合,我很喜歡!
  •   不錯的考研英語作文書
  •   作文有時效性 針對性
  •   值得有一本
  •   精巧便攜

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
