
出版時間:2009-1  出版社:蘇州大學出版社  作者:陳新仁 編  頁數:221  


  人們能夠使用語言進行交際,但這種能力似乎并不需要語法書的指導或依賴語法教學。也許正因為如此,對于中國學生學外語是否需要教語法、學語法,經常有些爭議。學生不喜歡語法或語法課當然還有別的原因。譬如,語法給人枯燥、刻板的印象(這是一般語法書給人留下的印象),語法教學往往流于傳授語法的條條框框(這是一般語法教學給人留下的印象)。我們需要改變這一切,從教材的編寫開始,從教法開始。  我們的基本看法是:第一,語法是語言使用中的重要部分,是一種表達資源,合理使用語法可以幫助我們在合適的語境中取得特定的交際效果。因此,我們要為學生提供表達特定思想的語法選擇,知道什么時候選擇什么語法形式來表達思想。強化語法學習和使用的“選擇意識”,著力發(fā)展“語法能力”,可以從根本性上提高學習效率,增強表達效果。第二,語言表達以句子為基本單位,語法講解要關注句子的各個組成部分(主語、謂語、賓語、狀語、補語等),解決學生在構筑句子過程中的困難,為學生提供各個部分的可能選擇,幫助他們體會不同語法形式選擇在交際效果上的差異。第三,語法教學要以學生為中心,結合語法使用實例和交際情境,開展研究性學習,通過各種討論,激發(fā)學生的學習興趣及發(fā)現語法規(guī)律的欲望?! ”窘滩牡闹饕厣 ?.注重語法講解過程中的語言環(huán)境,確保其真實性;注重語法信息量的充足性以及信息內容的可理解性和趣味性。  2.打造全新的語法講解體系,以傳統語法體系為藍本,從概念出發(fā),舉例充分。又從解決何時用、怎么用的問題出發(fā),從學生組句需要出發(fā),講解句子各個組成部分,同時考慮到交際中表達簡潔和強調的需要,講解相關語法選擇。超越語法知識本身,培養(yǎng)語法能力。  3.注重語法的交際價值,大幅度改變將語法作為抽象語言知識學習的做法。從交際角度,比較相似結構之間的差別。區(qū)分常規(guī)結構與修辭結構?! ?.突出語法的文體、體裁特征;很多語料取樣于現實生活,豐富多樣?! ?.關注語法與詞匯作為交際手段之間的聯系?! ?.以中國學生學習英語為出發(fā)點和歸屬,考慮到母語的積極和消極影響以及讀者學習語言的經驗,不講不是很需要講的內容,預測性地呈現中國學生可能出現的語法問題?! ?.采用研究性學習理念,設計大量討論性、探索性、發(fā)現式問題,啟發(fā)學生發(fā)現英語語法規(guī)律,培養(yǎng)學生的研究思維和能力。努力改變傳統知識類教材的刻板方式,幫助教師克服一言堂的教學模式。本教程適合課堂教學,而不是“工具書”、“參考書”一類的教材。  8.考慮到學習者的客觀需要,關注與各種語法測試的結合。


人們能夠使用語言進行交際,但這種能力似乎并不需要語法的指導或依賴語法教學。也許正因為如此,對于中國學生學外語是需要教語法、學語法,經常有些爭議。學生不喜歡語法或語法課當然還有別的原因。    本書迥異于以灌輸為主的傳統語法教科書,其編寫融入了最新的教學理念和編者對語法教學的深刻理解,內容設計富有創(chuàng)意。它不僅繼承了傳統英語語法的優(yōu)點,而且吸收了現代語言學的最新成果;融枯燥的英語語法規(guī)則于真實多樣而生動的語篇之中,既增強了可讀性和實用性,又突顯了交際能力的培養(yǎng);研究型練習設計富于啟發(fā)性,可以幫助讀者學習掌握語法知識,繼而提高讀者的英語表達能力。該教程帶給學生的將不僅僅是語法知識和能力,更有全新的學習體驗和創(chuàng)新思維能力。




