出版時間:2009-9 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社 作者:徐美榮 編 頁數:200
“新世界商務英語系列教材”是對外經濟貿易大學出版社聯合對外經濟貿易大學、東北財經大學、上海財經大學、上海對外貿易學院、天津對外經濟貿易職業(yè)學院、山東外貿職業(yè)學院、安徽國際商務職業(yè)學院、安徽商貿職業(yè)技術學院、大連職業(yè)技術學院和廣東科學技術職業(yè)學院等院校推出的一套面向不同層次的、涵蓋不同模塊的商務英語系列立體化教材。 本套教材編寫始終貫徹商務英語教學的基本思路:將英語聽說讀寫譯技能與商務知識有機融合,使學生在提高英語語言技能的同時了解有關商務知識,造就學生“兩條腿走路”的本領,培養(yǎng)以商務知識為底蘊、語言技能為依托的新時代復合型、實用型人才。 本書為該系列之《外貿英語函電》的輔導用書。
Chapter One Written Communication -- An Overview Key to Skill Training & ExercisesChapter Two Establishment of Business Relations Letter 1 Self-introduction Letter 2 Tranferring business relations Letter 3 Request for establishment of business relations Letter 4 The first touch Letter 5 Credit inquiry Letter 6 Favorable reply from the bank Letter 7 Unfavorable reply from the bank Key to Skill Traning & ExercisesChapter Three Inquiries & Replies Letter 1 Requesting for catalogues and price lists Letter 2 The first inquiry Letter 3 General inquiry Letter 4 Specific inquiry Letter 5 Tabulated inquiry Key to Skill Training & ExercisesChapter Four Making Quotations and Offers Letter 1 A reply to the general inquiry Letter 2 A reply to the specific inquiry Letter 3 Asking for pro forma invoice Letter 4 A tabulated quotation Letter 5 Making free offers Key to Skill Training & ExercisesChapter Five Making Counteroffers & Declining Orders Letter 1 Making a counteroffer Letter 2 A reply to the counteroffer Letter 3 Acceptance of a counter counteroffer Letter 4 Declining the counteroffer Letter 5 Declining orders Letter 6 Declining a duplicate order Key to Skill Training & ExercisesChapter Six Acceptance and Orders Letter 1 An initial order Letter 2 Acknowledgement of an order Letter 3 Placing a repeat order (A tabulater repeat order) Letter 4 Sending a S/C with counter-signature Letter 5 A reply from the seller Key to Skill Training & ExercisesChapter Seven Terms of Payment Letter 1 Asking for payment by term L/C Letter 2 Asking for easier payment Letter 3 Declining term L/C Letter 4 Asking for payment by D/A Letter 5 Declining D/A payment Letter 6 Asking for direct payment by the buyer Letter 7 Agreeing to the proposal for direct payment Key to Skill Training & ExercisesChapter Eight Letter of Credit Letter 1 Urging establishment of an L/C Letter 2 Advising of the establishment of an L/C Letter 3 Asking for extension of the L/C Letter 4 Asking for amendment to the L/C Letter 5 Asking for amendment to the L/C Key to Skill Training & ExercisesChapter Nine Packing and Shipment Letter 1 Shipping marks Letter 2 Shipping instruction Letter 3 Shipping advice Letter 4 Urging shipment Letter 5 Asking for parial shipment Letter 6 Inquiry for container shipping service Key to Skill Training & ExercisesChapter Ten Insurance Letter 1 Taking out an open policy Letter 2 Effecting insurance for the buyer Letter 3 Asking the recipient to cancel breakage risk Letter 4 Insurance company writes to the insurer Letter 5 Asking to cover insurance Letter 6 Arranging insurance Key to Skill Training & ExercisesChapter Eleven Complaints and Claims Letter 1 Complaint of improper packing Letter 2 Settlement for improper packing Letter 3 Complaint for delayed shipment Letter 4 Settlement of the delay Letter 5 Claim for short weight Letter 6 Settlement of the claim Letter 7 Declining the claim Key to Skill Training & ExercisesChapter Twelve Agency Letter 1 Applications for sole agency Letter 2 Manufacturer's reply Letter 3 Offering to act as buying agents for importer Letter 4 Manufactuer's confirmation of agency terms Key to Skill Training & ExercisesChapter Thirteen E-Mails Key to Skill Training & Exercises
Paying for goods supplied in domestic trade is a fairly simple matter because paymentcan be made either in advance or within a reasonable short period after delivery. But thisproblem is much more complicated in foreign trade. Must the seller wait perhaps severalmonths for his money or shall the buyer pay several months in advance before seeing hisgoods? Clearly, the seller runs certain risks of non-payment if he surrenders goods beforepayment has been made. As it is not always possible for the seller personally to collectpayment before delivery, the appointment of agents for this purpose in the importerscountries becomes necessary. This function is usually entrusted to the bank, who has branchesor correspondent banks in most towns or cities overseas. The most generally used method of payment in the financing of international trade is theletter of credit (abbreviated to L/C ), which is a reliable and safe method of payment,facilitating trade with unknown buyers and giving protection to both sellers and buyers. Theprocess of issuing a letter of credit starts with the buyer. He instructs his bank to issue an L/Cin favor of the seller for the amount of purchase. The buyers bank ( the opening bank) sendsto its correspondent bank in the sellers county the L/C, giving instructions about the amountof the credit, the beneficiary, the currency, the documents required and other specialinstructions. The correspondent bank advises the seller of the receipt of the credit. Sometimesa seller requires a confirmed L/C. In this case, the correspondent bank usually adds itsconfLrmation, and advises the seller of the same; the seller will then dispatch the goodsaccordingly. ……