
出版時(shí)間:2009-9  出版社:對(duì)外經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易大學(xué)出版社  作者:王乃彥  頁(yè)數(shù):251  


  《商務(wù)英語(yǔ)函電(第2版)》此次修訂的宗旨是:體現(xiàn)國(guó)際貿(mào)易中新的貿(mào)易方式及新的做法,使教材實(shí)用性更強(qiáng);體現(xiàn)國(guó)際貿(mào)易專業(yè)核心技能的培養(yǎng),突出函電寫作的能力訓(xùn)練;體現(xiàn)本教材編寫一貫的認(rèn)真嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)?shù)奶攸c(diǎn),保證系統(tǒng)性和完整性。此次修訂的重點(diǎn)是對(duì)各章節(jié)的注釋和練習(xí)大量更新,更突出技能型訓(xùn)練;每課加入了Optional Reading,擴(kuò)大學(xué)生閱讀量;將代理、電子商務(wù)等章節(jié)以附錄的方式作為輔助材料供教師選擇使用;同時(shí)加人了一套完整的業(yè)務(wù)案例,使學(xué)生了解一筆業(yè)務(wù)的全過(guò)程。


Chapter One The Layout of a Business LetterForms of a Business LetterChapter Two Establishing Business RelationsIntroductionLesson 1 Self-IntroductionLesson 2 Request for the Establishment of Business RelationsLesson 3 An Invitation to the Guangzhou FairChapter TestChapter Three Enquiries and OffersIntroductionLesson 4 An Enquiry for Chinese Cotton Piece GoodsLesson 5 An Enquiry for Iron NailsLesson 6 An OfferLesson 7 A Special OfferLesson 8 Asking for Proforma InvoiceLesson 9 Urging the Buyer to Accept the OfferChapter TestChapter Four Counter-OffersIntroductionLesson 10 Counter-offer on Groundnut KernelsLesson 11 Persuading the Buyer to Accept the OfferLesson 12 Declining a Counter-offerChapter TestChapter Five Orders and The Conclusion of BusinessIntroductionLesson 13?。ˋ) An order(B) A Repeat OrderLesson 14 Sending a Sales ContractLesson 15 Confirming a Repeat OrderLesson 16 Counter-SignatureChapter TestChapter Six PaymentIntroductionLesson 17 (A) Proposing to Pay by 30 Days L/C(B) ReplyLesson 18 (A) Asking for Easier Payment Terms(B) ReplyLesson 19 Modifying Terms of PaymentChapter TestChapter Seven Establishment of and Amendment to L/CIntroductionLesson 20 (A) Urging the Establishment of L/C(B) Advising the Establishment of L/C and Asking for Timely DeliveryLesson 21 (A) Amending L/C to Allow Partial Shipment and Transhipment(B) Making Amendment to L/CLesson 22 Asking for Extension of L/CChapter TestChapter Eight ShipmentIntroductionLesson 23 Packing RequirementLesson 24 (A) Shipping Instructions(B) Advising ShipmentLesson 25 Urging ShipmentChapter TestChapter Nine InsuranceIntroductionLesson 25 Asking for CFR TermsLesson 27 (A) Reply to a Request for Excessive Insurance (B) Type of CoverageLesson 28 Covering Insurance for the BuyerChapter TestChapter Ten Complaints and ClaimsIntroductionLesson 29 Claims for Poor PackingLesson 30 Complaint of Short DeliveryLesson 31 (A) Settlement of Claim (B) Claim RejectedChapter TestAppendix Ⅰ AgenciesIntroductionAppendix Ⅱ Modes of Electronic CommunicationAppendix Ⅲ A Case StudyAppendix Ⅳ Worldwide Business Telex AbbreviationsAppendix Ⅴ Money Abbreviation Table



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