
出版時(shí)間:2011-7  出版社:北京對(duì)外經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易大學(xué)出版社有限責(zé)任公司  作者:黃曉平,吳金龍 主編  頁數(shù):443  




Module One Getting to Know the Ship走進(jìn)船舶
Task One Familiarization with a Ship’S Manning System熟悉船上人員配備
Subtask One Greetings and Introductions on Board a
Subtask Two Responsibilities of Different Crewmembers in the Deck
Subtask Three The Manning System ofthe Ship船上人員配備
Task Two Familiarization with a Ship熟悉船舶
Subtask One Ship Types船舶類型
Subtask Two Ship Construction船舶結(jié)構(gòu)
Subtask Three Getting to Know the Bridge駕駛臺(tái)
Subtask Four Navigational Aids航海儀器
Task Three Safety on Board船上安全
Subtask One The ISPS Code ISPS規(guī)則(國際船舶與港口設(shè)施保安規(guī)則)
Subtask Two Individual Safety個(gè)人安全
Subtask Three Miscellaneous Accidents and Their
Subtask Four Man Overboard人員落水
Subtask Five Fire Precaution and Fire Fighting防火和滅火
Module Two On the Voyage航行
Task One Commun'ication at Sea海上通信
Subtask One General Introduction to GMDSS GMDSS概述
Subtask Two Weather Report氣象報(bào)告
Subtask Three Navigational Warning in Terms of Meteorology
Information航行警告——?dú)庀笮畔?br />Subtask Four Distress Communication遇險(xiǎn)通信
Subtask Five Search and Rescue Operation搜救作業(yè)
Task Two Leaving Port離港
Subtask One Preparation from the Bridge駕駛臺(tái)準(zhǔn)備
Subtask Two Preparation from the Engine Room機(jī)艙準(zhǔn)備
Subtask Three Unberthing Operation離泊操作
Task Three Sailing at Sea海上航行
Subtask One Navigational Watch at Sea航行值班
Subtask Two Bridge Watch-keeping駕駛臺(tái)值班
Subtask Three Navigational Warning航行警告
Subtask Four Movement Reports動(dòng)態(tài)報(bào)告
Subtask Five Collision Prevention避碰操縱
Task Four Entering Port進(jìn)港
Subtask One Customs Inspection海關(guān)檢查
Subtask Two Quarantine Inspection檢疫
Subtask Three Immigration Inspection移民檢查
Subtask Four Piloting引航
Subtask Five Berthing Operation靠泊操作
Module Three Staying in Port在港期間
Task One Preparation for the Sea備航
Subtask One The Ship’S Maintenance Work船舶檢修
Subtask Two Victual of the Ship物料供應(yīng)
Subtask Three Replenishment of Fuel Oil and Fresh Water加油加水
Task Two PSC Inspection PSC(港口國監(jiān)督) 檢查
Subtask One Inspection Carried Out on the Bridge駕駛臺(tái)檢查
Subtask Two Inspection on Life.saving救生檢查
Subtask Three Inspection on Fire。fighting消防檢查
Task Three Cargo Work貨運(yùn)
Subtask One Nature of Cargo貨物性質(zhì)
Subtask Two Cargo Handling Equipment裝卸貨設(shè)備
Subtask Three Preparation for Loading裝貨準(zhǔn)備
Subtask Four Loading in Progress裝貨當(dāng)中
Subtask Five Cargo Discharging卸貨
Subtask Six Cargo Tallying理貨


 ?。═o a Japanese crewmember passing by) Hello! I'm Third Engineer, Manuel Santos.I just came on board.Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Second Engineer, Suzuki. I was checking a pump so I couldn't come to the Engine Control Room when the Chief Engineer introduced you.Boy, I was surprised by the size of the engine. It's the first time that I've seen such a big one!This ship keeps us busy and she's a good one to learn many different jobs on.I'm sure I'll learn a lot. The small number of crew also surprised me.Well, it means that each crewmember takes on a lot of responsibility. I do hope you'll become familiar with the ship quickly, and do your job well. We all count on each other. I'll help you whenever there's something that you don't understand. Your hands, feet, and body. You know, hands-on experience. That's the way Japanese people work.I see. I was told the same back home.It's important to work hard. Doing a good job helps you gain confidence. Oh, by the way, I should tell you more about myself.   ……



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