
出版時(shí)間:2009-9  出版社:對外經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易大學(xué)出版社  作者:王燕希 編  頁數(shù):303  


本校商務(wù)英語專業(yè)得到教育部批準(zhǔn)后,對培養(yǎng)方案和課程設(shè)置進(jìn)行了重大調(diào)整,新啟動(dòng)的培養(yǎng)方案具有鮮明的特色,開設(shè)的商務(wù)英語課程門類圍繞三大模塊展開。課程將語言技能、商務(wù)知識、跨文化交流三個(gè)模塊有機(jī)地結(jié)合起來,培養(yǎng)具有扎實(shí)的英語基本功,嫻熟地掌握國際商務(wù)基礎(chǔ)理論和知識,具備較高的人文素養(yǎng),善于跨文化交流與溝通,能適應(yīng)經(jīng)濟(jì)全球化形勢,適應(yīng)各類國家政府機(jī)關(guān)、國際組織、跨國公司和其他企事業(yè)單位從事國際商務(wù)活動(dòng)需要的復(fù)合性英語人才。    《商務(wù)知識導(dǎo)讀(英文版)》正是為了滿足新的商務(wù)英語專業(yè)課程設(shè)置和大經(jīng)貿(mào)形勢所需而計(jì)劃編寫的。商務(wù)知識導(dǎo)讀課作為一門新開設(shè)的課程已被列入首批商務(wù)英語專業(yè)學(xué)生的培養(yǎng)方案,屬于基礎(chǔ)必修課閱讀模塊中的一門重要的課程,并已于去年開始啟動(dòng)。但由于課程建設(shè)新,出臺時(shí)間緊,目前尚未出現(xiàn)與時(shí)俱進(jìn)的新編教材;更因其他主要大學(xué)開設(shè)的相關(guān)課程亦不多,現(xiàn)用的教材也寥寥無幾,因此更增加了編寫本教材的必要性和迫切性。這對于本校學(xué)科建設(shè)和其他兄弟院校相關(guān)學(xué)科的推動(dòng)有著極其重要的意義,對目前的教學(xué)改革亦起到不言而喻的作用。加之,由于本校是首家被批準(zhǔn)設(shè)立商務(wù)英語專業(yè)的學(xué)校,其課程設(shè)置在全國具有示范和龍頭作用,本校自己編寫出具有代表性專業(yè)性的教材也具有普遍的社會(huì)意義。




Unit One  The Foundations of Business  Chapter One  Wants and Needs  Chapter Two  Economic Resources and Systems  Chapter Three  Economic Activity and Business Cycle    Chapter Four  Business Ethics and Social ResponsibilityUnit Two  Owning and Operating a Business  Chapter Five  Entrepreneurship and Small Business  Chapter Six  Business Ownership and Operations  Chapter Seven  Organizational Structures  Chapter Eight  Leadership in ManagementUnit Three  Managing Resources  Chapter Nine  Human Resources Management  Chapter Ten  Culture and Diversity in Business  Chapter Eleven  Managing Business FinancesUnit Four  Groups Affecting Business  Chapter Twelve  The Role of Government in Business  Chapter Thirteen  Money and Financial Institutions  Chapter Fourteen  International Financial OrganizationsUnit Five  Marketing in Today's World  Chapter Fifteen  What is Marketing  Chapter Sixteen  Advertising in BusinessUnit Six Accounting & Financing  Chapter Seventeen  Checking Accounts  Chapter Eighteen  Savings Accounts  Chapter Nineteen  Investing in StocksUnit Seven  International Trade  Chapter Twenty  International Trade  Chapter Twenty-one  International Business Contracts


  Sole Proprietorship  A sole proprietorship is a business owned by only one person. Its especially suitable if you want to start a business that offers a specific product or service, like a car repair shop. Most bookstores and floral shops are sole proprietorships. So are most farms and home-based businesses. About three quarters of all businesses in the United States are sole proprietorships.  Owning your own business is greaL  First of all, its easy to start. Depending on the local laws, you might need only a license or permit to start a sole proprietorship. Second, you get to be your own boss. You can come and go as you please and run the business as you see fit. Third, you get to keep all the profits from the business yourself. Finally, the taxes are usually low because you only have to pay them on your personal profits.  On the other hand, there are disadvantages to running your own business.  First, you have to pay for everything yourself. You have to buy your own supplies, pay for advertising, rent office space, and pay taxes. You might have to use your personal savings or borrow money from the bank to start your business or keep it going. A lot of sole proprietorships fail because they run out of capital.  You might also lack business skills. You might know everything about car repair but nothing about record keeping or tax preparation. You might need to hire an office manager or accountant to help you run your business.  A serious disadvantage to owning a sole proprietorship is that you have unlimited liability, or full responsibility for your companys debts. If you lose more money than you make, you have to make up the difference. You could lose your personal savings, your property, and even your car if your business has debts it cannot repay.



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