出版時間:2009-10 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社 作者:吳立高 等主編 頁數(shù):202
《商務英語聽說》共分初、中、高三級,每級一冊,每冊十六單元。教材選材涉及到商務領域的常見話題,包括商務接待、面試、產品介紹、商務談判、廣告、國際貿易等各個方面,為學習者提供了大量真實、生動的英語素材,使學習者在提高英語聽說技能的同時也涉獵國際商務知識。 本套教材的編寫以真實性為原則,很多材料來自國外財經報刊和外企的真實語言交流素材,內容涉及到真實的公司業(yè)務及人物,工作場景下的真實交流,有較強的實用性和專業(yè)性。該教材語言地道,聽、說訓練交替進行,使得兩項互相促進。本教材的另一大特點就是語言技能的訓練與商務知識有機結合。交際任務以真實的商務交際情景為參照,鼓勵學習者在完成交際任務的過程中運用所學語言知識,提高交際能力,熟悉商務知識。任務設計盡可能與學習者的經歷直接或間接相關,通過商務場景對話、角色扮演等豐富多樣的活動讓學習者參與其中,增加了學習的意義。
Unit 1 Meetings ( 1 )Unit 2 Meetings (2)Unit 3 AdvertisingUnit 4 ReportingUnit 5 Dealing with ClientsUnit 6 Money & PaymentUnit 7 Sales StrategiesUnit 8 MarketingUnit 9 Inquiry and OfferUnit 10 Negotiating PricesUnit 11 ContractUnit 12 Packing and ShipmentUnit 13 ServicesUnit 14 Human Resources Management Unit 15 Managing ConflictsUnit 16 Intercultural CommunicationReferences
How to structure a meeting?An agenda helps.Besides that,we need a key skill。ofcovering matters in the agenda as well.Most meetings have all agenda——a list of matters tobe discussed in the meeting.When you decide what to talk about in the meeting,you set the‘agenda’.The person in charge of setting the agenda and running the meeting is the‘chairperson’.A key skill of covering matters in the agenda is making connections.TIlissometimes means spelling out the link between one pon and the next.It also mealls decidingon the best order in which to deal with different subjects.