
出版時間:2010-10  出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社  作者:王秉乾,紀恩 編著  頁數(shù):272  


  國際商事仲裁是國際商事爭議解決中的重要制度之一,以其具有的最終約束力、便利性、保密性、專業(yè)性等特點而受到國際商業(yè)界人士的青睞與支持,一直以來就是解決國際商事爭議的重要方式。在經濟全球化的今天,國際商事仲裁的作用和地位都在加強,了解和掌握相關的法律知識對于我國企業(yè)界和法律界來說變得必不可少。這不僅要求知識上的掌握,還要求在語言上能夠通過原文來了解和操作國際商事仲裁,這就要求盡可能地以英文來進行。因此,國際商事仲裁的學習有必要以英文作為學習的主要工具,惟此才能使學習者在將來的工作中盡快熟悉和掌握國際商事仲裁的相關實務和理論問題,盡早地跨越語言障礙和知識障礙?!  秶H商事仲裁》(英文版)是為培養(yǎng)復合型涉外法律專門人才而編寫的法學雙語教材。在廣泛收集資料、重視國外學者相關論述的基礎上,本教材采用了英文為主、中文為輔相結合的方式,對國際商事仲裁中的重要問題進行了敘述。本教材共分為十章,內容包括國際商事仲裁簡介、國際商事仲裁機構、仲裁協(xié)議、仲裁準據法、仲裁機構、仲裁程序、仲裁臨時措施、仲裁裁決對仲裁裁決的異議,國際仲裁裁決的承認與執(zhí)行等,涉及到了國際商事仲裁的主要理論與實踐問題,做到了語言地道、論述清晰、重點突出、難度適當,全面、深入、系統(tǒng)地闡述了國際商事仲裁法律制度的主要內容。本教材注重理論與實踐的相結合,不僅做到知識上的覆蓋,更強調若干實務問題,做到了背景、知識、理論與案例的有機統(tǒng)一。為此,本教材內容皆精選自相關國外權威著作對國際商事仲裁的論述,又根據我國讀者的需要做了適當編著,做到了內容新穎、語言地道、表達簡練,學術性與實務性結合緊密,適合中國學生學習之用。為了方便學習,本書特意對一些重點內容以漢語做了相關注釋,并提供了一些基本的背景性知識介紹,以幫助理解。從實用性角度來看,本書既可以作為高等學校法學、國際貿易、國際企業(yè)管理等專業(yè)學生的教材,也可以為國家機關、企(事)業(yè)單位中從事法律、經濟和貿易的相關人員提供有意義參考?! ”緯?~5章由李紀恩負責編寫,第6-10章由王秉乾負責編寫,全書由王秉乾最后統(tǒng)稿并定稿。本書是對外經濟貿易大學211工程第三期(國際建設工程爭端解決機制研究,項目號73400036)的子成果之一。編著者特此向對外經濟貿易大學出版社提供的幫助與支持表示衷心感謝。




Chapter 1  Introduction  1  International.commercial arbitration in brief    1.1  The definition of international commercial arbitration    1.2  The characteristics of international commercial arbitration    1.3  A historical review of international commercial arbitration  2  Merits and demerits of international commercial arbitration    2.1  Merits of international commercial arbitration    2.2  Demerits-of international commercial arbitration  3  Foundations of international commercial arbitration    3.1  The agreement to arbitrate    3.2  The choice of arbitrators    3.3  The award of the arbitral tribunal    3.4  The enforcement of the award  4  The kinds of international arbitration    4.1  Institutional arbitration    4.2  Ad hoc arbitration    4.3  Institutional and ad hoc arbitration contrasted  5  Sources of international commercial arbitration    5.1  Introduction    5.2  International treaties and conventions    5.3  National laws  Explanatory-Notes  ExercisesChapter 2  An Overview of Leading International Arbitration InstitutionsChapter 3  The Arbitration AgreementChapter 4  Application Laws in International Commercial ArbitrationChapter 5  The Arbitral TribunalChapter 6  The Arbitral ProceedingsChapter 7  Interim Measures in International Commercial ArbitrationChapter 8  The Arbitration AwardChapter 9  Challenge to Arbitral AwardsChapter 10  Recognition and Enforcement of International Arbitration Awards參考書目


  The CIETAC has its headquarters in Beijing and three sub-commissions in Shanghai:Shenzhen: and Tianjin: respectively known as the CIETAC Shanghai Sub-Cortunission:the CIETAC South China Sub-Commission and the CIETAC Financial ArbitrationCenter in Tianjin. In order to meet the needs of the development of its arbitrationpractices: the CIETAC also successively established 21 liaison ofFices in differentregions and specific business sectors to provide parties with converuent arbitration advice. To meet the demands of the parties: the CIETAC took the initiative to introduceits arbitration practice into dispute resolution seMces in specific business sectors: such as grain: commerce: construction: finance: leather and wool transactions. Moreover:CIETAC provides online dispute resolution service to the parties and is stronglyengaged in research on the online resolution of e-commerce disputes so as to furtherdevelop an arbitration-centered multi-solution system that meets the demands of theparties.Throughout the past 50 years: CIETAC has made prominent contributions to thelegislation of the Chinese Arbitration Law and the development of the arbitrationpractice in China: has maintained positive relations and cooperation with all the majorarbitration institutions across the world and gained the.reputation at home and abroadas an independent: impartial and efFicient arbitration institution.It must be mentioned that in the arbitral proceeding: the CIETAC combinesconciliation with arbitration together: and has received good results. Its approachincludes: frrstly: where the parties have reached a setdement agreement by themselvesthrough negotiation or conciliation without involving the CIETAC: either party may:based on an arbitration agreement concluded between them that provides forarbitration by the CIETAC and the settlement agreement: request the CIETAC toconstitute an arbitral tribunalto render an arbitral award in accordance with the termsof the settlement agreement. Unless the parties agree otherwise.



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