
出版時間:2011-6  出版社:北京對外經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易大學(xué)出版社有限責(zé)任公司  作者:劉亞軍 編  頁數(shù):208  




Chapter 1  Introduction to Internafional Trade Law
第一章 國際貿(mào)易法概述
Section A The Definition,Scope of Intemational Trade Law
第一節(jié) 國際貿(mào)易法的概念與范圍
I.BriefIntroduction to Intemational Trade
II.Defmation ofInternational Trade Law
III.History of Imemational Tmde Law
Section B The Sources of Intemational Trade Law
第二節(jié) 國際貿(mào)易法的淵源
I. Sources ofIntemational Law
II.Sources ofInternational Trade Law
Section C Subjects and Fundamental Principles of International
Trade Law
第三節(jié) 國際貿(mào)易法的主體與基本原則
I.Subjects ofInternational Trade Law
II.Fundamental Principle ofIntemational Trade Law
Chapter 2 Contraet for the International Sale of Goods
第二章 國際貨物買賣合同
Section A Introduction
第一節(jié) 導(dǎo)論
I.Sources of The Law of Contract for The International Sale of
II.Application of Law to the Contract for the International
Sale of Goods
Section B International Commercial Terms
第二節(jié) 國際貿(mào)易術(shù)語
I.Defination ofIncoterms
II.The Temls in Incoterms 2000
Section C Introduction to the CISG
第三節(jié) 《聯(lián)合國國際貨物買賣合同公約》概述
I.BriefHistory OfThe CISG
II.Main Structure ofThe CISG
III.The Sphere ofApplication ofthe CISG
Section D Formation of International Sales Contract
第四節(jié) 國際貨物買賣合同的訂立
I.The Offer
II.The Acceptance
Section E Obligations of the Seller and the Buyer
第五節(jié) 買賣雙方的義務(wù)
I.The Obligations ofthe seller
II.Buyer's Obligations-
Section F Breach of Contract and Remedies
第六節(jié) 違約救濟
I.Fundamental Breach of Contract and Anticipatory Breach of
II.Remedies for Breach OfContract by the Seller
III.Remedies for Breach Of Contract by the Buyer
Section G Passing Of Risk
第七節(jié) 風(fēng)險轉(zhuǎn)移
I.Defination ofRisk
II.Legal Consequences of Passing of Risk
III.Guiding Principle of Passing of Risk
Section H Preservation of Goods
第八節(jié) 貨物保全
I.Duties ofPreserve the Goods
II.Measures ofPreservation ofGoods
Chapter 3 International Carriage of Goods
第三章 國際貨物運輸
Section A International Carriage of Goods by Sea
第一節(jié) 國際海上貨物運輸
I.Bill of Lading
II.Legal Framework of the Laws Governing B/L
III.CarrierS Responsibilities
IV.Liabilities and Immunities ofthe Carrier
V New Developments in the Carriage of Goods by Sea--United
Convention on Contracts,for the International Carriage of Goods
or Partly by Sea(The Rotterdam Rules)
VI.Charter Party
Section B International Carriage of Goods by Air
第二節(jié) 國際航空貨物運輸
I.Defination ofIntemational Carriage of Goods by Air
II.Conventions Governing International Carriage by Air
III.Document ofCarriage
IV.Cargo LiabilitV Rules
Section C Multimodal Transport
第三節(jié) 多式聯(lián)運
I.Defination—ofMultimodal Transport
II.Laws Goveming International Multimodal Transport
III.International Multimodal Transport Document
Chapter 4 International Cargo Insurance
第四章 國際貨物運輸保險
Section A International Marine Cargo Insurance
第一節(jié) 國際海上貨物保險
I.Contract of Marine Insurance
II.Certain Terminologies in Cargo Insurance
III.Basic Principles Of Marine Insurance
IV.Marine Insurance Policy
V.Perils and Losses Covered bv Marine Insurance
VI.Picc Ocean Marine Cargo Clause
VII.London Institute Cargo Clause (ICC)
Section B Intemational Air Cargo Insurance
第二節(jié) 國際航空貨物保險
I.Marine Clauses
II.Air Waybill Cover
Chapter S Payment in International Sale of Goods
第五章 國際貿(mào)易支付法
Section A Negotiable Instruments in the。Payment in International
Sale:of Goods
第一節(jié) 國際貿(mào)易支付中的票據(jù)
I.Defination ofNegotiable Instruments
II.Types ofNegotiable Instruments
III.Unification ofthe National Laws on Negotiable Instruments
IV Acts on Negotiable Instruments
Section B Remittance
第二節(jié) 匯付
I.Defination of Remittance
II.Types ofRemittance
Section C Collection
第三節(jié) 托收
I.Defination ofCollection
II.Types ofCollection
III.Procedure ofDocumentary Collection;
IV Disclaimers in Collection
Section D LeRer of Credit
第四節(jié) 信用證
I.Defination ofLetter of Credit(L/C)
II.Parties Involved in L/C Payment
III.Relations Between the Parties in L/C Payment
IV.Principles in the Payment of L/C
V.Types of L/C
VI.The Procedury ofPayment by L/C
VII.Disclaimer in the L/C Payment
Chapter 6 Dispute Settlement in International Trade
第六章 國際貿(mào)易爭端解決方式
Section A Litigation
第一節(jié) 訴訟
I.International Court of Justice
II.Dispute Settlement in National Courts
III.Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments
Section B Arbitration
第二節(jié) 仲裁
II.National Arbitral Law
III.Arbitration Agreement
IV.Formation ofArbitral Tribunal
V Arbitration Proceedings
VI.Arbitral Awards
VII.Recognition and Enforcement of Awards
Section C ADR
第三節(jié) 爭議解決的替代方式
I.Negotiations and Consultations
II.Mediation,Good Offices,Conciliation and Inquiry




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