
出版時(shí)間:1970-1  出版社:湖北音像  作者:鐘利平  頁數(shù):360  


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  Kindergarten students are typically four or five years of age. Iil class, they are introduced to the al-phabet, numbers, and colors; they study their bodies, their families, and their communities ; they listento stories read aloud; they make art projects; and they learn about holidays, plants, animals, and othertopics in science and social studies..Some kindergartens also teach introductory reading and mathematicalskills. Kindergartens tend to offer children a foundation for the development of social skills, self-confi-dence, motivation, and the process of knowing.The first kindergarten was started by German educator Friedrich Froebel in 1837 in Blankenburg,Prussia ( now part of Germany). Froebel chose the German term kindergarten ( children' s garden) be-cause he intended children in his school to grow as freely as flowers in a garden. Froebel' s kindergartenwas based on the then idea that children' s play was significant. At the time, almost no children underthe age of seven attended school, but Froebel designed his kindergarten for children between the ages ofthree and seven. The kindergarten became widely admired for its revolutionary teaching methods, andFroebel' s followers soon established other kindergartens based on his educational philosophy.  Froebel developed his own ideas about education by combining his belief in scientific observationwith his belief in the interconnection of all things. In addition, Froebel was concerned that the spread ofindustrialization would negatively affect the family, but he believed that kindergartens could increase thestatus of mothers and children. Froebel' s ideas became increasingly popular in the 1840s, but becausek!ndergartens were associated with liberalism and free-thinking, they were banned by the Prussian govern-ment after the failure of the liberal revolution of 1848.


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  •   幫朋友買的a級書其實(shí)多做做題就能過的別太擔(dān)心。。
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  •   恩恩,這本書給我的感覺還行。就是一般般

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