
出版時(shí)間:2010-8  出版社:對外經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易大學(xué)出版社  作者:梁曉玲 編  頁數(shù):131  




Chapter Ⅰ Layout of a Business LetterChapter Ⅱ Establishment of Business RelationsLesson One Self-IntroductionKey to Lesson OneLesson Two Request for the Establishment of Business Relations(A) A Letter from An Importer(B) A Reply to the AboveKey to Lesson TwoLesson Three Credit EnquiriesKey to Lesson ThreeChapter Ⅲ ENQUIRIES, OFFERS AND COUNTER-OFFERS ~Lesson Four (A) A General Enquiry for Wool Material(B) A Reply to the AboveKey to Lesson FourLesson Five A Specific EnquiryKey to Lesson FiveLesson Six A Non-firm OfferKey to Lesson SixLesson Seven A Counter-OfferKey to Lesson SevenChapter Ⅳ Conclusion of BusinessLesson Eight An orderKey to Lesson EightLesson Nine (A) A Repeat Order(B) Declining a Repeat OrderKey to Lesson NineLesson Ten (A) Sending a Sales Confirmation(B) A Counter-signature LetterKey to Lesson TenChapter Ⅴ PaymentLesson Eleven Asking for D/PKey to Lesson ElevenLesson Twelve Declining D/AKey to Lesson TwelveLesson Thirteen (A) Modifying Terms of Payment( B ) A ReplyKey to Lesson ThirteenChapter Ⅵ Establishment of, Extension of and Amendment to L/CLesson Fourteen (A) Urging the Establishment of L/C(B) A ReplyKey to Lesson FourteenLesson Fifteen Asking for the Extension of L/CKey to Lesson FifteenLesson Sixteen Asking for L/C Amendment (1)Key to Lesson SixteenLesson Seventeen Asking for L/C Amendment (2)Key to Lesson Seventeen ,Chapter Ⅶ ShipmentLesson Eighteen (A) Urging Shipment (1)(B) A Reply (1)(C) Urging Shipment (2)(D) A Reply (2)Key to Lesson EighteenLesson Nineteen Asking for Transshipment and Partial ShipmentKey to Lesson NineteenLesson Twenty Information on Container ServiceKey to Lesson TwentyChapter Ⅷ PackingLesson Twenty-One Packing RequirementKey to Lesson Twenty-OneLesson Twenty-Two Inner PackingKey to Lesson Twenty-TwoLesson Twenty-Three Outer PackingKey to Lesson Twenty-ThreeChapter Ⅸ InsuranceLesson Twenty-Four Asking for CFR TermsKey to Lesson Twenty-FourLesson Twenty-Five Asking the Seller to Cover InsuranceKey to Lesson Twenty-FiveLesson Twenty-Six Insurance ClauseKey to Lesson Twenty-SixChapter Ⅹ Complaints and ClaimsLesson Twenty-Seven Complaints of Wrong GoodsDeliveredKey to Lesson Twenty-SevenLesson Twenty-Eight (A) Claim for Short Weight(B) A Reply —— Settlement of the ClaimKey to Lesson Twenty-EightLesson Twenty-Nine (A) Claim for Improper Packing(B) Declining the ClaimKey to Lesson Twenty-NineChapter Ⅺ AgencyLesson Thirty (A) Asking for Sole Agency(B) An Unfavorable ReplyKey to Lesson ThirtyLesson Thirty-One A Favorable Reply to the Request for Sole AgencyKey to Lesson Thirty-OneLesson Thirty-Two Sole Agency AgreementKey to Lesson Thirty-TwoChapter Ⅻ Other International Business ActivitiesLesson Thirty-Three Joint VentureKey to Lesson Thirty-ThreeLesson Thirty-Four Compensation TradeKey to Lesson Thirty-FourLesson Thirty-Five Investment in ChinaKey to Lesson Thirty-FiveLesson Thirty-Six BiddingKey to Lesson Thirty-Six


  你方第456號訂單的索賠關(guān)于你方第456號訂單貨物短重7.8 公噸的索賠之事,我們對此深表歉意。經(jīng)我方工作人員查核,發(fā)現(xiàn)約有51袋未按照合同規(guī)定以五層堅(jiān)固紙包裝,而用來包裝這;1袋的紙只有三層,以致在運(yùn)輸途中造成破損。這完全是由于我方倉庫管理人員的粗心所改,對此我們向你方致以歉意。鑒于我們雙方長期的業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系,在得到你方同意后,我們立即將索賠金額560美元用支票濤人中國銀行北京分行賬戶。希望你方對我們所作的安排感到滿意,并期待你方更多的訂單。



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  •   包裝,保險(xiǎn),代理等內(nèi)容都是外貿(mào)業(yè)務(wù)的流程。對工作幫助很大,贊一個(gè)。

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