出版時間:2010-9 出版社:對外經(jīng)貿(mào)大學 作者:張東昌//潘巍巍 頁數(shù):348
閱讀是學習者獲得語言輸入的主要途徑,也是語言學習的重要技能。根據(jù)現(xiàn)代心理語言學和認知心理學的理論,閱讀理解是一種復雜的認知過程,而這一過程既受讀者已有知識的影響,又受到文本特征的影響?,F(xiàn)代閱讀理論強調(diào)讀者能積極地在對已知信息進行推測,由此可見,閱讀策略的研究對語言學習與教學都具有十分重要的意義和作用。不過,學會并且運用英語閱讀策略以提高閱讀能力,對于廣大第二語言學習者來說,是一個非常重要但又相當艱苦的學習過程。專門的閱讀訓練應是以教授閱讀策略為核心,并加以提高語篇能力和思維能力的閱讀訓練,從本質(zhì)上提高學習者的閱讀能力?! 队⒄Z閱讀策略實證研究》匯聚了中外英語教學專家多年的研究成果,是作者經(jīng)過20多年教學實證研究,不斷總結而寫出的指導性著作,力求為英語學習者提供一條通過使用英語閱讀策略提高英語閱讀能力和英語考試成績的新途徑。本書在闡述英語閱讀策略和實用方法的基礎上,分三大部分從不同角度對英語閱讀策略進行了實證研究,旨在對從事英語閱讀教學的教師和具有中級英語閱讀水平的第二語言學習者全面掌握英語閱讀策略起指導性作用。
張東昌,北京聯(lián)合大學師范學院語言文化系教授,現(xiàn)任系主任.英國高級訪問學者,并獲英國謝菲爾德翰蘭姆大學應用語言學研究生碩士學位。 從事大學英語教學、英語專業(yè)教學和教學研究三十余年,主要研究方向為二語習得和應用語言學:出版有《CHANNELENGLISH》、《商務英語實用教程》、《實用商務英語教程》、《研究生英語寫作》、《英語聽力教程》等國家級英語教材及專著共二十余部;在外語類核心期刊《外語界》、《山東外語教學》等國內(nèi)刊物發(fā)表學術論文三十余篇。 潘巍巍,北京聯(lián)合大學師范學院語言文化系英語講師.畢業(yè)于北京外國語大學英語語言文學碩士,曾獲“優(yōu)秀奧運工作者”稱號。 從事英語專業(yè)教學研究近五年,主要研究方向為第二語言習得與句法:發(fā)表《論英漢委婉語的掩飾功能》、《英美文化價值對比》、《論高等職業(yè)教育的雙證制》、《以社會需求為目標的高職現(xiàn)代型教學探究》等學術論文:為中國電力出版社編寫美國文學系列《蝴蝶夢》等叢書;作為未來教育編委會成員,為外研社編寫英語等級考試教程兩部。
Part I Reading Strategies Employed by Readers Answering Multiple-Choice QuestionsChapter One Introduction1.1 Definition 0f Reading Stategy1.2 Reading Strategies inSecond Language Reading1.3 Reading Process1.4 Objectives1.5 Rationale of Experiment1.6 Educfition SettingChapter Two Literature,Review2.1 Reading Strategy Use2.2 Research Using Thinking-Out-Loud Protocols and InterviewsChapter Three Methodology3.1 Participants3.2 Materials3.3 Procedures3.4 Data AnalysisChapter Four Results4.1 Ranking of Forty Reading Strategies and Strategies for Answering Multiple-Choice Questions4.2 The Comparisons of the Total Number of Strategies Used/the Total Number of Different Strategies Used and the Scores on Both Reading Contexts4.3 Relationships between the Scores and the Total of Strategies/the Total of Different:Strategies on Both Reading Contexts4.4 Case Studies of Four Participants Strategy UseChapter Five Analysis and Discussion of the ResultsChapter Six Summary; Conciusionand RecommendationsAppendixPart II A Study of Foreign Language ReadingStrategies Use and Gender Differences in Reading Strategies Used by ESL Chinese StudentsChapter One Introduction1.1 Definition and Classification1.2 Comprehension Strategies in L2 Reading1.3 The Reader and the Reading Process1.4 Objectives1.5 Rationale of Experiment1.6 Educational SettingChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Decoding2.2 Research Using Thinking-Out-Loud Protocols Interviews and RetellingsChapter Three Methodology3.1 Selection of the Subjects3.2 Materials3.3 Procedures, Tests and Statistical Analyses3.4 LimitationsChapter Four Results4.1 Variation in Use of Individual Strategies by Gender4,2 Interview Data Analysis4.3 Retellings and Multiple-Choice Test AnalysiChapter Five Analysis and Discussion of the ResultsChapter Six Summary and ConclusionPart III Testing the Effects =of Output on the Strategy of Noticing Hypothesis and SLAChapter One IntroductionChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Focus on