
出版時(shí)間:2008-6  出版社:對外經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易大學(xué)出版社  作者:陳慶柏,王景仙 編著  頁數(shù):302  


全書共26章,基本覆蓋了西方基礎(chǔ)保險(xiǎn)學(xué)的主要領(lǐng)域。其中有與保險(xiǎn)有關(guān)的一些基本概念,保險(xiǎn)的定義,保險(xiǎn)的歷史發(fā)展,保險(xiǎn)的社會(huì)功能,保險(xiǎn)的法律原則,常見保險(xiǎn)種類,保險(xiǎn)的組織形式,保險(xiǎn)中的主要參與者,各種保險(xiǎn)文件簡介,保費(fèi)的確定與重要性,保險(xiǎn)的索賠,保險(xiǎn)營銷,保險(xiǎn)的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)管理,對保險(xiǎn)業(yè)的法律監(jiān)管,保險(xiǎn)的培訓(xùn)與教育以及保險(xiǎn)領(lǐng)域一些值得注意的重要趨勢。     本書是關(guān)于介紹“保險(xiǎn)專業(yè)英語”的教學(xué)用書,全書共26章,基本覆蓋了西方基礎(chǔ)保險(xiǎn)學(xué)的主要領(lǐng)域。其中有與保險(xiǎn)有關(guān)的一些基本概念,保險(xiǎn)的定義,保險(xiǎn)的歷史發(fā)展,保險(xiǎn)的社會(huì)功能,保險(xiǎn)的法律原則,常見保險(xiǎn)種類,保險(xiǎn)的組織形式,保險(xiǎn)中的主要參與者,各種保險(xiǎn)文件簡介,保費(fèi)的確定與重要性,保險(xiǎn)的索賠,保險(xiǎn)營銷,保險(xiǎn)的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)管理,對保險(xiǎn)業(yè)的法律監(jiān)管,保險(xiǎn)的培訓(xùn)與教育以及保險(xiǎn)領(lǐng)域一些值得注意的重要趨勢。




Part I  Theories Chapter 1  Basic Concepts Relating to Insurance   Supplementary Reading 1  Perils Insured Against   Supplementary Reading 2  American Insurance Industry Chapter 2  Definitions of Insurance   Supplementary Reading 1  Auto Insurance   Supplementary Reading 2  No-Fault Insurance in the U.S.   Chapter 3  Historical Development of Insurance   Supplementary Reading  Historical Development of Insurance in the U.S.  Chapter 4  Social Functions of Insurance Supplementary Reading  How AFLAC Laid a Golden Egg in Japan Chapter 5  Legal Principles of Insurance   Supplementary Reading  On Insurable Interest Chapter 6  Categorization of Insurance 1 -- In the U. K. (A)   Supplementary Reading  Accident Insurance Chapter 7  Categorization of Insurance 2 -- In the U. K. (B)   Supplementary Reading  Maritime Perils & Maritime Adventure Chapter 8  Categorization of Insurance 3 -- In the U.S. (A)   Supplementary Reading  New Lease on Life Chapter 9  Categorization of Insurance 4 -- In the U S. (B)   Supplementary Reading  Variable Life Insurance Variables Chapter 10  Insurance Organizations 1 -- In the U. S   Supplementary Reading  The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) of the United States Chapter 11  Insurance Organizations 2 -- In the U. K   Supplementary Reading  The Woes of Lloyd's of LondonPart II  Practices Chapter 12  Other Important Persons Heavily Involved in Insurance Business   Supplementary Reading  A Dialogue about the Differences between Insurance Agent and Insurance Broker  Chapter 13  Insurance Documents 1   Supplementary Reading  Stop Picking Holes in America's Social Safety Net Chapter 14  Insurance Documents 2   Supplementary Reading  Insurance Contract in the Eyes of Americans Chapter 15  Insurance Documents 3   Supplementary Reading  A Letter in Reply to a Customer Requesting Interpretation of Revised Insurance Clauses Chapter 16  Premium of Insurance   Supplementary Reading 1  A New Way to Squeeze the Weak?   Supplementary Reading 2  Factors Affecting Premium Determination Chapter 17  Insurance Claims 1   Supplementary Reading  An Earthquake in Insurance Chapter 18  Insurance Claims 2   Supplementary Reading  The French Lesson in Health Care Chapter 19  Selection of Policies and Insurers   Supplementary Reading  Alternative Insurance Chapter 20  Insurapnce Marketing   Supplementary Reading 1  US Banks Stake out Insurance Battlefield   Supplementary Reading 2  Swiss Life to Acquire AWD for 1.16 bn in Fresh Strategic Shift Chapter 21  Insurance Management 1   Supplementary Reading 1  The President of a Giant Insurance   Supplementary Reading 2  Insurance Strategies Chapter 22  Insurance Management 2   Supplementary Reading  The High Price of Free Insurance Chapter 23  Insurance Regulation 1 -- In the U. S.    Supplementary Reading 1  What Business Methods Used by Insurers Are Regulated?   Supplementary Reading 2  Malcom V. Farmers New World Life Insurance Co. ( Case Study)   Chapter 24  Insurance Regulation 2 -- In the U.K.     Supplementary Reading  Two Thumbs up   Chapter 25  Insurance Training and Education -- In the U. S.   Supplementary Reading  Gnu Surprise Chapter 26  New Trends in Insurance Industry   Supplementary Reading 1  Hurricane Ahead, But Lower Insurance   Supplementary Reading 2  Testing the WatersAppendix  Glossary of Key Insurance TermsMajor References





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