出版時間:2009-7 出版社:蘇州大學出版社 作者:何慶忠,張惠珍 主編 頁數:247
北京奧運會的成功舉辦大大激發(fā)了中國人學習英語的熱情。英語在現代世界體育競技舞臺上扮演著官方語言的角色,并且在體育科技、體育文化交流等方面英語與其他語言相比也占據著優(yōu)勢。隨著中國體育對外交流的深入,要想了解更多的世界體育資訊,與世界更好地進行交流和溝通,我們必須學好體育英語。 本書是為體育專業(yè)的學生以及體育英語學習者編寫而成的。全書共18個單元,涉及奧運會比賽項目25個,每個單元基本分為以下幾方面內容:(1)Text(課文):主要是能較全面反映該項目特點的內容,如項目的發(fā)展史、項目的簡介等。(2)Words and Expressions(單詞與短語):主要把課文中出現的一些較難的詞匯及專業(yè)詞匯進行中文注解,便于學生理解與掌握。(3)Supplementary Reading(補充讀物):選取著名的運動員、賽事等進行簡要介紹,加深學生對該項目及其專業(yè)詞匯的記憶。(4)Exercises(課后練習):選取課文中與項目特點緊密相關的內容設計練習,如判斷正誤、英譯漢等,以幫助學生更好地提高閱讀和翻譯體育專業(yè)材料的能力。(5)Discussion(主題討論):為了提高學生體育專業(yè)知識的語言表達能力和更好地掌握體育專業(yè)知識,每課均設有相關的主題討論。(6)Study for Fun(趣味學習):選取與某項目相關的一些趣味性的語言或故事,旨在提高學生對專業(yè)英語的學習興趣,更好地掌握體育專業(yè)詞匯。書后所附各單元的練習答案可供參考。
Unit 1 FootballUnit 2 BasketballUnit 3 VolleyballUnit 4 Table TennisUnit 5 TennisUnit 6 BadmintonUnit 7 Baseball and SoftballUnit 8 AthleticsUnit 9 SwimmingUnit 10 GymnasticsUnit 11 CyclbigUnit t2 WeightliftingUnit 13 Archery and ShootingUnit 14 Single's Flghting EventsUnit 15 Triathlon and Modern PentathlonUnit 16 Freestyle SkiingUnit 17 Figure SkatingUnit 18 Short Track Speed Skating
Twist lifts are a form of pair lifts, where the lifted partner is thrown into theair, twists, and is caught by the lifted partner. The lady may do a split before thetwist, called a split twist. This is not mandatory, but it increases the level of theelement. The lady must be caught by her waist in the air. She lands on thebackward outside edge. The man also ends the lift on one foot. In both pairs and dance, lifts that go on longer than allowed receivedeductions. Synchronized skating teams are also allowed to perform lifts in the freeskating portion of the senior division only. Lifts can be pair lifts (such as in adance lift) or a group lift with two or more skaters lifting another skater. In a pairlift, no more than one arm may be fully extended above the head at any time.Acrobatic lifts are not allowed. To gain additional points, teams will sometimesrotate and/or move lifts across the ice.
中國大學英語教學改革的方向 中國社會經濟發(fā)展的必然要求