 Unit 1  Preliminaries about Grammar   Pre-Class Reading   1. 1  Language and its grammar   1.2  Grammatical knowledge   1.3  Grammatical competence   1.4  Learning English grammar   In-Class Activities   Post-Class Tasks   Project WorkPart One  The Structure of English Sentences Unit 2  Constructing English Sentences   Pre-Class Reading   2.1  Sentence components in English   2.2  Sentence patterns in English   2.3  Movements of sentence components   In-Class Activities   Post-Class Tasks   Project Work Unit 3  Functional Taxonomy of English Sentences   Pre-Class Reading   3.1  Declarative sentences in English   3.2  Interrogative sentences in English   3.3  Imperative sentences in English   3.4  Exclamatory sentences in English   In-Class Activities   Post-Class Tasks   Project Work Unit 4  Grammatical Markers in English Sentences   Pre-Class Reading   4.1  The plurality marker   4.2  The possessive case marker   4.3  The tense aspect markers   4.4  Degree markers for adjectives adverbs   In-Class Activities   Post-Class Tasks   Project WorkPart Two  The Subject and the Object  Unit 5  The Subject   Pre-Class Reading   5.1  The form choices of the subject   5.2  The meaning choices of the subject   5.3  The subject-predicate agreement in number   In-Class Activities   Post-Class Tasks   Project Work Unit 6  The Object   Pre-Class Reading   6.1  Defining the object   6.2  The form choices of the object   6.3  The meaning choices of the object   In-Class Activities   Post-Class Tasks   Project Work Unit 7  Determiners in Noun Phrases   Pre-Class Reading   7.1  Defining the notion of "determiner"   7.2  Types of determiners   7.3  The co-occurrence of determiners   In-Class Activities   Post-Class Tasks   Project Work Unit 8  Attributives: Modifiers in Noun Phrases   Pre-Class Reading   8.1  The definition of the attributive   8.2  The form choices of the attributive   8.3  The relative clause-   8.4  Ordering modifiers in noun phrases   In-Class Activities   Post-Class Tasks   Project WorkPart Three  The Predicate and Related Grammatical Categories Unit 9  The Terse and Aspect Systems   Pre-Class Reading   9.1  The predicate   9.2  The tense of the predicate   9.3  The aspect of the predicate   9.4  Present tenses   9.5  Past tenses   9.6  Future times   In-Class Activities   Post-Class Tasks   Project Work Unit 10  The Mood System   Pre-Class Reading   10.1  Mood as a grammatical category   10.2  Form choices of the subjunctive mood   10.3  Function choices of the subjunctive mood   In-Class Activities   Post-Class Tasks   Project Work Unit 11  The Modality System   Pre-Class Reading   11. 1  Types of modal verbs   11.2  Categories of modality   11.3  Modality and po]iteness   In-Class Activities   Post-Class Tasks   Project WorkPart Four  The Adverbial and the Complement Unit 12  The Adverbial   Pre-Class Reading   12.1  The definition of the adverbial   12.2  The form choices of the adverbial   12.3  Types of the adverbials   12.4  Adverbial clauses   In-Class Activities   Post-Class Tasks   Project Work Unit 13  The Complement   Pre-Class Reading   13.1  Defining the complement   13.2  The form choices of the subject complement   13.3  The form choices of the object complement   In-Class Activities   Post-Class Tasks   Project WorkPart Five  Grammar and Text Unit 14  Inversion   Pre-Class Reading   14.1  Defining inversion   14.2  Grammatical inversion   14.3  Rhetorical inversion   In-Class Activities   Post-Class Tasks   Project Work Unit 15  Ellipsis and Substitution   Pre-Class Reading   15.1  Defining ellipsis   15.2  Grammatical ellipsis   15.3  Rhetorical ellipsis   15.4  Substitution   In-Class Activities   Post-Class Tasks   Project Work Unit 16  Cohesion in English Texts   Pre-Class Reading   16.1  Defining cohesion   16.2  Types of cohesive devices   16.3  Choice of cohesive devices   In-Class Activities   Post-Class Tasks   Project Work References Glossary


  Pre-Class Reading  English sentences can be roughly classified into four types in terms of theircommunicative functions. These types are dedarative sentences, interrogativesentences, imperative sentences, and exclamatory sentences. This unit addressesthe structural properties of these types of sentences and examines them in their context of use.  3.1 Declarative sentences in English  Dedarative sentences are the most frequently used kind among all the functionaltypes of sentences. They are used:a. to describe some state of affairs, as in (1); b. tointroduce some properties or features, as in (2);c. to portray some action, as in(3); etc. ?。?)Jack is in school. ?。?)Grammar can be interesting. ?。?)Were having grammar dass.  Basically, declarative sentences are informative in the sense that after understandingwhat they say, people will get to know something, or know it better. Take (1)for example.Before reading this sentence, we have no idea where Jack is.  3.2 Interrogative sentences in English  Interrogative sentences are of various types in English, induding simple questions(or Yes-No questions), special questions (or Wh-questions), alternativequestions, tag questions, and rhetorical questions.  Yes-No interrogative sentences are generally used by the speaker for two purposes:a. to ask the hearer to confirm something, as in (4);b.to take some action, as in(5).




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