出版社:吉林文化音像出版社 作者:包天仁 著 頁數(shù):138
《英語趣味閱讀與完形填空120篇》自出版以來備受廣大讀者朋友的青睞。本叢書以其知識性與可讀性并重、實用性與趣味性齊舉、題材新穎、體裁豐富等特點深受好評,常銷不衰。此番再版,我們在保持其原有特色的基礎上,做了如下修訂: 一、書名修訂為《英語閱讀理解與完形填空100篇》,文章內(nèi)容選材更新、編排更具科學性。本叢書以新課標及最新考綱為依據(jù),精心選取加工時效性強、適用性廣、趣味性強、題材新穎的文章100篇,其中包括50篇閱讀理解與50篇完形填空?! 《?、本叢書按照話題共分為10個單元,每個單元包含與該單元主題相關的閱讀理解與完形填空文章各5篇,兩種題型穿插安排,編排方式新穎。單元主題涉及人物、體育、娛樂、文化習俗、旅游等,話題豐富、涵蓋面廣,符合學生的興趣愛好,融知識性與趣味性于一體?! ∪?、試題設計更科學,考查更全面。主、客觀題相結合,涵蓋選擇題、填空題、判斷題、簡答題等多種題型,考查形式兼顧詞匯考查、細節(jié)考查以及主旨大意考查等?! ∷摹⒚總€單元后還增設了“教你閱讀”欄目,結合各地最新中、高考試題對閱讀理解題與完形填空題的常見設題方式、實用解題技巧與答題策略進行介紹與講解,舉例典型、闡述精練。幫助學生掌握科學的閱讀方法,從而使其提高英語閱讀能力,并進一步帶動其他基本技能的提高?! ∥濉⒈緟矔奈恼略谶x取編排時科學分級,充分考慮到兼顧現(xiàn)行各版本主流英語教材,使其適用性更加廣泛。本叢書可適用于使用人教版、外研版、北師大版、冀教版、譯林版、湘教版及牛津版等多種版本英語教材的初、高中學生學習使用?! ×?、參考答案部分增加了文章主旨大意介紹以及答案簡析,使學生能夠更好地理解文章內(nèi)容、理清解題思路。 本叢書全新再版,裝幀精關、版式新穎,既適合學生在老師的指導下集體使用,也適用于學生課外自主學習。
Unit 1 LifeReading Comprehension1 Being a Happy Kid to Have Success2 Growing Roots3 Being Safe in Your Life4 How to Cross the Railroad Tracks Safely5 What Students Should Do in and outside School教你閱讀中考英語閱讀理解題型分析(一)Unit 2 StudyReading Comprehension1 Good Strateries2 How to Study English Well3 Different School Rules in Different Countries4 Mas Dream5 A Great Wav to Learn教你閱讀中考英語閱讀理解題型分析(二)Unit 3 SocietyReading Comprehension1 Three Charts2 A Kind-hearted Man3 Be Creative4 Raising Money for the Quake-hit Areas5 Your Rights at Home and at School教你閱讀中考英語閱讀理解題型分析(三)Unit 4 TravelReading Comprehension1 Travel in Singapore2 A Dangerous Journey3 Hong Kong Disneyland4 Thailand5 Sydney教你閱讀中考英語閱讀理解題型分析(四)Unit 5 NatureReading Comprehension1 How Plants Grow。2 The Venus Flytrap3 The Main Use of Colors for Animals and Pests4 Weather Influences5 Kings of the Animals教你閱讀中考英語閱讀理解題型分析(五)Unit 6 HealthReading Comprehension1 Keep Yourself.n Good Health2 School Kids Face Grown-up Choices3 Eating Special Foods and Vegetables to Protect the Body4 Six Ways to Feel Good about Yourself5 HOW to Keep Healthy in Autumn教你閱讀中考英語閱讀理解題型分析(六)Unit 7 Interpersonal RelationsReading Comprehension1 A Special Gift2 She Was There When I Needed Her Most3 Starting to Live a Life4 Farm.1y Is More Important5 HOW to Communicate with Your Parents教你閱讀 閱讀中遇到讀不懂的長句、難句怎么辦?Unit 8 Modern TechnologyReading Comprehension1 The Exploitation(開采)of Oil2 Great inventions3 Get Ready for the Future4 The New Type of Bed5 In Cyber World教你閱讀如何做好閱讀理解題Unit 9 Famous PeopleReading Comprehension1 Charles Darwin2 A Great Thinker and Teacher3 Bill Gates4 Alfred Nobel5 Four Dollars a Bueket教你閱讀中考英語完形填空題命題特點分析(一)Unit10 CultureReading Comprehension1 English Tea and Coffee Culture2 Tips on April Fools Day3 Auld Lang Syne4 Differences in culture5 Peking operla教你閱讀中考英語完形填空題命題特點分析(二)參考簽案
Hu Jia is at Shanghai Fu dan Junior Middle School. She had her Chinese class two weeks ago. But she is still excited talking about it."Its time to talk about poems. But our teacher asked us to go on to the class bl0g(博客), a website for our class," Hu said. Her teacher, Zhang Dian chun, put some nice poems on the blog. The class talk ed freely about each poem. Hu is a shy girl, and she doesnt often put her hand up in class. But this time its different. "I typed in what I thought about the poems. The teacher typed back and said Iwas doing well."Fu dan Junior started to have blogs for teachers and students early this year. A blog is like a diary on a website. It has messages about lots of different things kept by date. Using a blog at school makes teacher-student talk easily, Clearly and fast. "On our schools blog, everyone mustuse their real name. Thats how it is different from other online talks," said Zhang Xuan, a teacher at the school. Each class has its own blog. They have lessons on the blog. After school, students can still talk to each other or to their teachers about problems in study or life. Zhang said every day there are about 200 students talking on their class blog. "Its cool. You can tell your teachers something you might never dare to say facet o face," said Hu. Teachers and students are friends on the blog. They talk openly. Once Zhang event old his students about a mistake he had made." Our class teacher is not mysterious (神秘的) any more. We are close," said Xu Jie, one of Zhangs students. Zhou Peifei said the blog helped her study better. "Once at night I put a question on our class blog, and I quickly got the answer from a classmate."