
出版時間:2010-8  出版社:對外經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易大學出版社  作者:李富森 編  頁數(shù):153  字數(shù):237000  


  隨著經(jīng)濟全球化進程的進一步加深,中國同世界各國的各種貿(mào)易活動日趨頻繁,我國將在經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易領(lǐng)域全面與國際接軌。為了應(yīng)對國際貿(mào)易領(lǐng)域出現(xiàn)的新問題、新做法,我們在總結(jié)以往教材編寫實踐經(jīng)驗的基礎(chǔ)上,根據(jù)該教材在教學中的使用及崗位對學生專業(yè)英語能力的要求,對其進行了重新的構(gòu)思與定位,從而滿足新形勢下外經(jīng)貿(mào)領(lǐng)域?qū)θ瞬诺男枨??! 榱诉M一步開發(fā)以工學結(jié)合為編寫主線的教材,我們征求了國內(nèi)外的行業(yè)專家教授和有實際工作經(jīng)驗的實務(wù)人員對教科書的意見,廣泛參閱國內(nèi)外有關(guān)文獻,力取眾家之長,以技能訓(xùn)練為目的,重點突出外貿(mào)專業(yè)英語語言交際能力的培養(yǎng),從買賣雙方的不同角度介紹談判策略與交際方法,并適時介紹文化差異對談判者的影響,從而培養(yǎng)學生靈活運用專業(yè)英語知識與國際貿(mào)易知識從事各種國際商務(wù)活動及進行外貿(mào)業(yè)務(wù)談判的綜合能力。通過課文的多種情景素材,介紹了外事接待和商務(wù)談判活動中常用的對話和表達語句,通過設(shè)立外經(jīng)貿(mào)活動的不同場景,讓學生進行模擬演練,從而掌握實際交際能力。


本書內(nèi)容共分15個單元,涉及國際商務(wù)活動及交易磋商各環(huán)節(jié),包括產(chǎn)品介紹、詢盤、報盤、價格、包裝、裝運、支付、合同、保險、索賠、代理等。每個單元包括了談判對話示例、專業(yè)術(shù)語介紹、常用句型、業(yè)務(wù)知識介紹及談判策略,并配以大量的實訓(xùn)練習,同時每課課后加入了補充閱讀,以拓展學生的商務(wù)知識。     本書以實用為目的,重點培養(yǎng)學生使用英語進行對外經(jīng)貿(mào)業(yè)務(wù)談判的綜合表達能力,適用對象為高職高專院校商務(wù)英語、經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易及相關(guān)專業(yè)的學生,同時也可作為社會其他人員的自學用書。


Unit 1 Negotiation PreparationsUnit 2 Establishing Business RelationsUnit 3 Receiving GuestsUnit 4 Companies and ProductsUnit 5 Enquiries and OffersUnit 6 Price BargainingUnit 7 Commodity InspectionUnit 8 Terms of Payment (1)Unit 9 Terms of Payment (2)Unit 10 packingUnit 11 ShipmentUnit 12 InsuranceUnit 13 Conclusion of BusinessUnit 14 Claims and SettlementsUnit 15 AgencyKey to the Translation ExercisesBibliography


  In foreign trade when export goods are loaded on board a ship or they delivered to placesin the shipping companys custody, the shipping company or its agent issues a bill of lading(B/L) to the shipper, acknowledging that the goods are shipped on board or received forshipment. A bill of lading, signed by the ship owner or his agent who contracts to carry the goods,and stating the conditions in which the goods were received by the ship, is a receipt of thegoods entrusted to him by the shipper for carriage to the designated destination. The bill oflading is an important sea transport document that, together with the insurance policy andcommercial invoices, constitutes the chief shipping documents indispensable to foreign trade.It is usually made out in sets of three or four originals and several extra copies. In addition tothe details referring to the goods and their destination a bill of lading contains a great numberof clauses stating the rights and obligations of the ship owner and shipper. One of the copiesof the bill of lading is retained by the shipping company, and the originals are returned to theshipper after they have been duly signed together with extra non-negotiable copies.



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