Form2.2 Noticing Hypothesis2.3 PedagogicalApproaches to Promote Learners Noticing of Form2.4 Previous Studies on Input Enhancement2.5 Previous Studies on Output in SLAChapter Three A Description of the Present Study3.1 Research Hypothesis3.2 Study MethodologyChapter Four Data Presentation and Analysis4.1 Analysis4.2 ResultsChapter Five DiscussionChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Summary6.2 Pedagogical.Implications6.3 LimitationAppendixPart IV Study on the Individual Differences in the Use of English Reading StrategiesChapter One IntroductionChapterTwo Literature Review2.1 A Survey of Reading Researches2.2 Reading Strategy Use2.3 The Current StudyChapter Three Research Methods3.1 Objectives3.2 Subjects3.3 Materials3.4 Instruments3.5 Research ProceduresChapter Four Data AnalysisChapter Five Results and Diseussion5.1 A General Evaluation about Scores and Strategies Use5.2 Oral InterviewChapter Six ImplietitionsChapter Seven ConclusionPart V Factors Influencing Reading Abilities of Middle School Students and Counter-MeaSureChapter One IntroductionChapter Two Literature Review2.1 International Studies on English Reading2.2 The Study of English Reading in China2.3 Definition of Reading ComprehensionChapter Three Research3.1 Subjects3.2 Instruments3.3 Design of the Questionnaire3.4 Data Analysis and Findings of the SurveyChapter Four Results4.1 Students Psychological Factors4.2 Reading Strategy Factors4.3 Linguistic Knowledge Factors4.4 Reading Habits FactorsChapter Five Suggested Counter-Measures5.1 CultiVate StudentsInterest:in Reading5.2 Enhance Students Language Knowledge5.3 Extensive Background Knowledge5.4 The Use of Reading-Skills and Strategies5.5 Teachers Adjustment of Teaching StrategiesChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Major Findirigs of the Study6.2 Limitation of the StudyAppendix
Using thinking-out-loud protocols and interviews are verycommon methods to investigate the reading comprehension strategiesof second language learners by researchers. As to thinking-out-loudprotocols, the researchers ask readers to make a self-report aboutwhat they are thinking about during reading activities. Ellen (1986) used thinking-out-loud protocols, retelling andmultiple-choice test to investigate the reading comprehensionstrategies of ESL college students whom shecategorized as poorcomprehenders. In her research, she compared her ESL subjects tonative speakers of English and discovered that the native speakersused the reading strategies slightly more than the ESL learners, butthe thinking-out-loud protocols and retelling reveal no difference inreading strategies used by two groups. But for the multiple-choice test,the pattern was a clash. She found that those readers who hadreported these statements, main ideas and details in the retellings hadhigh scores in the multiple-choice tests. However, those students whodid not do well in the retelling did much better on the multiple-choicetests. The author feels there is a room for suspicion against thefindings of this research.