
出版時間:2009-4  出版社:對外經(jīng)貿大學  作者:國曉立 編  頁數(shù):111  


本書是商務外語口語隨身聽系列叢書之一,配有課文、錄音及配套字幕。此書主要供在校大中專學生及相關行業(yè)社會人士隨身自學,內容精簡實用。全書共分12個單元,每個單元包括Model Dialogues、Sample Sentences、Guiding Information三大部分。Model Dialogues通過設計不同的場景,讓讀者熟悉與此話題相關的基本內容,然后通過Sample Sentences讓讀者進一步拓展相關的表達方法。Guiding Information是與每個單元話題相關的業(yè)務知識,方便讀者參考使用。


Unit 1  Establishing Business Relations Dialogue A  At the Fair Dialogue B  At the AirportUnit 2  Business Visiting Dialogue A  Visiting the Company Dialogue B  Visiting the FactoryUnit 3  Enquiries Dialogue A  An Enquiry from a New Customer Dialogue B  An Enquiry from an Old CustomerUnit 4  Offers Dialogue A  A Firm Offer Dialogue B  A Non-firm OfferUnit 5  Counteroffers Dialogue A  Declining a Counteroffer Dialogue B  Accepting a CounterofferUnit 6  Conclusion of Business   Dialogue A  Sending an Order Dialogue B  Sending a ContractUnit 7  Shipment Dialogue A  Packing Arrangements Dialogue B  Shipping AdviceUnit 8  Insurance Dialogue A  Asking for Broader Coverage Dialogue B  Asking for Breakage RiskUnit 9  Terms of Payment Dialogue A  L/C Payment Dialogue B  Asking for Easier TermsUnit 10  Claims Dialogue A  Lodging a Claim Dialogue B  Settling a ClaimUnit 11  Processing with Given Materials Dialogue A  Processing with Given Materials (I)  Dialogue B  Processing with Given Materials (II)Unit 12  Agency Dialogue A  Application for Agency (I) Dialogue B  Application for Agency (II)


  How much shall we pay for this coverage?  The rate varies according to the fragility of the goods. Here is a rate list.  Thank you. So, shall we mention specifically in the insurance policy that the Risk of Breakage is included?  Yes, we need to. Breakage Risk is an additional risk and should be covered separately.  OK. Am I right in nderstanding that in this case, any breakage of our shipment will be compensated by the underwriters?  Im afraid not. Underwriters usually regard the breakage as inherent vice of, say, porcelain. That means porcelain itseff is liable to be broken, and even with careful handling, breakage can hardly be avoided. So underwriters wont bear the responsibility to pay for breakage only if the damage exceeds the scope of franchise.  Franchise? Whats for?  Its like getting free of liability to compensate. Im not sure about the exact franchise rate for porcelain. Take 5% as an example, the insurance company wont compensate for any breakage if less than 5% of the entire shipment is found broken. [ think ! got your points. If it happens, buyers have to bear the loss then.



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用戶評論 (總計41條)


  •   對于想提高外貿口語的人士是不錯的選擇。
  •   這本書可能因為是口語的原因吧,內容比較淺顯。
  •   我非常喜歡外語,一定能好好的利用它~~~
  •   書只要好好看,收獲還是有的,對于英語基礎不那么好的人來說,薄薄一本沒那么大壓力,慢慢來,循序漸進,學的進去會再拓展買其他!
  •   對做外貿的人很有用。
  •   買過來用了 很實用 也很方便 放在手機上也可以
  •   質量不錯,光盤的音頻內容,音質挺好。
  •   薄薄的一本書,內容卻很豐富。不錯。
  •   很實用,工作之余經(jīng)常看看,充充電
  •   挺實用的,發(fā)音也很清析,就是缺少點感情。
  •   不錯,很實用的,物超所值。
  •   雖然薄了點 但很實用
  •   內容不錯,制止稍微有點差
  •   話說買了快半年,只看了一小部分,這東西還是要堅持才有用啊。
  •   非常好。學習中
  •   關鍵是堅持,都透著本書就夠了。沒事的時候就看看,挺好的
  •   賣家很給力,第一次寄過來的碟片破損了,提交換貨后馬上寄一份好的過來,謝謝賣家,以后再光顧
  •   快遞很快,書挺好的,支持
  •   實用性ok,簡單,易懂
  •   I hope this book have work,
  •   對話還好,能學點東西。
  •   當當?shù)臅恢笔菦]的說,價格公道,而且書的感覺總是很正!?。?/li>
  •   呵呵,還不錯啦
  •   畢竟便宜,紙張我要求也不高,不至于連碟都是裂的吧!!誰有這個的碟里的資料,好心轉發(fā)給我一份,我的郵箱是:leeya2008@qq****,謝了!
  •   外貿口語很重要
  •   課文通熟易懂,很適合學習,還附有聽力MP3,很不錯的一本書
  •   感覺還可以,簡單實用,適合外貿初學者使用。
  •   還行,簡單的口語對話,就是好薄啊
  •   光盤挺實用的,在車上聽很方便也不浪費時間
  •   挺實用的,就是剛開始,趕不上里邊的速度
  •   購買主要為了鍛煉聽力,感覺可以
  •   很好的書,和服務
  •   我很喜歡這笨書
  •   挺好的,多看看會有幫助
  •   書有點薄,不過還不錯
  •   這書居然那么?。抗灰环皱X一分貨,希望光盤能用吧。
  •   內容比較基礎,沒什么難度??偟膩碚f還可以。
  •   很好,但是就是薄了,沒有我想像的好
  •   不是書上說的這么好!
  •   個人感覺不太夠用
  •   如標題,內容太少了,不過這個價也只能這樣的書了。。。。。

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
